30 game-changing running tips for beginners

Depending on how strong your dislike of running is, heading out for a jaunt is probably akin to figuring out which day to put the bins out: mind-boggling and not something you majorly look forward to. In fact, we're going to hazard a guess the words "I can't run" or "I'm not a runner" have left your lips once or twice.

So, how do you start running when you're worried about being slow, unsteady on your feet, or simply concerned that you'll be counting the milliseconds on your fitness tracker? First off, know you're not alone. Secondly, cop these 30 top tips to make it your jam, sharpish.

Whatever your starting point and whatever your goal – you’ll get there. Here’s how.

30 tips to start running for beginners

Courtsey of former WH staffer Amy Lane and her book, 'I Can Run' (Yellow Kite, £10.44) these handy pointers will get you going and going and going and... you get it.

1. Understand that everyone is a runner

Stop doubting yourself and realise that you do have a runner’s body. In fact, everyone is a runner.

Get into the right mindset with this checklist:

  • Forget times and focus on feelings

  • Use social media as a companion, not a comparison

  • Food is fuel and you’re going to need lots of it

  • Train smarter, not more

  • The success of your next run starts with recovering from your last one

  • Listen to your body and be OK with missing workouts when life happens

  • Run for the joy that’s in it and be proud of every step

2. Work out whether you’re a morning, midday or evening runner

There’s no right or wrong when it comes to when to train. Just because other runners get their miles in before breakfast, doesn’t mean you have to. If you know what works for you, why change it?

Morning people, reap the rewards of running in the morning, which include, getting it done before the workday can get in the way, better sleep at night and cooler temperatures in summer.

More of a lunchtime kind of runner? Embrace your lunch break and lace up to clear your mind midday. Top tip: set off bang at 12 pm while your energy stores are still stocked from your breakfast. Later than that and you risk running on empty.

Morning and lunch a no-go for you? Round off your day with an evening run—growing research suggests that the human body performs best between 4 and 7 pm when your core temperature peaks.

Hearst Owned

3. Start slowly

Run fast, run slow, there are plenty of resources out there tailored to your current fitness levels and end goal. Coach Anthony Fletcher (@aka_fletch) of Onetrack shares that ‘for beginners, your week should look relatively uneventful.’

Try this:

1 minute of running, 1 minute of walking and repeat 10 times. That’s a 20-minute workout. Try and do this two more times in a week. But keep the intensity low.

Not yet up to 1 minute of running? Embrace the run/walk technique. The NHS Couch to 5K app will help you gradually work towards running 5k in 9 weeks. The plan involves 3 runs a week, with a day of rest in between, and a different schedule for each week. Available on iOS and Android.

Already have a base level of fitness and keen to try a four-week running plan, 5km training plan, 10km training plan, or half marathon training plan? Let our handy training guides help.

4. Consider a gait check and pick a shoe based on more than looks

There are so many different brands of running shoes (not to mention styles and designs), it can feel overwhelming. Let this simple guide from trainer expert Emma Kirk-Odunubi (@emmakirkyo) help you work out what shoe is best for you.

Supportive shoes

Traditionally made up of two densities of foam, one softer to help shock absorption at initial contact, plus a firmer, denser foam to help control the foot pronation area. These are best for a foot that pronates excessively and therefore stresses your knees.

Neutral shoes

Neutral shoes are more simple and traditionally have one density of foam throughout. Some foams can be soft; some can be firmer and more responsive. These are best for those who don’t pronate when running.

Why is it important to figure out what kind of shoe you need?

'Incorrect footwear can throw your body out of alignment, says Kirk-Odunubi.

‘Imagine a foot that supinates, impacting on the outside of the foot, going into a shoe that is firm and supported through the arch. This support will increase the rate the foot rolls out and have a serious effect on your knees. It’ll be a breeding ground for ITB (Iliotibial Band) irritation and many more injury problems.’

Tip: If in-store, ask a shop assistant for help or gait analysis if they offer it. If shopping online, read and make sense of descriptions, recommends Kirk-Odunubi, rather than rely on the colourway to inform your selection. That way, you’ll invest in a shoe that can carry you safely through training.

5. Avoid blisters from your first few runs

So you’ve got the running shoes and, although an excellent first step on your journey, they aren’t without their pitfalls.

The most wincingly obvious are blisters, caused by sheer stress between the layers of the skin and friction building up. Once a blister has arisen, there are a few rules that you should follow depending on the type of blister you have, Kirk-Odunubi shares.

⚡️Hot spot: If lucky, you may not have developed a blister but a hot spot, an area of reddening. You’ll feel this rubbing and the smart option is simply to stop and cover the area with a preventative plaster.

⚡️Blister with a roof: This will more than likely be noticed post-run. If it’s small, just cover it with a plaster and let it go down on its own. If the blister is a beast, you can choose to drain it. Using a sterile wipe, clean the area and then make two small holes at the ends with a sterile needle. Once the fluid is drained, stick on a clean bandage to prevent bacteria and infection.

⚡️Blister without a roof: Essentially an open wound. Clean the area with an antiseptic wipe to remove dirt and then let the area dry out to heal. If you need to run again, cover with a protective tissue plaster then remove it as soon as possible to let it breathe post-run. If you’ve got the time, give the blister a few days of healing before running again and try to discern the cause.

6. Skip the cotton socks

Kirk-Odunubi last bit of advice? Buy the correct running socks.

'As a runner, your feet are the tools of your trade, so look after them', she says. She advises not running in cotton socks, as cotton absorbs moisture which, as you run, will absorb the sweat and rub against your moist feet. A technical running sock, like the below from Stance, Balega or Proviz, won’t hold on to that moisture, meaning your foot is less likely to blister.

7. Invest in a decent sports bra

Did you know that your boobs can move up to 14cm when you run? In doing so, this can strain ligaments and cause a loss of elasticity. To protect your puppies, invest in a sports bra that’s properly designed to handle the movement. Look for:

⚡️Stretch: when deciding on what size to buy, fasten the band of the bra on the loosest hook while trying it on. Then, as it ages and becomes looser, you can tighten the fit. If you can fit two fingers between your body and the band (but no more), that’s the sign of a good fit.

⚡️Wide straps: thin spaghetti straps have the potential to dig in. Look for wide, padded straps that are adjustable.

⚡️Coverage: the cups need to completely cover your breasts. Wrinkles or puckering in the fabric indicates the cups are too big. If you have a side-boob it means the cup is too small, or that the style of bra is the wrong cut for your breast type.

⚡️Comfort: does the underwiring poke or pinch? This is a sign that the style doesn’t fit.

⚡️The right fabrics: running is not the time for a cotton yoga bralette. First off, you need support, but secondly, cotton will hold sweat – putting you at risk of chafing. Choose sweat-wicking synthetic fabrics.

Not sure which brands to shop? Read our complete guide to the best sports bras for women.

8. Get your form right (but don’t obsess over it)

Everyone runs differently, but focusing on good form from the start of your journey will prevent injuries further down the line. Instead of hard-and-fast rules, keep some general ideas in mind, shares Fletcher.

Firstly, relax

Without thinking, the effort of running can cause the muscles in the neck to fire up with every step, as they attempt to stabilise your shoulders. That tension ends up being exhausting, expending unnecessary effort. Mentally check in from time to time to see where your shoulders, jaw, forehead, wrists and fingers are – if they’re up under your ears, you’re too tense. Let them drop.


Run with a slight brace in your core to create some protective tension. We're talking about a 2/10 effort, tensing slightly in the back of your mind.

woman doing workout, how to start running
Guido Mieth

Use your elbows

More than you think you need to. Actually push your elbow back slightly as that same knee goes forward. Especially for heavier runners and beginners, you need to combat a lot of upper-body rotation because you haven’t yet got the coordination between the upper and lower body. If you don’t push back, the elbow sticks into the ribs and you end up twisting your upper body to drive your legs, which will exhaust your core. Pumping your arms will help to offset this.

Skip the shuffle

If you’re fatigued, you may struggle with the runner shuffle, where you barely pick your feet up off the ground. If you can feel that’s the case, focus on lifting your knees a little higher so you have slightly more time in the air for your foot to get in the right position.

9. Get app happy and join an online community

There are so many running apps out there designed to support you through the earliest stages of your running journey. The following three are the easiest ways to get connected with your fellow runners and the wider community.


With more than 64 million members around the world, Strava offers miles and miles of inspiration at your fingertips. An added bonus: it’s super simple to set up. Simply download the app, create an account and start searching for friends to follow. By doing so, you’ll populate your feed with recent runs of your virtual crew and you can give them kudos on their activity and leave comments.

Nike Run Club app

If you lack the motivation to lace up, let Nike help. Since its launch, Nike Run Club has inspired thousands of runners to just do it. How? By building a free app that offers in-run cheers from friends and ways to personalise and post your running photos. Add stickers and your stats, then share your success with your running fam.


There are more than 45 million people on Runkeeper – that’s more than the population of Canada. It’s quite the crew. Since launching 11 years ago this running network has tirelessly updated its offering, which is liked by runners around the world. At the time of writing, over 600k photos are using #runkeeper on Instagram, which is handy for an unending source of inspo.

10. Join running communities on social media

So you’ve started tracking your runs on Strava, Nike or Runkeeper and are proud of all your hard work. Fun fact: so are millions of others, all posting about their running journeys and building supportive running relationships online under Instagram hashtags and Facebook threads.

Why not post a snap of your kit or comment on people’s posts to share love and support? Or follow the hashtag of a race you’d love to run one day in the future? This makes it easier to stay motivated and easier to link up with runners IRL.

Hit up these 10 running hashtags for those virtual fuzzies:

  • #wellfar

  • #runningcommunity

  • #medalmonday

  • #sundayrunday

  • #instarunners

  • #seenonmyrun

  • #Londonrunners

  • #womensrunningcommunity

  • #halfmarathontraining

  • #runningislife

11. Find your tribe

According to Strava, those who exercise in groups last 10 per cent longer and cover 21 per cent more distance than those who go it alone.

To find a crew that speaks to you, think about what you’d like to improve upon. There’s little value in joining a track club if you’re great at going fast but are forever finding excuses to cut your long run short. Instead, look for a club that progresses a weekly long run. This will help you build up your distance.

Want to get faster over 5k? Choose a tribe that runs in pace groups and chase the faster group up ahead.

Keen to lace up with some running pals during lockdown but not so keen to break current governmental guidelines? There’s a whole host of virtual run clubs running at current—check them out for guaranteed feel-good endorphins and an undeniable sense of community.

12. Set realistic goals

Great. You've decided on your goal and settled on a suitable plan. Next, ideas of PBs are popping up in your mind left, right and centre. But be careful. Fletcher says. ‘It’s tempting to hit the miles fast and hard as you begin your plan, but remember the first few weeks are aimed at building a foundation. Ease yourself in and play for the long game, as it’s the consistency that will get you that PB.’

In other words, take things slow: consistency is king.

Watch, Wrist, Joint, Arm, Fashion accessory, Nail, Hand, Design, Gadget, Material property,
Watch, Wrist, Joint, Arm, Fashion accessory, Nail, Hand, Design, Gadget, Material property,

13. Get used to failure and setbacks. This is not a linear journey.

Focus on time – not distance – for long runs, to get your body used to everything at the start. And remember, this is a journey. Don’t expect instant overnight success.

‘Starting a plan if you’ve never done one before is tough’, says Fletcher. ‘First off, there’s the structure (a bit like your colour-coded school timetable that invariably gave you a headache) and then there’s the time commitments and confusing language’.

Remember, you’re not alone—why not try chat to with a running friend or reach out to someone in the know on Instagram or Facebook?

14. Tap into your breathing

Back to running logistics, or more specifically, breathing. ‘You can try to control your breathing – be that nasal breathing only, or two seconds in, two seconds out – but these will make no difference to performance', shares Fletcher.

Rather, he explains, they’re just a way of giving yourself something to focus on, so that you feel in control. He advises trying to ignore your breath, focusing on something else and letting the body do its job. Got it?

Secondly, he stresses that getting out of breath is nothing to fear. It’s simply a symptom of hard work. ‘However, especially for beginners, the shortness of breath and panting can feel like the symptoms of a panic attack'.

Always out of breath? In the moment, the best tactic is to take a big, deep breath and slow down. This will not only reduce the amount of hydrogen your body needs to process but also calm down your body and nervous system, which may help to get your breathing under control.

15. Stop running for every workout

Sure, you may be on a journey to become a runner, but there’s more to it than mind-numbing mileage. Including core exercises (such as planking), in your regular workouts can help prevent stitches when you run. It’s thought that strengthening your core muscles and training them to control dynamic movement can help to reduce irritation and therefore symptoms.

Plus, familiarising yourself with the four main movement patterns and ensuring your other workouts contain plenty of them is your key to a strong foundation and, in turn, fewer injuries along the way, says expert sports scientist and trainer, Luke Worthington (@lukewtraining).

What you do in the gym helps your body to become resilient enough to cope with the demands of running. And if that sounds complicated, don’t worry, it’s not. Fundamentally, all you need to do is focus on these four movements:

  • Squats

  • Hinges

  • Pushes

  • Pulls

Tip: Do these with the correct form and you’re on the path to greatness. Worthington recommends getting your deadlift (a hinge exercise) technique on point—he says it’s the one move to rule them all.

If you're newer to resistance training, download the Women's Health app for tens of training plans to get you comfortable with strength training lifts.

Being stronger improves mobility, reduces injury risk, improves posture, and the training involved in getting there improves hormonal health and bone density – what's not to love?

luke worthington home workout guide
luke worthington home workout guide

16. Start each workout (run or strength session) with a mobility flow

Mobility starts with stability and using activations to build a connection between your brain and the muscle, shares Worthington. It’s a way of ensuring that all of your stretches are dynamic and involve getting into a position that you can also, crucially, get back out of without injuring yourself.

Stability starts by activating your core musculature, setting your abs tight and turning on your glutes. So, when you work on your mobility, start at your core, glutes and hamstrings, then move on to mobilise your hips, ankles, shoulders and thoracic spine, shares Luke.

Try this mobility sequence pre-workout. Your glutes will thank you for it.

17. Don't overdo it

Wondering how many times you should be running a week? According to the experts, that totally depends on your current fitness level, injury history and end goal.

Aiming for around two runs a week as a total beginner is about right, according to Fletcher, and three to four runs a week for more advanced training goals should be plenty.

As a beginner, the key is to keep it varied so you don’t fall into a rhythm too early and get bored, plus, too much too soon can often lead to burnout. Not fun.

It’s also worth noting here that your training should look different from week to week, dependent on what work and life stresses have built up. Dialling back on stressful workouts when you’re stressed in other areas will protect you against burning out.

Tip: Be sure to listen to your body and regularly check in with how you’re feeling using a score out of 10.

18. Food is your greatest ally in running – carbs are king!

A third of your plate should be given each to protein, carbs and veg with a dollop of fat on top, according to leading sports nutritionist Anita Bean (@anitabean1).

Bean also advises learning to time your carbs right. If you’re running early, stock up on energy the night before and, if you’re training for any runs of over an hour, she recommends starting to practise with your mid-run fuel now. Energy gels can backfire – if you know what we mean—so better to test them when you’re not mid-race and surrounded by thousands of other runners (and no loos).

Tip: Try these quick and easy healthy meal ideas, if you're on the hunt for nutrient-dense, quick and simple dinner recipes.

19. Experiment with active recovery

Keeping tabs on your training intensity and your nutrition are key points in ensuring you’re well recovered, shares strength coach, host of Fitness Unfiltered podcast and Nike Master Trainer Joslyn Thompson Rule (@joslynthompsonrule).

'Active recovery may be a buzz phrase, but it’s an important tool that gives pride of place to the practice of going slow. When you’re tired, gentle movement to induce blood flow will aid in recovery,' she recommends.

For some people, that’s walking or swimming, for others, it might be a lighter workout session. It can be anything that creates some kind of movement through your body to activate blood flow.

20. Stretch, stretch, stretch

Ready to get down to some good old stretching? Simply taking 5, 10 or 15 minutes to move your body through some stretches after your workout can work wonders, shares Thompson Rule.

Although you can’t truly change the length of muscles, in addition to improving blood flow, stretching can encourage better range and fluid movement through your joints, which will aid recovery. Neat.

21. Consider incorporating yoga

Depending on the type of yoga can be active. For recovery, you want a more zen type of yoga, rather than dynamic yoga – but again that depends on your fitness. If you’re fitter or not in the middle of a very intense training cycle, you may find you enjoy the more dynamic yoga sessions.

Why not try Jess Skye's flow for runners?

22. Subscribe to a running-related podcast

Podcasts are perfect to listen to on a run. And there's plenty to choose from: more than 8 million episodes have been published on iTunes – a tenth of the number of humans on Earth.

Aside from being a great distraction, they're also a handy tool for self-improvement. If you don't already, subscribe to the WH pod, Going for Goal. Or, why not join Thompson Rule for 'Fitness Unfiltered' for everything you need to know about fitness – minus the filters.

For more ideas, WH has rounded up 51 health podcasts worth subscribing to.

23. Try to incorporate foam-rolling or other recovery tools

There may be some benefits from foam-rolling after a session to aid recovery, but research is still in its infancy, shares Joslyn.

If you’ve scrolled through your Instagram feed you’ve likely come face-to-face with a percussive massage gun (or recovery gun). They're meant to help with everything from muscle stress, pain and tissue tension to enhanced recovery, blood circulation and range of motion, but Thompson Rule says to be aware.

'Although these tools may leave you with the immediate sense of feeling great, by design, they do hammer down on muscle tissue. Pummelling away may not mean that your muscles are actually recovering, they may just feel better, which could put you at risk of falling into a false sense of security and training too hard too soon'. Interesting.

So, use these tools but be cautious in your approach to your training (not doing too much, too soon). Overloading your body is not the one.

If you're ready, here are some foam roller exercises to try today.

24. Prioritise your sleep

Sleep is when your body adapts to all of the hard work that you’re putting in. The change doesn’t happen when you’re in the gym, the adaptation to exercise happens when you’re at rest. If you’re not getting enough rest that adaptation can’t occur. It’s absolutely crucial, shares Thompson Rule. In other words, slow down.

To improve yours:

  • Cut back on caffeine throughout the day

  • Introduce a cut-off point at 2 pm

  • Go analogue in the evening

  • Read a book in bed instead of scrolling your phone.

25. Focus on your why

Sounds simple enough, but doing this could be the tool to keep you going when you really feel like quitting. Take some time to decide on what is driving your workouts—why do you run, what pushes you and keeps you lacing up run after run?

Make sure enjoyment takes pride of place.

adidas runners
adidas Runners

26. Listen to your body and any pain that occurs

Don’t grit your teeth through it, no matter how stubborn you are. Listen to your body and, if injury befalls you, treat it accordingly. Ignoring it will only leave you in more pain and recovering for longer.

If you do end up injured and rehabbing an injury, try not to let it leave you sofa-bound. If there’s stuff you can do pain-free, do that, and use it as the starting point of your rehab, recommends Brad Scanes (@physiobrad), a specialist musculoskeletal physiotherapist who works with the Red Bull F1 team. Hear, hear.

27. Track your weekly mileage

Using tools like Strava or the other apps mentioned above, you’ll likely find tracking your training runs motivating and also a simple, easy way to keep track of your progress.

It’s worth citing the 10 per cent rule here: new runners should only increase their mileage weekly by around this much. (E.g. if you ran 5km last Sunday, you’ll be good to push on to 5.5km this week.) Push further, and you risk dreaded injuries and some rather sore recovery time. We know it’s tempting, but be careful how quickly you add distance.

28. Set end goals and process goals

'When people on social media say they don’t want to go out running, they hate it and they can’t be bothered, I say one thing: motivation. It’s a common problem', says Andrew Cohen-Wray (@cohenwray), an athlete with over two and a half decades of competitive experience.

'What they need is a goal', he shares. 'The biggest motivator is having a goal and vision of what you want to achieve and, importantly, how you want to do it.'

There are two types of goal.

  • Outcome goal: Your outcome goal could be a finisher’s medal at the London Marathon. It could be time derived. It could be to get a PB.

  • Process goals: What you need to do is to put process goals in place to get there.

29. Work out if you’re an auditory or visual person to beat running boredom

Love music when you're running? You're likely more of an auditory person, shares Cohen-Wray. 'The music in your ears will overrule and drown out the negative dialogue. It switches off the other noise telling you to stop', he says.

On the other end of the spectrum are more visual people, whose preferred distraction is what they can see. If this is you, 'pick runs that are interesting to look at and give treadmills a very wide berth, and try to find new runs or run old loops in the opposite direction', says Cohen-Wray.

30. Do the hard parts in training to build up confidence.

Confidence comes from experience, says Cohen-Wray. So get out there and build some! 'If you’re new to running and, say, working up to your first 10k race, then absolutely it will help you to go out in training and run 12k. Come the start line you’ll be full of confidence because you’ll know what to expect.'

Read now: How to practise self-compassion and become more confident

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