What Is A Piece Of Timeless Advice Given To You By A Grandparent Or Older Adult That Still Resonates Today?

As someone who spent a lot of time with the adults and elders in my family who have now passed on, I'm forever very thankful for all of the amazing advice they gave to me while I was growing up.

Older woman sitting on the couch with a small child on her lap while they both laugh
Jacob Wackerhausen / Getty Images

I'm sure many people can understand that sentiment. So, I wanted to ask the BuzzFeed Community, What is the best advice you received while you were growing up from your grandparents or an older adult that you still value today?

Maybe when you were a kid, your grandma always told you to carry emergency cash on you, just because you never know what could happen or where you might end up. Now, even as an adult in a world full of credit cards, you still carry cash on you, and you've found yourself in desperate need of it more times than you can count.

A person in a white shirt takes cash from a brown leather wallet
Maryna Terletska / Getty Images

Or maybe you spent your whole life hearing the older people in your life (teachers, relatives, neighbors) complain about never having enough time or how much you should cherish being so young. Now, as an adult, you fully understand how quickly time can move and choose to live every moment you have in life to the fullest.

A young girl holds a cookie and mug, looking at a book with an elderly woman
Shironosov / Getty Images

Maybe you come from a family that was very accepting and always tried to bestow upon you how important it is to treat people with kindness (as long as they do the same to you) no matter their differences. Now, in a world filled with so much hate, you're thankful your elders took the time to make that impression on you, and you can in turn teach that love and acceptance to your children.

An older man in a checkered shirt smiles at a young boy as another man listens
Dmp / Getty Images

Not to worry if the older adults and elders in your life were/are completely unserious. I want to hear it all — the funny advice, the seriously deep and moving advice, the totally out-of-pocket advice — let me know! Feel free to leave those words of wisdom down in the comments, or if you would like to remain anonymous, you can fill out this form.

The most detailed and best responses will be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!