Dad blogger pens hilarious post questioning his wife’s ‘female logic’ of wanting another baby


A sleep deprived dad has penned a hilarious post questioning his wife’s logic when it comes to wanting another baby [Photo: Facebook/DaDMum]

Whether or not to have another baby is a debate that is likely raging in many a household across the nation. Sometimes it’s the dad who wants to add to the brood, sometimes not. But one father-of-two has penned a hilarious post about his confusion as to why his wife could even consider adding another child to their clan.

Parenting blogger, Brad Kearns took to his DaDMum Facebook page to make a desperate plea for his wife to explain her “female logic”.

“Today I wanted to discuss female logic and try to make sense of a woman’s brain,” he wrote.

“I know it’s a long shot but I’m left with absolutely no choice. I am going to walk the tightrope of confusion, strung above the fiery pits of menstruation, to slay the dragon of insanity, atop the castle of marriage, in the hopes of restoring order to this family.”


[Photo: Facebook/DaDMum]

The dad from New South Wales went on to explain that things have been pretty tough in the Kearns household of late.

“We have a hyperactive toddler and a 5 month old that commits to his sleep cycles like Taylor Swift to a boyfriend. Now you all know me quite well. I would never overdramatise anything so take it as gospel when I tell you that trying to find sleep in my house is like searching for nuggets of gold in a sewer on curry night. It’s just not going to happen. Parents of kids just don’t sleep.”

Though he says his wife, Sarah is much better than him when it comes to getting up in the night, Brad went on to explain that the lack of sleep was so taxing that when his wife suggested “trying for another” baby he could only put it down to a hallucination brought on by sleep deprivation.

“I don’t think she understands the severity of our situation,” he continued. “Do you think she’s just overtired? Having another right now would be like throwing away the spoon and continuing to dig through the Alcatraz wall with only her fingernails.”

Bringing his post to a close, Brad sums up the situation by offering a reminder about just how difficult bringing up young children can be.

“What the f**k Wifey!!!” he writes.

“I’ve seen less punishment in a 50 shades novel”


[Photo: Facebook/DaDMum]

But his wife wasn’t put off. Sharing a cute image of the couple’s two boys in the comments section, “How can we not have more?” she captioned the shot.

Brad’s post also kicked off a bit of a debate about how to know when or if to have another child with other parents offering their own insight and experiences on the decision.

“I once jokingly suggested that. My partner started googling vasectomies,” one woman joked.

“I’ve got 3 that are just 4 and under. Just go with it!! Who needs sleep anyway?!? Lol!,” added another.

Another woman explained that in her house the situation was reversed with her husband wanting another baby, while she was happy to stick with the number they had.

“In our house this is father logic lol! Don’t pin all the cluckiness on just the Mother lol!” she wrote.

What do you think of Brad’s post? Let us know @YahooStyleUK

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