This Morning vet Dr Scott Miller on the important things you need to know before getting a pet

This Morning's resident vet Dr Scott Miller is passionate about animals and their welfare, which is why he offered some solid expert tips on what to consider when buying, or rescuing, a new family member - especially during difficult financial times.

The Australian native, who is married to Zoe Christien and shares children, Summer, Quinn, Jackson and Riley with, acknowledges that times are tough for families and there's a lot more than just the initial pet cost to think about.

Costs, and hidden ones, too

“People have to think about finance. It’s a difficult time for lots of families out there and the cost of living crisis is crazy," said Dr Scott. "We have high mortgage rates and inflation is high - everyone’s struggling, and unfortunately vet bills are high, too.

“Regulators are looking into vet bills and the prices of them and the corporatization of our profession, which is then affecting prices, but in the meantime, you just really do need to think about the costs."

And it's the unexpected ones that often new pet owners forget about. "Not just the purchase price - if you buy but hopefully you go out and rescue, but then there’s also the food and bedding. Plus veterinary costs and insurances.

"They’re costly little creatures and you don’t want to get them and then finally have to give them up because you can’t afford them, that would be heartbreaking."

Think about your surroundings

Considering where you live is vital, and reacting accordingly even more so, says Dr Scott. "Your environment counts. If you are in a one bedroom flat, don’t get a Great Dane or a Border Collie. Be realistic about your choice based on your current living situation.

Dr Scott Miller might be This Morning's resident vet but he also keeps busy caring for animals and charities around the world
Dr Scott Miller offers some solid pieces of advice for newbie pet owners
Dr Scott Miller loves featuring on This Morning and is particularly 'thrilled' with the show's new puppy, Buddy
Dr Scott Miller might be This Morning's resident vet but he also keeps busy caring for animals and charities around the world -Credit:Patrick Straub

Be realistic - and honest with yourself

According to Dr Scott, it's not your dog's responsibility to help you reach your fitness goals, yet so many reach out for a new family member for all the wrong reasons.

"Be honest about your exercise level," he said. "Don’t assume because you want to start exercising or suddenly what to do a couch to 5k that all of a sudden you’re going to get an energetic dog to encourage you - that’s not their job.

"Unfortunately, intentions wain but the dog will still want to exercise as much as they did before."

Laughing, he added: "If you’re a couch potato, that’s fine, there are a number of couch potato dogs out there, and if you’re really active, that’s great too. There are over 300 breeds that can fit your lifestyle. Ultimately, be honest, you want a new family member who suits your family, warts and all."

Don't miss Dr Scott on his latest YouTube adventure Rescue Vets as he shares his passion and respect for rescue animals and the dedicated staff who help