Heartbreaking Project Collects Texts People Wish They Could’ve Sent To Their Exes


What would you say to the one who got away? [Photo: Instagram/rorablue]

How often have you typed out a text to your ex, then quickly deleted it before it can be sent? When relationships break down there’s usually something you don’t quite manage to get off your chest. Whether you’re too scared to actually speak your mind or worried what you’ve got to say might hurt too much, there are many reasons to keep schtum.

One young woman has used this exact premise to set up an art project collating thousands of emotional unsent texts to lost loves. And the results are pretty heartbreaking.

The ‘Unsent Project’, created by 19-year-old artist Rora Blue, from California, invites people to submit their unsent text messages as a sort of therapeutic way to get them out there.

‘I started the project as a way for people to connect with each other,’ Rora explained to Metro.co.uk. ‘I feel like this is a concept that many people can relate to and I wanted to find a way to artistically represent love. ‘


Touching. Just a few of the secret messages. [Photos: Instagram/Rorablue]

Taking part in the project is simple. “State your first love’s name and type what you would say if you sent them a text message,“ Blue explains on her blog. "Also include the colour that you think of when you think of your first love.”

So far over 25,000 people have posted their secret messages. They range in tone from the incredibly sad and heartbroken, to hurt, angry, and perhaps the most touching of all, still in love.


Artist Rora Blue has created a heartbreaking new project [Photo: Instagram/Rorablue]

Rora has also used some of the messages to make a collage, collecting a series of the notes and arranging them in rainbow order.

'I wanted to create something that was visually appealing from a distance but emotional and meaningful up close,’ she explained on her website

Rora plans to make more collages in the future, and her website is still accepting notes from anyone keen to share. Better than hitting send after one too many mojitos no?

What would you say to your ex? Let us know @YahooStyleUK.

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