Jennifer Lawrence could return in X-Men: Dark Phoenix

Jennifer Lawrence's 'final' bout as Mystique in X-Men: Apocalypse - Credit: 20th Century Fox
Jennifer Lawrence's 'final' bout as Mystique in X-Men: Apocalypse - Credit: 20th Century Fox

Mystique may be back in ‘X-Men: Dark Phoenix’.

And that could mean the return of Jennifer Lawrence.

It looks as though Jennifer Lawrence might not be finished with the ‘X-Men’… as ‘Dark Phoenix’ producer Hutch Parker teases the return of Magneto and Mystique.

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Asked about the two iconic mutants during an interview with CinemaBlend, he seemed to hint that we could well see them again… but it hasn’t been decided yet.

“I’d rather not confirm any of those officially,” he said. “But yes, the current story that we’re working on has that group [Magneto and Mystique] involved as well as some of the younger characters that we introduced last time.”

Of course, that comes as a bit of a surprise, considering Jennifer Lawrence’s stance on returning to the ‘X-Men’ franchise.

Jennifer Lawrence's 'final' bout as Mystique in X-Men: Apocalypse - Credit: 20th Century Fox
Jennifer Lawrence’s ‘final’ bout as Mystique in X-Men: Apocalypse – Credit: 20th Century Fox

Although the 26-year-old actress has been instrumental in revamping the ‘X-Men; franchise, her contract ended with the recent ‘X-Men: Apocalypse’… and she even recently explained that she would only return to the character of Mystique if she was part of the Marvel movies.

“I won’t be Mystique in the X-Men movies,” she said in a recent interview. “But I would love to be Mystique in Guardians Of The Galaxy. I wonder if I could do that?”

But has she already changed her mind?

It certainly sounds as though ‘Dark Phoenix’ is considering its options when it comes to which iconic mutants will appear on screen… and that could bode well for J-Law to return. Especially since Michael Fassbender has already confirmed he’ll likely be back.

That, or they’ll recast Mystique…

Either way, it sounds as though ‘Dark Phoenix’ hasn’t quite settled on a line-up.

“We’re all sorting out exactly which mutants will be part of it, and which ones won’t,” explained Parker. “It is a bit more expansive than… obviously Logan was a bit more intimate of a story. This one’s a bit more expansive, and you know the comics, so you know how and why. We’re still kind of sorting that through.”

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