These 4 Zodiac Signs Will Be Feeling Extra Impulsive Around October's Supermoon

The intense aspects surrounding the lunation 'can lead to rash decision-making, fiery confrontations and a desire to act without fully thinking things through'

These Zodiac Signs Will Be Feeling Extra Impulsive Around October
These Zodiac Signs Will Be Feeling Extra Impulsive Around October's Supermoon

Prepare for one of the most potent and tumultuous lunations of the year.

The supermoon in Aries on Oct. 17 marks the first lunation of the fall season and comes hot on the heels of the intense energy we experienced during eclipse season.

With Aries' impulsive, headstrong nature amplified by the supermoon, emotions are likely to be running high, sparking feelings of restlessness and perhaps even anxiety. In addition to evoking a sense of urgency, it can also heighten impulsivity and impatience.

Look at it this way: Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, governed by Mars, the planet of action, aggression and desire. Although this is a pivotal lunation for pushing forward, breaking barriers and taking bold steps toward our personal growth, the intense aspects surrounding it can lead to rash decision-making, fiery confrontations and an overwhelming desire to act without fully thinking things through.

Expect major breakthroughs, emotional releases and a sense of urgency to break free from anything that’s been holding you back. It's a time of action, but the fast-paced and reactive energy of Aries can make it difficult to stay grounded.

The pressure to act quickly or decisively may also hit certain zodiac signs harder than others, as it may feel like a wild ride, stirring up emotions and pushing boundaries like never before. Don’t get it twisted — this lunation has the potential for incredible growth, but it’s essential to channel the energy wisely.

Here's what to know about the intense energy coming your way with the supermoon.

Related: Here Are the Best Crystals to Charge for October's Full Moon in Aries

The full moon is conjunct Chiron in Aries

This full moon in Aries will sit just a few degrees away from Chiron — the wounded healer — which can bring up unresolved emotional pain and old wounds. Aries is fiercely independent and driven by action, but with Chiron involved, this lunation forces us to confront where we’ve been hurt or where our personal identities have been compromised. 

The challenge lies in balancing the instinct to charge forward with Aries' impulsive nature, while simultaneously dealing with vulnerabilities that Chiron exposes. This can trigger deep emotional sensitivity and anxiety, as we might feel raw, defensive or overly reactive. It’s a time to heal, but the process could be messy and uncomfortable, stirring up feelings of inadequacy or insecurity that require careful self-reflection.

It's forming a Grand Cardinal Cross

This supermoon isn’t just intense because it’s in the Mars-ruled sign of Aries; it’s also activating a Grand Cardinal Cross, an astrological aspect that heightens tension and pushes for change at all costs. This occurs when the four cardinal signs — Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn — challenge one another, which can feel like a tug-of-war between priorities. 

As the moon in Aries opposes the sun in Libra, it highlights conflicts between our individuality (Aries) and relationships (Libra). Meanwhile, Mars (Aries’ ruler) in Cancer adds emotional impulsivity and defensive reactions, while Pluto in Capricorn brings power struggles and deep-rooted control issues to the surface. 

Balancing these cardinal energies (also known as the initiators of the zodiac) can feel like we’re being pulled in multiple directions, as the pressure to make decisions or take action can feel overwhelming. At the same time, the collective push for progress stirs feelings of restlessness and frustration.

Which four zodiac signs are being affected?

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Horoscope Sign Aries
Horoscope Sign Aries

This supermoon is happening in your sign and directly affects your sense of self and how you project yourself into the world. With the full moon conjunct Chiron, old insecurities may rise to the surface, triggering feelings of vulnerability. You might react impulsively to situations where you feel attacked or misunderstood, but it’s important to pause before jumping to conclusions or creating unnecessary conflict.

The Grand Cardinal Cross is adding extra tension, especially in your relationships, pushing you to confront imbalances between your needs and the needs of others. This could leave you feeling emotionally raw and anxious, so try to breathe before losing yourself to a tense moment. Remember, this is an opportunity for healing, even though it feels like an emotional roller coaster.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Horoscope Sign Cancer
Horoscope Sign Cancer

There’s a spotlight on your career and public persona as this supermoon lights up your 10th house of ambition and success. With Chiron conjunct the moon in Aries, you may feel extra sensitive about your professional path or how others perceive you in the workplace. Impulsive decisions may arise if you feel your efforts aren’t being acknowledged or if work-related stress becomes overwhelming.

The Grand Cardinal Cross is stirring tension between your personal and professional life, and Mars in your sign heightens your emotional response to it all. Anxiety may spike as you try to juggle career responsibilities while managing your need for emotional stability in your personal life. Ground yourself before making any drastic decisions; take your time navigating these potential crossroads.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Horoscope Sign Libra
Horoscope Sign Libra

With the sun currently in your sign, the pressure is on, especially when it comes to your approach to relationships. After all, it’s not just the sun in your sign, as the full moon is also sitting directly across from it in your relationship sector, pushing you to confront lingering tensions in your one-on-one partnerships, whether romantic, business or otherwise.

You may feel unusually anxious about finding a sense of harmony, especially with the Grand Cardinal Cross heightening tension across all areas of life. Luna’s conjunction with Chiron also makes you more sensitive to conflict, triggering feelings of inadequacy or self-doubt in your connections. This can lead to impulsive decisions, like over-asserting yourself or, on the contrary, withdrawing completely to avoid confrontation. Stay grounded and practice patience.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Horoscope Sign Capricorn
Horoscope Sign Capricorn

This supermoon is shaking up your personal foundation as it lights up your fourth house of home, family and emotional stability. The pressure to balance your work life and home life peaks during this time, especially with the Grand Cardinal Cross creating tension between your professional responsibilities and personal needs.

With Chiron in the mix, you may feel emotional insecurities coming up to the surface at home, which can lead to impulsive decisions around family or your living situation. The influence of Pluto in your sign also adds intensity, pushing you to confront control issues or unresolved emotional baggage. Anxiety may rise as you juggle external demands with your internal need for stability. Tend to your emotions and take your time getting settled if needed.

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