21 People Who Took A Photo Of An Unhinged Home Design That Will Make Any Homeowner Have A Panic Attack

DIY content has never been more accessible. That means there are more than a few homeowners who have taken things into their own hands when it comes to home repairs and renovations, but honestly, some things are best left to the pros.

But even they can royally screw things up, it seems! Here are 21 design fails that are just beyond words:

1.Surprise, shawty!...

A mirrored medicine cabinet mounted on a wall

...(There's an electrical fire.)

The cabinet is open to reveal a utility panel box with circuit breakers

2.How do you even step into this one?

Bathroom with a bathtub next to a staircase leading downward, showing an unusual and potentially unsafe design

3.Just crawl on in, everybody.

Single-story house with a concrete walkway with steps leading up to a window

4.At least your bike can squeeze in on the side.

Caution tape blocks a newly paved driveway, which is mostly inaccessible due to the storm drain in the curb

5.I don't want to know what they sealed in back there.

A door at the base of a stairway with two handrails blocking it from opening

6.Like a bridge over [an existing walkway] ♫...

A small arched bridge in a pool area at a tropical hotel. The bridge goes across the already paved walkway between two pools

7.I'll just stay downstairs, thanks!

Staircase with a modern design featuring alternating wood steps and industrial metal rails. It appears difficult to navigate

8.NYC apartments get endless creativity points.

Small kitchen corner with a stove, sink, and refrigerator close together. The sink Is wedged into the corner so as to not be fully accessible

9.IDK what's more awkward, getting to the toilet or using it...

Toilet awkwardly located under a staircase alcove with wooden steps

10.This house comes with a built-in adrenaline rush!

A door opens onto a staircase, with a gap leading directly down the steps, potentially creating a safety hazard

11.Balusters too short? Nothing a 2x4 can't fix.

Wooden staircase with ornate white railing; space under the balusters is filled with wooden blocks painted white to match
Wooden staircase with ornate white railing; space under the balusters is filled with wooden blocks painted white to match
Close-up of wooden blocks under the balusters
Close-up of wooden blocks under the balusters

Robert Bobby Jackson / Via Facebook: photo

12.I mean, a Christmas tree would look kinda sick here.

View from the top of a staircase. A carpeted section that the stairs wrap around is completely fenced in by railing

13.Here too, actually.

An awkward, small section of a room shaped like a triangle with an entryway

14.I'd sleepwalk into this thinking it was an interdimensional portal.

A hallway with carpeted stairs leads up to a large mirror

15.At least you can use one!

View from stairs showing double front doors, one of which is blocked by the bottom steps

16.Desire paths are so beautiful.

A wall is damaged to accommodate the flush handle of a toilet tank


Kitchen countertop with a gas range has a staircase built directly behind it
Kitchen countertop with a gas range has a staircase built directly behind it
Close-up of gas range next to wooden staircase
Close-up of gas range next to wooden staircase

Facebook: photo

18.Mmm, not quite.

Wooden staircase with disjointed white trim on each step

19.Appease the ghost (or cat) in your home with a portal to the next room.

Interior of a home features an awkward space above an entryway to a room
Interior of a home features an awkward space above an entryway to a room
Awkward space above the entryway is viewed from the other side
Awkward space above the entryway is viewed from the other side

Facebook: photo

20.What a warm welcome.

Front door entry with adjacent glass panel through which the toilet is easily visible from the outside

21.And I know this isn't architecture, per se, but I couldn't not share.

A living room with a large rock fireplace, a TV in the center, and a white goat statue on top

Were there any that particularly offended you? Anything where someone could see me on a toilet, at my most vulnerable, makes me shiver. Let me know what design made your head spin in the comments!