Doctor says all single women should have their eggs frozen by 35


A leading fertility specialist has warned all single women should think about freezing their eggs by 35 [Photo: Rex Features]

You’ve barely finished blowing out the candles on your 35th birthday cake when the sound of applause is replaced by the near deafening TICK TOCK of your biological clock. Want kids? You know the score, you basically need to get cracking. But what if you’ve not met the person you want to procreate with, what if it’s just not the right time? Well according to one doctor, women who are approaching the age of 35 should be taking drastic action to ensure they don’t leave it too late to become pregnant.

Dr Luciano Nardo, a consultant gynaecologist and clinical director of leading UK clinic Reproductive Health Group, has claimed ALL single women in Britain should freeze their eggs before they hit the big 3-5.

“Whilst it is established that elective egg freezing doesn’t guarantee pregnancy, it increases the chances of a woman conceiving her own biological child later on in life,” Dr Luciano explained.

The leading fertility specialist believes many women looking to start a family later in life often aren’t aware that their chances of conceiving take a steep-nose dive after the age of 35.

“Age is closely linked with the number and quality of eggs, therefore the probabilities of having a successful egg freezing cycle are higher in women younger than 35.”

"Ovaries do not continue to function infinitely. Fertility naturally decreases with age and unfortunately it cannot be restored.”


[Photo: Rex Features]

But some have accused the fertility specialist of fuelling the fertility fear.

Appearing on GMB this morning, Dr Luciano was questioned by presenters Susanna Reid and Piers Morgan about the financial and health implications for women of undergoing the treatment.

"It’s not painful experience and it’s not something that women should be considering as expensive,” he said.

"We have been doing that for a long time and we know the issue of not having eggs after 35 is more expensive physically and emotionally for women.”

Dr Luciano went on to explain that the process takes about 12 days after the eggs are extracted and they can then be frozen for up to 12 years until their quality decreases.

Piers was keen to ask the fertility expert why despite nearly 18,000 women undertaking the egg freezing process, only around 200 of them have gone on to have successful pregnancies.

“It shouldn’t be seen like that because when women have tried to freeze their eggs in the past they’ve used different techniques to what we have these days,” Dr Luciano explained.

“We encourage women to freeze their eggs by 35, because the quality of eggs after that age declines rapidly.”


[Photo: via Pexels]

The news comes following recent research, which suggested single women are following Dr Luciano’s advice and choosing to freeze their eggs in order to gain time to find the right partner, rather than pursue their careers.

Based on interviews with 31 heterosexual women who had frozen their eggs for non-medical reasons, researchers discovered that the greatest motivation was because the women said they had not found the right man to father their child.

“Women weren’t engaging with technology for their career, they didn’t necessarily seek to delay, [or] put off motherhood, but it was very much more about they wanted to pursue motherhood at the right time, in the right way, with this right partner,” said lead researcher Kylie Baldwin, of the Reproduction Research group at the UK’s De Montfort University.

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