"I Was Spending $100k A Year On Her": 14 Jaw-Dropping Confessions From A 45-Year-Old Sugar Daddy

Recently, a man on Reddit who says he's a 45-year-old sugar daddy hosted an AMA where he invited users to ask him literally anything about his experience, and the conversation was a fascinating peek inside a lifestyle most people will never experience.

For background on his situation, he wrote:

Then, he spent time answering some very interesting questions about his life as a sugar daddy. Here's what he had to say:

1.Q: How did you find your sugar babies?

A man in a denim shirt attentively listens to a woman in a casual outfit at a cozy café setting

2.Q: Have you ever grown attached or at least have feelings with them? I know you don’t have much time for traditional relationships, but you know the length of supporting them must have had some kind of growth inside of you, feelings-wise. If yes, how did you deal with/control it?

A: I fell pretty hard for the last one, but she was honest from the start that we had a hard end date of her medical school graduation.

3.Q: Do you have many friends, if at all? And if you do, do they use you for your money like your sugar babies?

A: I don't believe my sugar babies use me, per se. Not any more than any relationship uses another person. We are all trying to get something from the people in our lives. Even if that is just companionship or love.

I have lots of friends. Most have money.

4.Q: Do you ever get lonely? They were with you for the money I assume it'd be depressing by some point.

A smiling woman and man stand closely together, both with arms around each other. They are in a natural outdoor setting

5.Q: So, they were virtually a normal relationship with you supporting them? Did either of you see other people?

A: We were both exclusive. Yes, close to a real relationship. But they were younger. They were looking for help with school. I was looking for drama-free. They understood that I would disappear for weeks for trials. They never complained. They would block off time for school. Anything outside the blocked-off time they were available to me.

6.Q: Why do you chose much younger women? Why not women closer to your age?

A: I have no age restrictions on my women. My first sugar baby was only a few years younger than me. Then, each one after was introduced to me when they were in college. But if a beautiful woman closer to my age had goals I could help her accomplish and wanted to sugar, I would do it enthusiastically.

7.Q: Did you ever go out in public and have dinners, hang out, go see a movie, see a ball game, shop, or do normal girlfriend stuff? Or were these relationships strictly hidden behind closed doors?

A couple is walking hand-in-hand on a street, wearing casual attire

8.Q: What was the agreement like? Whenever you felt horny, you call her up and fuck? Or was there emotional intimacy involved where you would just call her and talk about your day, your troubles, and vice versa?

A: They gave me a schedule for school every week. It included class time and study time. Inside that schedule, I would never contact them. Outside that schedule, if I wanted to see them, they were available for whatever. Sometimes, that means a spa date with shopping and a fundraiser. Sometimes it means a quick blowjob to release steam. They were always available to talk and support me emotionally. I tried to do the same, but they understood that work came first.

9.Q: Did it ever bother you that you’re using each other? Did it ever bother you that she might be fucking another guy or secretly dating another guy behind your back? I couldn’t imagine trust ever being a part of the equation with relationships like this.

A: Every relationship has some elements of using each other. We built trust, just like every other relationship.

10.Q: How much would you pay? What was the setup? Just curious.

A man with gray hair, wearing a casual button-up shirt, looks at an open wallet in an outdoor setting

11.Q: How deep did these relationships get? Or was it just purely sexual?

A: Pretty deep. I still talk to and mentor all three of them.

12.Q: Do you think if you lost your income, your sugar baby would still show interest in you? You mentioned it's about more than money, but I can't get past the fact everything else you mentioned would not be so without the money first.

A: If the sugar stops on one side, the sugar stops on the other. I am not blind. But that doesn't mean you stop caring about the other person. I haven't slept with my first sugar baby in over a decade. I still consider her family. She hasn't received money from me in a decade. She still calls weekly.

13.Q: What kind of woman are you looking for? Or what are you looking for in a woman?

I’m sorry, I can’t identify who is in this image

14.Q: Do you think you’ll ever want a traditional relationship?

A: Maybe. Once I have more time, and can commit to putting my partner first. That just isn't something I can do working as much as I work.

Read more AMAs: