All About the Scorpio Rising Sign: From Personality Traits to Compatibility

Here is everything you need to know about Scorpio risings, according to astrologer Kyle Thomas

Horoscope Sign Scorpio
Horoscope Sign Scorpio

Scorpio season is considered a time of intensity and transformation.

Scorpio placements are best known to be mysterious, deeply passionate and intense. Widely considered one of the most misunderstood signs in the zodiac, Scorpios are also one of the most intriguing and fiercely loyal of the Water signs.

Scorpio placements are co-ruled by Pluto and Mars — meaning when one of the planets is active, they are directly affecting Scorpio.

Scorpio risings in particular tend to be secretive and set in their ways and will only go for what they want. They also have a natural ability to enchant others around them and use their powerful minds and aura to dominate in any situation.

We spoke with PEOPLE's resident astrologer Kyle Thomas to break down everything there is to know about Scorpio risings, including their personality traits and how they act with their friends.

Related: What Are Fixed Signs? Everything to Know About Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius

Scorpio risings' personality traits and mindset

Thomas explains that unlike Scorpio Sun placements — who are typically born between Oct. 23 through Nov. 21 — Scorpio risings' placement is determined by their birth time. Scorpio Suns typically "exhibit the traits of a Scorpio on an innate level" while Scorpio rising signs will "give off that energy right away."

"Scorpio placements operate on the natural eight and second axis — which ties to power, resources, sensuality, and wealth," Thomas adds. "These themes will be especially impactful for a Scorpio rising, considering it is their ascendant."

Thomas also says that Scorpio risings have a "powerful magnetism, high libido and hunger to hit extremes in their relationships". They are also often very secretive and do not like other people to be involved with their “hidden lives behind the scenes” — which they always have to some degree.

Scorpio risings as friends

"When it comes to friendship, Scorpio rising prioritizes individuals who are grounded, stable, and can help them build toward their goals," Thomas explains. Similar to their own outlook on life, Scorpio risings also have an “all or nothing” approach in their friendships.

"When they are on your side, they will move heaven and Earth for you," Thomas continued. "They hunger for reliable friendships who will be loyal and show up for them."

Scorpio risings will choose friends who add "very clear value to their life" and can "provide an analytical and insightful perspective." 

However, it's important to note that Scorpio risings are not as forgiving as other signs in the zodiac, so it's best not to cross them. "If they feel like they’ve been taken advantage of or are not on the same page, Scorpio Rising will cut their acquaintance out once and for all and will not go back," Thomas adds.

Scorpio risings compatibility in love and relationships

When it comes to relationships, Thomas says that Scorpio risings will look for partners who are willing to journey through their intense and powerful emotions. Scorpio rising are attracted to creative, sensitive and imaginative when they are looking to date, but need someone who is nurturing and resourceful for long-term partners. Thomas adds that Scorpio risings are also attracted to hard-working and dependable people.

"In dating, passion, and romance, they pursue individuals who will let them take the lead, as they navigate the depths of sensitivity and emotions," Thomas explains. "They secretly enjoy a bit of fantasy and a spiritual connection in all aspects of romance."

Related: What Are the Personality Traits of a Scorpio? A Complete Guide to the Zodiac Sign

When it comes to a serious, long-term relationship, Scorpio risings are attracted to people who are "earthy, sensual and grounded."

"Due to the intensity of their own emotions, they like to find someone who they can rely on to stand by their side and will be a constant," Thomas continues. "Intimacy is extremely important for a Scorpio Rising. They require someone who will not be provoked, run away or be triggered by the internal fires they navigate."

Scorpio risings with money and their finances

In matters of money and finances, Scorpio risings are tremendously ambitious and passionate about their professional endeavors. Thomas says that at work, Scorpio risings "like to take the lead and be in the spotlight, which is why they seek to rise to powerful positions."

"Scorpio risings hunger for power, dominance and recognition because they are ruled by Mars and Pluto," Thomas continues. "They can at times do whatever it takes to reach the top. Scorpio Risings can be shrewd, strategic and cunning."

Since Scorpio rules over the eighth house of finances and large money matters, Thomas adds that Scorpio risings "can be drawn to jobs that require detail, research, or investigative work" and can thrive as a "spy, a detective, a police officer, a banker or financial consultant."

"However, with their second hose of resources often being ruled by Sagittarius and the eighth house of wealth ruled by Gemini, Scorpio risings can have very difficult times holding onto money and they may spend it impulsively, which can create the feeling that money comes and goes," Thomas concludes.

Scorpio risings with their family and home

At home, Scorpio risings want a sense of order and prioritize communication, authority and emotions. Thomas says that "Scorpio risings seeks a strong rapport with all of their kindred — or will go from hot and cold until they are respected."

While they may crave a strong sense of stability at home, they are open-minded about how to build their home and create traditions that work best for the whole family. Thomas says that this is "due to Aquarius falling on the fourth House cusp of home, family, and domesticity."

"While Aquarius is an innovative and open-minded zodiac sign, once it has set its mind on something and finds a tradition, it sticks — this is because it is a Fixed Air sign."  

Celebrities who are Scorpio risings

<p>Getty (3)</p> Janet Jackson, Lana Del Rey and Nicole Kidman

Getty (3)

Janet Jackson, Lana Del Rey and Nicole Kidman

Some celebrities who are Scorpio risings include Nicole Kidman, Janet Jackson, Lana Del Rey and Prince.

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