Father of 5 Jamie Oliver bans baby buggies from his restaurant


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Given that celebrity chef Jamie Oliver and his wife Juliette Norton just welcomed the newest addition to their family two weeks ago, you’d think he would be a bit more understanding.

Parents were left stunned when Oliver’s Cornwall-based restaurant, Fifteen, announced that baby buggies were no longer welcome inside.

Instead, the restaurant says that babies in car seats are welcome or they can sit in the venue’s own high chairs.

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Although management says that it is not a ban on children or babies, restricting parents from keeping their little ones in the buggy can be a boundary in itself.

One mom told The Sun that she didn’t know about the rule until she had already carried her buggy down a set of steep steps.

“Despite our child being asleep and there being empty tables with lots of space around them, we were told this was the policy,” she said.

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From the restaurant’s perspective, if space is an issue, it does make sense where they’re coming from. Hot food, trays of drinks and waiters trying to manoeuvere through a tight spot can be a recipe for disaster, not to mention injury to both staff and patrons.

That being said, as a parent trying to enjoy a nice meal with an infant, finding out your child’s buggy isn’t welcome could be a good reason to find somewhere else to dine.

Do you think it’s fair to ban baby buggies? Let us know by tweeting to @YahooStyleCA.