This Is Why Men Don’t Message First On Tinder, According To Science

[Photo: Pexels]

It’s happened: A guy has swiped right on your image on Tinder. So they must want to pursue you further, right?

Perhaps not - plenty of us find that we’re a match with a man, but that they never take the next step to actually message us. So what gives?

Firstly, according to researchers in the UK, Italy and Canada, men are much less likely to start a conversation with a woman they match with on Tinder. So it’s not just us.

The researchers from Queen Mary University of London, Sapienza University of Rome and the Royal Ottowa Health Care Group created 14 fake Tinder profiles - female and male - in London.

[Photo: Pexels]

They then automatically liked everyone within 100 miles, and waited to see who would swipe right, and who would initiate conversation.

The male profiles did less well than the female ones, matching with others just 0.6% of the time, while the women were liked by 10% of male users.

But interestingly, men who did actually make a match were less likely to follow it up with a conversation; only 7% followed through with a message.

[Photo: Pexels]

Twenty one per cent of women who connected, meanwhile, sent a message.

So it looks like men are less discriminating when it comes to initial swipe-rights on the app, but less likely to contact a match. So is it that they find the kick of matching with a woman enough?

Women, meanwhile, will swipe right less but initiate conversation more, perhaps because they want to connect with someone on a personal level more quickly.

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