Morning After Pill
- HealthYahoo Life UK
Morning after pill now available for same-day home delivery
The morning after pill could be delivered to your door in just three hours. Anyone who has ever gone out to buy the morning after pill knows the experience can be unpleasant. From the high price to the awkwardness of queuing up at your local pharmacy and explaining what you want to buy, the already stressful mission of getting emergency contraception can be made considerably worse.
- NewsYahoo Life UK
Are the questions pharmacists ask before giving emergency contraception really necessary?
Women often have to answer personal questions before accessing emergency contraception.
- NewsYahoo Life UK
Morning after pill no longer available over the counter to women in Poland
Polish women will have to see a doctor before accessing emergency contraception.
- NewsYahoo Life UK
Calls to end ‘sexist’ morning-after pill shaming and pricing
If you need emergency contraception you have two choices. Or you can shuffle on down to your local pharmacy and endure a potentially judgemental, definitely awkward conversation with the pharmacist before forking out up to £30 for the ‘morning after pill’. The British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) want EC to be more affordable and easily available, much like other over-the-counter drugs.