People are getting fillers to combat tech neck

People are getting fillers to combat tech neck [Photo: Getty]
People are getting fillers to combat tech neck [Photo: Getty]

We’ve all been warned about the evils of tech neck. Hours spent scrolling our Insta feed can lead to bad, posture, achy muscles and painful joints.

But that’s not the only effect gazing at handheld technology at all hours of the day is having on our bodies. Nope.

Turns out, the time we’re spending craning our necks to look at our phones could also be prematurely ageing our skin, leading to wrinkles and sagging skin on our previously smooth necks. Oh!

Rather than slapping on some extra moisturiser on our décolletage, people are turning to more drastic measures to keep the skin around their neck looking young – fillers.

Dr Mervyn Patterson, Founder of Woodford Medical says he is seeing a rising number of patients opting to get injections into their neck to combat the signs of ageing in that area.

“I doubt if it is an increasing incidence of the problem – it is more likely to be greater awareness of the various non surgical options that are now available to treat the area,” he explains.

According to Dr Patterson dermal fillers are a good approach as they are effective at strengthening the jawline and disguising the descent of the jowl area.

“In the lower face, dermal filler can create a stronger more supported chin with better projection. This alongside filler in the area just in front and behind the jowl along the jawline can significantly improve the appearance of the lower face,” he says.

And there are some other cosmetic treatments that can help counteract the effects of tech neck.

“The Nefertiti Botox treatment targets the platysmal muscle to ensure it is relaxed and helps sharpen the jawline and gives a smoother, more cylindrical look to the neck,” Dr Patterson explains.

“Incorporating regular injections of Botox in this muscle will really help over the long term to maintain a more youthful appearance to the neck.”

“Lipodissolve can be another really useful non surgical option for improving the neck and jawline,” he continues. “Here small injections of an enzyme that dissolve fat are used to reduce small pockets of fat such as occur at the jowls and under the chin.”

Too much tech can lead to our necks prematurely ageing [Photo: Getty]
Too much tech can lead to our necks prematurely ageing [Photo: Getty]

But as with all cosmetic treatments there are some risks – swelling, bruising, infection – and it’s vital to choose an experienced medical practitioner in a clean, clinical setting.

“Side effects with dermal fillers in the hands of an expert are minimal,” Dr Patterson explains.

“Bruising is a risk but is less likely when the practitioner uses a cannula rather than a needle. Cannulas are gentle, soft tipped devices that gently penetrate the skin and avoid injury to underlying structures such as blood vessels.”

As with all non-surgical aesthetic treatments Dr Patterson says it is wise to guard against doing too much at once with a less is more approach being the better option.

“Rushing into treatments risks over filling and drawing attention to the changes. The sign of good filler work is that you look better but still very much yourself.”

One major thing to avoid is facial exercises that involve the neck.

“There is no evidence that exercising the neck muscles will have any significant anti-ageing effect,” Dr Patterson explains. “In fact over development of the platysmal muscle, the neck muscle that stands out when you do the letter ‘e’ sound, will increase the downward and outward pull on the jawline.”

For those of you currently worrying that your only choice to avoid the impact of tech neck is to quit your Insta addiction or book yourself in for fillers, don’t panic as according to Dr Patterson there are some less invasive ways to combat the craning.

“There are numerous skin tightening treatments now available on the market so incorporating a regular procedure such as radio frequency skin tightening will help to tighten and maintain some lift in the lower face and neck,” he says.

New research has found that Brits are so hooked on their tech they spend a day a week online and check their smartphones an average of every 12 minutes while awake.

Two-thirds say access to the internet is essential with two in five checking their phones within five minutes of waking.

So maybe it’s time to take a break from the tech, rather than having to resort to getting fillers to fix the effects of too much of it.

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