All-you-can-eat cheese parties are coming to the UK

All-you-can-eat cheese parties are happening in the UK [Photo: Getty]
All-you-can-eat cheese parties are happening in the UK [Photo: Getty]

For many of us cheese, quite simply, is life. So news that all-you-can-eat cheese parties are happening in the UK could well be the best thing cheese fans have heard all day.

Yep you heard that right, Yes, all you can eat cheese parties are now a thing and we actually can’t think of a better way to spend an evening.

Homage2Fromage is a monthly cheese club with parties happening across Northern cities in the UK (although founders have hinted a London meet could be on the way).

The parties, taking place in Leeds, Sheffield, Harrogate and Manchester, are held in different venues and will feature guest speakers, cheese-based games and more importantly the opportunity to eat as much of the cheesy-stuff as you possibly want.

Think bottom-less brunches but with cheese rather than Prosecco. Dreamy!

READ MORE: Eating cheese will make you 'happier', says leading dairy body

Each party has a different theme, ranging from cheddar to regional cheeses, with a range of yummy accompaniments, including pickles, crackers and wine.

The whole ethos behind the monthly cheese club, explain founders Vickie and Nick, is to make cheese the star of the show.

“The aim of the club is to celebrate great cheese in an informal fun way - this is not about snobby cheese and wine tastings, it is about sharing one of the greatest foods ever, in a simple, relaxed way,” they write on their website.

What’s more you’ll be able to bond over the brie and swap ricotta-related stories with other cheese fans and who knows where that could lead?

“Homage2Fromage helps you discover new cheese, meet like-minded cheese fans and hear some of the amazing stories behind cheese and cheesemaking,” the founders explain.

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The amazing-sounding nights kick-off with organisers shouting ‘Cheese’ before guests are invited to dive right on in.

If you’re absolutely sold (*raising hand emoji*) you can sign up to the company’s mailing list to keep track of when their next cheese club nights are.

Tickets can be bought directly from their website and cost a really very reasonable £15 each. Or you can become a member for £20, which will enable you to book in advance and enjoy even cheaper tickets.

Brie-llant or what?