If You Can Make It Through These 26 Photos Of Pro Kitchen Mishaps Without Having Your Soul Leave Your Body, I'll Be Seriously Impressed

Cooking in a professional kitchen is a wild ride that requires dedication, grit, and, most importantly, a sense of humor. When your livelihood depends on good soup and neat vegetables, the most serious and stressful mishaps can quickly become hilariously ridiculous. Here are 26 photos of kitchen snafus that’ll make you grateful you weren’t the one on shift:

Man with tattoos and suit looks concerned, with text overlay: "I'm scared."

1.In this scenario, crying over spilled milk might be okay.

Industrial mixer overflowed, spilling contents on the floor in a commercial kitchen. Person standing nearby in white uniform
u/littlepup26 / Via reddit.com

2.I don't know if a dustpan will be the most helpful cleaning tool with this mess...

Stairway with a tipped bucket spilling red liquid all over the steps and walls
u/iamfaddie / Via reddit.com

3.To the line cook who emptied 350°F fryer grease into a plastic bucket... I hope you like mopping!

Kitchen with open cabinets and equipment, liquid spilled on floor, causing a mess. Wet tiles and clutter in a fast-food restaurant setting
u/walskov / Via reddit.com

4.I'm not sure this is what the chef meant when he said to "put your stamp on" the dessert plating.

A dessert with a chocolate handprint next to a spiral-shaped pastry on a plate
u/boopboop20 / Via reddit.com

5.Meticulously preparing something fresh and then seeing it spill all over the floor — we've all been there, and it's always heartbreaking.

Man in a kitchen, wearing a striped apron, stands amid spilled food, holding his head in frustration
u/JPreadsyourstuff / Via reddit.com

6.I don't know how long a pot has to be on the stove before a hole is burnt through the bottom of the pot, but I do know it's TOO LONG.

Damaged pot with multiple holes and charred interior, resting on a stovetop burner
u/lufiks / Via reddit.com

7.Just because it's a little tilted doesn't mean it's unusable, does it?

Condiment bottle tipped on a kitchen counter with various utensils in the background
u/tomatilloaccurate475 / Via reddit.com

8.This "clear lemon tart with caramel meringue" is maybe the first time I've found something with "caramel" in the title unappealing.

Mini pie crusts filled with lemon liquid and a pastry topping, arranged on a tiered stand atop a stovetop
u/fattyfoodie / Via reddit.com

9.It's easy to get macarons wrong, but it's hard to get them this wrong.

Cookies on a baking sheet with uneven shapes and sizes, resembling a baking mishap
u/liquidzip / Via reddit.com

10.I'm afraid to ask how many pounds of meat were lost to this forgotten roasting rack.

A large rack filled with multiple shelves of charred meats in a kitchen setting
u/rapperkid31 / Via reddit.com

11.The only thing more infuriating than plastic wrap refusing to roll smoothly is when it partially tears off the roll — and no one bothers to fix it.

A roll of clear plastic wrap partially unrolled on a cardboard box
u/live_fast-eat_ass / Via reddit.com

12.Whoever put these pans away has the organizational skills of a squirrel.

Stacks of metal kitchen trays are unsafely piled on a metal shelf, some leaning to the side
u/caoimestives / Via reddit.com

13.This is not what the recipe meant when it said: "reduce down."

Burnt food residue in a large pot, held by a person wearing a pink shirt, in a kitchen setting
u/thatdrunkchef / Via reddit.com

14.Maybe it fell on a napkin???

A piece of cooked meat lies on a greasy kitchen floor, with juice pooling around it
u/Lemon_and_Rat / Via reddit.com

15.There's nothing worse than finely mincing herbs for garnish only to have something wet fall into them.

Bowl of dried herbs with a dollop of cream cheese or similar creamy substance on top
u/bozlogic / Via reddit.com

16.The longer you look, the worse this photo gets.

Refrigerator containing trays of shredded food and containers of sauce
u/wolverinegrunt / Via reddit.com

17.I know blackened salmon is a thing, but incinerated salmon?

Six burnt rectangular pieces of food in a metal baking pan with oil residue
u/chefbreakum610 / Via reddit.com

18.A quick tour of the kitchen: "Pots go here, tongs and sieves go there, and yep — containers of tortilla chips hang right next to the whisks. Makes total sense."

Kitchen shelf with bags, boxes, and a container of chips. Whisks hang nearby, with a stainless steel sink below. Safeguard cleaning protocol poster visible
u/AydeeHDsuperpower / Via reddit.com

19.This tomato-based debacle is visceral and upsetting, but I'm obsessed with the guy on the flattop who is continuing to work like nothing's wrong.

Kitchen workers cleaning a large spill of orange liquid on the floor, surrounded by white buckets and kitchen equipment
u/glake603 / Via reddit.com

20.Can a chef assume their cook knows how to slice hotdog buns "in half"? Apparently not.

A large bag filled with small, sliced baguette pieces. The bread has a golden-brown crust and a soft, white interior

21.One word: unsalvageable.

Lettuce spilled onto a tiled floor next to a trash bin with leafy greens inside and milk cartons on a shelf
u/kryoxe / Via reddit.com

22.A watched pot never boils, but an unwatched dough will rise like nobody's business.

Mixer overflowing with batter on a kitchen counter. Baking mishap with thick batter dripping down and spilling over
u/kattjaohoo / Via reddit.com

23.Yeah, I think the head-in-hands pose says it all. I’m mostly worried about the cook’s poor feet in those hole-y Crocs.

A person wearing a chef's uniform and hairnet crouches upset next to a spilled tray of baked beans on a kitchen floor
u/crystalprotocol / Via reddit.com

24.I think there may be a leak... let's not worry too much about it, though. I'm sure no one else has noticed.

Buckets and containers scattered in a cluttered basement with pipes overhead and boxes in the background
u/topginger / Via reddit.com

25.I know some countries don’t refrigerate their eggs — but I’m pretty sure this precarious Jenga tower isn’t part of the French egg-storing method.

Cart filled with stacked cartons of eggs in a warehouse store aisle
u/jessewegenast / Via reddit.com

26.I don't know if I'm more alarmed by the destroyed cake on the floor or the state of that milkcrate, which looks like it has been there since the Reagan presidency.

Spilled bowl of chocolate batter on a kitchen floor next to metal racks and a drain
u/guccicrocs420 / Via reddit.com

What’s the most epic kitchen fail you’ve witnessed? Spill the tea (or the fryer grease) in the comments.