Meet Scorpio, the Zodiac's magnetic analyst: The sign's personality traits, dates

Intense, magnetic and curious. These are some of the characteristics possessed by the Zodiac's eighth sign, Scorpio.

Symbolized by the scorpion, the water sign can pack a punch with its personality. As a result, Scorpio has garnered a reputation for being one of the Zodiac's more polarizing signs.

But, according to astrologer Narayana Montúfar, Scorpios tend to be misunderstood. Here's a guide to the sign's key traits, including their approach to relationships and career.

Scorpio dates

Scorpio season runs from Oct. 23 to Nov. 21.

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Scorpio personality, traits

Scorpios are marked by their intensity, Montúfar previously told USA TODAY.

"The Scorpionic energy is really hard to master" she reveals, "because Scorpio is not only ruled by one, but two planets."

Those two planets − Mars and Pluto − are among the most intense in the solar system. Mars signifies rulership in ancient astrology, while Pluto represents the life cycle and rebirth.

Scorpios love change and constantly seek to transform their lives. This is fitting given the sign's archetype of the shaman, Montúfar says.

"They have to go through this intense training and this intense introspection, inner transformation and inner discovery," she explains.

Scorpios are also known for their magnetism, says Montúfar. They have a certain charisma that attracts others.

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Scorpio career horoscope

Scorpios are goal-oriented and driven, Montúfar says. The sign has a talent for strategy thanks to its high intensity and occasional ruthlessness.

Scorpios make incredible therapists, Montúfar adds. The sign is not afraid to discuss trauma, welcoming communication to connect with others on a deeper level.

Their ability to understand others' thoughts and desires also helps Scorpios excel in marketing fields and in anything that involves investigation, Montúfar says.

Scorpio compatibility

Scorpios possess great sexual energy, Montúfar says. While this can lead to a healthy sex life, it can also prompt infidelity if a Scorpio's needs are not being met.

Scorpios do like to be in committed relationships though. Since they are a water sign, they are fairly emotional and strive for connection.

But they can be skeptical of others at first. Scorpios often attract trauma and intense life experiences, so they are protective of their inner self, Montúfar says.

When they do open up, Scorpios have a soft interior and will be a ride-or-die partner or friend, Montúfar adds. They're dependable, loyal and intuitive.

Scorpio is most compatible with fellow water signs: Cancer and Pisces.


Scorpios are excellent at reading people and knowing what's on their minds, Montúfar says. "They see right through you," she adds.

Because of their intuitive nature, Scorpios can be selective with whom they spend time. "They don't have time for BS," Montúfar says. "They prefer solitude instead of wasting their time with people that are just going to be surface level."

They're hard-working, committed and resilient, she adds.


Scorpios aren't people-pleasers, so they don't partake in small talk.

Their intensity can also be overpowering if they don't have a handle on it. "Whenever a Scorpio wants something, they'll get it." Montúfar says. "Sometimes if they're in their shadow side, they can be ruthless."

While change can be good, Scorpio's constant quest for reinvention can lead to inconsistency.

A Scorpio's sex drive can also lead to their downfall since a need for physical can give way to dependency and obsession.

Learn more about each Zodiac sign

Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

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Contributing: Anna Kaufman

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Scorpio Zodiac sign: Personality traits, dates and compatibility