Ken Loach wants Thatcher's funeral privatised

Filmmaker says that putting the plans 'out to tender' is what she would have wanted

Ken Loach has suggested that the UK privatises the funeral of Margaret Thatcher.

The outspoken filmmaker explained in no uncertain terms his feelings on the subject of the former prime minister, who died yesterday following a stroke.

[Related story: Streep pays tribute to Margaret Thatcher]

“Margaret Thatcher was the most divisive and destructive Prime Minister of modern times,” he said.

“Mass Unemployment, factory closures, communities destroyed – this is her legacy. She was a fighter and her enemy was the British working class.

“Her victories were aided by the politically corrupt leaders of the Labour Party and of many Trades Unions. It is because of policies begun by her that we are in this mess today.

“Other prime ministers have followed her path, notably Tony Blair. She was the organ grinder, he was the monkey.

“Remember she called Mandela a terrorist and took tea with the torturer and murderer Pinochet.
How should we honour her? Let’s privatise her funeral. Put it out to competitive tender and accept the cheapest bid. It’s what she would have wanted.”

Long an opponent of Thatcher, Loach's views come as little surprise, and follow the announcement that Baroness Thatcher's ceremonial funeral, to take place at St Paul's Cathedral, is expected to cost up to £8 million, the biggest funeral of its kind since the death of Sir Winston Churchill in 1965.

Loach's comments are in stark contrast to those made by Meryl Streep, who in a statement called Thatcher 'a figure of awe'.

Streep won an Oscar for her portrayal of Thatcher in the film 'The Iron Lady'.