Clear the clutter: 32 things that have to go

It's time for a big clear out

<p>Africa Studio/Shutterstock</p>

Africa Studio/Shutterstock

Now is the perfect time to declutter your home and refresh your rooms to set yourself up for the months ahead.

From shampoo bottles in the shower to pillows that are past their prime, we promise shedding these common clutterbugs will help you clear your mind as well as your space.

Read on for our list of what needs to be shown the door...

Clear out Christmas decorations

<p>Patrick Hatt/Shutterstock</p>

Patrick Hatt/Shutterstock

It's time to review and cull those Christmas decorations. Dispose of any broken baubles or lights which no longer work after a fuse change, and if there are any you no longer love, list them on selling sites, such as Facebook Marketplace and put the money towards the gift budget.

A thorough clear-out will save you vital room in the loft or garage too. Love upcycling? See if you can give any ornaments a brand-new look first.

Dispose of old paint cans

<p>Linda's photography/Shutterstock</p>

Linda's photography/Shutterstock

While it’s useful to keep leftover paint for touch-ups after finishing a home project, a DIY stash can soon get out of hand. Instead of keeping whole tins, you could decant them into smaller jars to take up less space. If you have tester pots you know you’ll never get around to using why not offer them for free on selling sites?

When it comes to disposing of tins of paints which are past their best, check your local recycling centre rules.

Shred appliance manuals

<p>TY Lim/Shutterstock</p>

TY Lim/Shutterstock

Are you guilting of hoarding instruction manuals for appliances you have long since parted ways with? See also instructions for furniture that you built years ago! If you have a stash taking up space in your home, it’s time to recycle or get shredding as they no longer serve a purpose.

Even if you still own an appliance many manuals can be found online, so only keep essential ones in a binder and do away with the paper clutter.

Dispose of old batteries

<p>Vasileios Karafillidis/Shutterstock</p>

Vasileios Karafillidis/Shutterstock

It's always a good idea to have a sort out of batteries every now and then. First of all, organise them into types. If you’re not sure if they still have power, invest in a battery tester to check.

Make sure you dispose of any used batteries safely rather than disposing of them at home, as they pose a fire hazard. Many supermarkets or shops offer safe recycling points.

Part ways with pots

<p>Tilen Josar/Shutterstock</p>

Tilen Josar/Shutterstock

Do you have a tower of plastic, terracotta and ceramic plant pots in your garden or shed? If you’re not planning to use them anytime soon it’s time to part ways! Any with chips in can make excellent bug hotels for insects, while those that are in good condition could go to a new home.

If you simply must keep some, consider painting them to give them a new lease of life.

Be selective with winter warmers



When the time comes to pack away those bulky winter clothes, go through your wardrobes and get rid of any items you haven't worn for a while.

Before woollen knits, hats and scarves go back in the loft or under the bed, asses their condition and decide if they are still to your taste. A good sort-through will keep wardrobes uncluttered and spacious, ready to fill with any new seasonal buys.

Purge your make-up storage

<p>FotoHelin/Alamy Stock Photo</p>

FotoHelin/Alamy Stock Photo

It's so easy to hang on to cosmetics products long past their expiry date, particularly products we don’t use often and feel too guilty to throw away when they’re half full.

However, it can be harmful to your skin and eyes to use products that have been sitting open for too long, as you run the risk of introducing bacteria they’ve accumulated, so take the opportunity to do a good purge of your make-up drawer or vanity. Your pores will thank you!

Sort through your cleaning products

<p>ACORN 1/Alamy Stock Photo</p>

ACORN 1/Alamy Stock Photo

Most people have a veritable graveyard of cleaning products stashed under their sinks, but you don’t want too many chemicals cluttering up your space.

Take the opportunity to sort through, figure out what you really need and will use, and throw out any that are out of date or, worse still, you can’t identify!

Have a toy cull

<p>Zhuravlev Andrey/Shutterstock</p>

Zhuravlev Andrey/Shutterstock

Nothing collects clutter quite like a toy bin, so now's the time to have a sort-through and clear out the kids' room storage.

Regift out-grown toys that still have plenty of play in them to charity shops. Then get rid of any broken bits and bobs at the recycling centre.


Streamline your craft stash

<p>Kostikova Natalia/Shutterstock</p>

Kostikova Natalia/Shutterstock

If you're at all crafty, you will know how easily your stash can get out of hand. If you have lots of scraps of ribbons, fabrics or yarn, gather them in one bag or basket and either look for quick stash-busting projects to use them up or consider donating them to a local school or charity.

If you have any work in process, make a pact with yourself that you won't buy any more stash until your projects are finished!

Send mismatched hangers packing



Over the years, you've probably collected a random assortment of clothes hangers that's left your closet looking unkempt and messy.

So, for a wardrobe upgrade, get rid of any hangers that don't match and purchase a matching set that will last. Slim non-slip flocked hangers are a great choice as they take up less room in your wardrobe and clothes stay in place more easily.

Recycle old medicines

<p>David Smart/Shutterstock</p>

David Smart/Shutterstock

Medicine cabinet in a pickle? Have a sort through and dispose of any old medications and medical supplies that you don’t need any more. Any out-of-date prescriptions should be taken to a pharmacy to be disposed of.

Cardboard boxes can be recycled, as can any paper inserts. Inhalers contain gases which are harmful to the environment, so should also be recycled at any pharmacy.

Lose any dead plants



Indoor plants such as peace lilies and orchids will thrive in sunny months. But come darker days they may have faded.

Take an inspection of which houseplants have seen better days and replace them when seasons change with lush and leafy species that will be happy in darker spots and cooler corners such as ferns or guzmania.

Free kitchen counters of clutter

<p>Higham Furniture</p>

Higham Furniture

Turn your kitchen into a welcoming sanctuary with a breakfast station that will make dark mornings less of a chore and keep surfaces clear.

Make sure to hide away smaller items and appliances in cupboards using smart storage solutions and declutter the sink with a handy organiser  turning draining dishes into a pleasing display. Domestic bliss!

Unburden your bookshelves



We’re all guilty of this one. With so many brilliant new reads published every year, books can easily pile up around the home. There's no time like the present to purge what you no longer need. Make a pact to stop buying books before you've read the ones you already have.

For an easy win, get rid of any duplicates or books you are unlikely to read again. Donate them to a charity shop or a community library so someone else can enjoy them and you'll be rewarded with valuable shelf space.

Shred office paperwork and clutter



If you work from home or are a hybrid worker it's time to clear the decks to keep your home office looking tidy. Invest in an accordion file and put all of your paperwork in there. Do the same for any home admin; put bills and household records in alphabetical order, anything from an invoice to house deeds.

Be ruthless with pens, pencils and other stationery too – if it doesn't work or you don't love it, get rid of it! Some random uncategorised items are inevitable, so allow yourself one box or basket to put things like spare batteries and staples out of sight.

Eradicate random electricals



We all have it, that junk drawer of electricals; long-forgotten digital cameras, game console controllers, ancient mobile phones and a tangle of cables. As overwhelming as it is to tackle these items, you’ll be thankful you did. First, start by sorting and keeping anything you will use again, such as a spare iPhone charger, then look at items you can give away to charity or sell.

If you have items to donate, check out recycling points in your area. Before giving away or selling, just make sure you factory reset any phones and laptops and save any treasured images you want to keep before removing memory cards from cameras.

Oust ugly mugs

<p>Natasha Breen/Shutterstock</p>

Natasha Breen/Shutterstock

Most of us can admit to owning too many mugs, from novelty ones to freebies, but do we really need them all? Say goodbye to your motley crew of mismatched mugs and choose an upgraded and reduced collection of china to impress any guests with. Replace chipped teacups and novelty mugs with a matching set.

You’ll thank yourself when that particular unexpected neighbour comes for coffee and a chat.

Say goodbye to surplus food containers



Hands up if you refuse to throw away old takeaway boxes and plastic containers. If you have an ever-growing stash, it's time to rid yourself and your cupboards of anything without a properly fitting lid and cut it down to a manageable number.

Glass containers are the way forward for a stylish yet practical storage solution for your food.

Clear the kitchen cupboards

<p>Miroslav Pesek/Shutterstock</p>

Miroslav Pesek/Shutterstock

We're all guilty of buying new food products and shoving old ones to the back of the cupboard without checking the expiration date.

Reclaim your pantry now and make a point of checking the dates on every box, bottle and tin, freeing up space in your cupboard and making room for new products.

Ageing cookware, away with you

<p>Gary Barnes/Pexels</p>

Gary Barnes/Pexels

When it comes to cookware, you’re allowed to treat yourself to a non-rusty pan set for the sake of your cooking. Aside from the health implications of using rusty old pots and pans, it will also impair the flavour of your precious stews and roasts.

You’re also compromising the cooking process itself, as those bacon rashers will fry a lot easier in a nice, new non-stick.

Get rid of the shampoo graveyard



It's tempting to leave old shampoo bottles balancing on the edge of the bath just in case there’s enough left for next time, but all that clutter will not make for a blissful bathing experience.

Little and often works with this declutter, but it's worth taking time to organise your bathroom storage to create a spa-like space.

Shake off plastic soap dispensers

<p>New Africa/Shutterstock</p>

New Africa/Shutterstock

Once you have had a toiletries cull, why not invest in some refillable glass dispensers? Not only are they an eco-friendly swap but they also add some personal style to your sink area.

You could even get some new fluffy hand towels and facecloths in coordinating colours.

Sort through scented candles

<p>Ground Picture/Shutterstock</p>

Ground Picture/Shutterstock

You may not be aware of the harmful side effects of burning scented candles, especially those that don’t drip – meaning the wax is evaporated into the air and inhaled. Improve your air quality and replace those candles with LED versions for cleaner air.

Or, if you simply can’t give up the warm glow of a pillar candle or two, invest in soy-based ones instead.

Clear away the chair wardrobe

<p>Damian Lugowski/Shutterstock</p>

Damian Lugowski/Shutterstock

Don’t fall into the trap of thinking a spare chair in your bedroom won’t attract clutter. It’s far too easy to throw your discarded clothes onto a chair at the end of the day rather than hanging them up in your wardrobe.

It's time to re-home your chair to another room to free up floor space in the bedroom and force you to put clothes away.

Refresh old pillows



Most experts agree that pillows should be replaced after 1-2 years.

If you are waking up with a sore neck or finding it hard to get comfortable at night, it means that your pillow isn't giving you the support you need, so it's time to invest in some fresh bedding.

Shake off old sheets and towels

<p>Roman Odintsov/Pexels</p>

Roman Odintsov/Pexels

No one likes an old, rough towel or bobbly bed sheet, but sometimes it's hard to part with these handy items. To avoid throwing out perfectly good linen, pop those items you’re unsure about in a box and leave them for up to three months.

Anything you don’t use within those three months can be given to charity shops, animal shelters or recycled.

Drop off old pet items

<p>Andrew Neel/Pexels</p>

Andrew Neel/Pexels

We can become adjusted to the scent of our own homes. Over time we may not even notice smells coming from pets as well as chew toys and bedding. So, make sure blankets and germ-laden toys are regularly washed.

It's also best to keep their treats and food in airtight jars shut away in cupboards, ideally away from your own food.

Banish broken furniture



Broken chairs or shabby furniture cluttering up your garage? If it is salvageable, consider donating or selling it online. If it’s in bad shape, take it to the recycling centre or repurpose it in the home or garden.

When it comes to replacing, it’s tempting to scroll the end-of-season sales of furniture shops online but you’d be doing the planet a favour by looking into second-hand items. Try thrift shops and vintage furniture stores instead, or trawl the treats of eBay for one man’s trash to turn into your treasure.

Get rid of broken summer gear

<p>Shutterstock AI Generator/Shutterstock</p>

Shutterstock AI Generator/Shutterstock

Assess picnic wear, park toys and beach gear that may have seen better days. Throw away or repair deflated balls, saggy deck chairs, ripped picnic blankets or broken buckets and spades.

Give anything that still has plenty of use a good clean and store away ready to use as soon as the sun pokes out from behind the clouds.

Audit an over-crowded hallway

<p>New Africa/Shutterstock</p>

New Africa/Shutterstock

Sick of shin bruises from the corridor of clutter that greets you on your return home? Whether it be bikes, shoes or coats, it's time to utilise space in your hallway.

Outwear requires a hefty amount of hallway storage so put in wall-mounted coat hooks and slimline shoe storage to save on floor space. A boot rack will lift wet wellingtons off the floor and can even be kept outside as long as the boots are stored upside down.

Banish odd socks

<p>Africa Studio/Shutterstock</p>

Africa Studio/Shutterstock

Inevitably we all end up with odd socks after doing the laundry, but if your underwear drawer is starting to look cluttered with sad single socks a purge is in order. 

Start by getting a drawer divider and matching up your pairs. Then be ruthless and say goodbye to any odd socks. The same goes for any threadbare ones or ones with holes in the toes.