People Are Sharing The Most Effective Parenting Or Home Habit They've Passed On From Their Mom And Dad

Recently, I wrote an article where teachers shared all the things that boomer parents "did right" that millennials have kind of forgotten about, and it was actually pretty positive!

Even as adults, the urge to call mom or dad for advice is often present, whether you're dealing with managing life in your own apartment for the first time or dealing with the antics of your own child. So, I thought it'd be nice to ask members of our BuzzFeed Community to tell me the most effective housekeeping or parenting hack they ever learned from their parents! Here are some of their best answers:

1."In most ways, I learned what NOT to do from my parents. But the one thing I do appreciate is that my mom taught me, a woman, to never be ashamed of or try to hide my intelligence."

A woman sipping a drink with
A woman sipping a drink with
A woman, sipping a drink, appears contemplative with
A woman, sipping a drink, appears contemplative with

20th Century Studios

"I’ve seen far too many women play dumb because they think it’s a cute look and it’s super obnoxious. That’s not to say I was taught to talk down to people, but just to enjoy learning and disregard people who would criticize me for it."


2."I remember several occasions when I would have a friend over and we would disagree about something or argue, and my mom would come in to see what was happening. She would hear both of us out, but would always defend the friend, if not for their point of view, but to remind me not to be rude to others."

Lois from Malcolm in the Middle looks intently in a room with kitchen elements visible in the background
Lois from Malcolm in the Middle looks intently in a room with kitchen elements visible in the background
Dewey from Malcolm in the Middle looks up with wide eyes
Dewey from Malcolm in the Middle looks up with wide eyes


"I used to be so angry that she wouldn't side with me by default. I later realized she was teaching me empathy.

The friend was a guest and I was on home turf. It would have seemed like ganging up if [my mom had taken] my side, and [she] was always gentle and diplomatic about it, never critical to me. I never got the same treatment at anyone else's house; their parents always sided with them, which made my mom's approach stand out even more."


3."No allowances. Why should you get paid to clean up after yourself? [For] small amounts of cash, just ask. [For] bigger spends, there is always a list of things no one wants/has time to do."


4."My parents always taught me and my sisters that it isn't enough to tell kids, 'This is the healthy way to react to a negative situation,' you have to demonstrate it yourself."

A woman and child sit by a window playing with wooden blocks, smiling at each other

"It is truly the biggest challenge to show instead of tell my kids how to react to disappointment, bad news, mistakes, arguments with loved ones, etc., but it helps to remind myself that I am actively teaching them with every reaction I have."


D3sign / Getty Images

5."Clean the kitchen as you cook."

Person kneading dough on a kitchen counter with small pumpkins and autumn decor in the background

6."The older you get, the decisions you make become much bigger and much less reversible."


7."Switch out your kids' toys! Were they playing with something a bunch, [but then] lost interest? Pack it away and bring it back out a month or two later. It helps keep them entertained without having to buy new toys."

Child plays on the floor, building a tall tower with colorful blocks, concentrating on adding a red block


Nanci Santos / Getty Images

8."If you are going to be going on a trip, make sure your house is spotless before you leave."

"[There's] nothing like coming back exhausted [to] a messy house that you have to clean, plus all the laundry from the trip. You're already slightly frazzled; you don't want to come back to more chaos."


9."My stepfather would lure me out to the balcony with a bowl of pot whenever he wanted to have a father-son talk. I always felt like it was pretty smooth considering that I fell for it every time."

Brittany Broski glances sideways indoors

10."For cleaning: always shake each item loose when pulling it out of the washer before tossing it into the dryer. It helps it dry better."

Person wearing a robe and flip-flops loads laundry into a washing machine
Aquaarts Studio / Getty Images

11."For parenting: Don't fill your calendars so full that there [are] no evenings for all of you to sit down together at the dinner table, talk about your day, and then hang together until bedtime."

A family in a cozy kitchen: a man cooks at the counter while a woman prepares food, and two kids play with table items

12."When I was little and wanted to stay up late, my dad would let me watch Frankenstein. I thought it was so cool and that I was staying up soooo late."

Young girl sitting by a lake, holding flowers, wearing a patterned dress with a white collar, looking upwards
Young girl sitting by a lake, holding flowers, wearing a patterned dress with a white collar, looking upwards
Frankenstein's monster holds a flower, wearing a suit with neck bolts, in a film scene
Frankenstein's monster holds a flower, wearing a suit with neck bolts, in a film scene

Universal Pictures

"Joke's on me, that movie is only 64 minutes long :). He basically let me stay up an hour and go to bed peacefully instead of [dealing with] two hours of resisting going to bed, lol."


"The power of compromise. That’s some great parenting."


13."My parents allowed us as children to be bored! We didn’t always have something to entertain us 24/7."

"Sometimes, especially during a storm, our parents would turn off the TV and lights and make us sit in the dark, or tell us we couldn’t watch TV and to go outside or read a book. I thought it was cruel as a child, but it helped us learn how to sit through boring church services every Sunday and have fewer interruptions during school. Parents these days want to push a screen in front of a child anytime they get rowdy."


14."You're a parent FIRST — not your child's friend. Growing up, I was so upset that my parents weren't the 'cool' [parents], letting me get away with anything I wanted, because [that's how] all my friends' parents were."

From "Mean Girls": Two women in a conversation indoors. One has blonde hair and wears a necklace, and speaks with raised eyebrows to the other

15."Take time with your children."

A man and two children play with dominoes on the floor, smiling and enjoying their time together

16."I keep getting a rust ring in my sink. I have learned that baking soda and vinegar with a scouring sponge takes care of that."

Close-up of a rusty, stained sink drain


Ksenia Valyavina / Getty Images/iStockphoto

17."In regards to my well-being, my mom always had this rule: if you haven't done anything about the issue, you're not allowed to complain."

Dewey from Malcolm in the Middle looks up with wide eyes in surprise

"Have a nasty headache? Did you take any medicine or drink enough water? If not, no complaints until you make an attempt to remedy the issue. It taught me to take better care of myself and not neglect the things I need."



18."Late boomer parent here. My sister-in-law, a nutritionist, said to give babies the same food you’re eating, mashed up in a blender (after being frozen in ice cube trays and then thawed), and then the babies will become used to the flavor and texture of real food. Plus, you’ll save money compared to buying processed [baby food]."

A baby in a high chair bites a circular biscuit. A toy is visible on the tray, and a blurred TV screen is in the background

"Did we do this 100% of the time? Of course not! But we did it more often than not, and our kids grew up loving a wider range of foods than many of their friends. And they love to cook as adults!"


Tirc83 / Getty Images

19."Not my mom, but my grandma used to tell her blue-eyed kids that she could tell when they were lying because their eyes turned brown. I did the same with my kid and she believed it all the way up until high school. Thanks, Grams! :)"

A woman is laughing heartily in a floral blouse in a kitchen setting

20.And finally: "Cleaning as part of play!"

Kenan Thompson smiling, holding a light bulb in a humorous manner, wearing a casual hoodie, with another person listening attentively beside him

Some of these are so helpful. Let me know what you think down below! Or, if you want, you can even share your own parent-inherited advice down below — or anonymously, if you like, via this Google form. Who knows — it could end up in an upcoming BuzzFeed article!

Note: some comments may have been edited for length and/or clarity.