What is Dalgona Coffee and how to make it at home!
The latest thing to go viral on TikTok perfect for your home quarantine
As the national lockdown gets extended by two more weeks, you can easily expect more ‘challenges’ across social media. One such challenge that has gone viral is the Dalgona Coffee Challenge. The challenge involves making Dalgona Coffee at home and sharing its pictures on Instagram.
What is Dalgona Cofee?
Dalgona Coffee first appeared on a Korean TV show in January in which an actor travels to Macau and tries the coffee that resembles Dalgona, a Koean toffee. In the days that followed, YouTubers and TikTok influencers began making Dalgona Coffee at home and sharing pictures of the social media-friendly coffee.
Really, though, Dalgona Coffee is nothing but whipped coffee, the kinds you’ve been making at home for years now. In certain parts of India, it is called phenti hui coffee – think lots of whipping, lots of foam minus the social media buzz around it. What sets Dalgona Cofee apart from phenti hui coffee is that it’s a lot more Insta-friendly beause of the way it is presented.
How to make Dalgona Coffee
Dalgona Coffee of Whipped Coffee doesn’t take a lot of time or ingredients. You can make it using a hand blender or simply a spoon. It can be made in vegan and sugar free versions also but the froth on the sugar-free version tends to disappear fairly quickly. And yes, you can have it cold or hot.
2 tbsp instant coffee (regular coffee is avoidable)
2 tsp Sugar
2 tbsp Water
1 cup cold milk
Ice cubes
Bring the water to a boil
Turn off the gas and add the coffee and sugar
Using a hand blender, whipe for about. Two minutes
Add milk
Add more sugar if needed
Pour this into a tall glass
Using a spoon, stir vigorously so as to create forth and a swirl at the end