A body double is filming Benedict Cumberbatch's scenes in Avengers: Infinity War

Cumberbatch... can't make it on set of Infinity War - Credit: Marvel
Cumberbatch… can’t make it on set of Infinity War – Credit: Marvel

Nothing stops the behemoth that is Marvel, particularly not one of its stars not being available to appear in his scenes.

According to reports, Benedict Cumberbatch is already committed to playing inventor Thomas Edison in new movie ‘The Current War’.

In it, Cumbo faces off against the engineer and entrepreneur George Westinghouse in their race to bring electricity to America.

The only problem is that Cumberbatch is needed on the Georgia-based set of ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ to play Doctor Strange at the same time.

Luckily, as reported by the New York Post’s Page Six, stage and screen actor Aaron Lazar has stepped into the breach, and will play Cumberbatch’s scenes for him.

(Credit: Getty)
(Credit: Getty)

But don’t worry, they won’t be CGI-ing Cumberbatch’s face on to another man’s body – this isn’t Star Wars – the Brit star will re-shoot scenes in which his face is seen, and presumably his dialogue, at a later juncture.

To confirm, a source from Disney told the paper: “They are not digitally superimposing Cumberbatch onto another actor’s performance.”

In case the face is familiar, Lazar has appeared in movies like ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’, and ‘J. Edgar’, as well as TV shows like ‘White Collar’ and ‘Ugly Betty’.

Directors Anthony and Joe Russo are indeed ‘breaking ground’ on the sequel to ‘Age of Ultron’ as we speak, following their barn-storming success on ‘Captain America: Civil War’, and are set to wrap in October or November this year.

The movie is slated for a May 4, 2018 release.

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