
Doc Five: Reasons Johnny Manziel will win a second Heisman – No. 2, hype and attention

This offseason we will count down various topics from Monday through Friday, bringing you the top five of the important and definitely some not so important issues in college football. It's the Doc Five, every week until we will thankfully have actual games to discuss.



We’re sure Johnny Manziel didn’t embark on his offseason world tour looking to start a 2013 Heisman Trophy campaign. Well, pretty sure at least.

Are you sick of Manziel? That’s fine. There hasn’t been another player in college football who has been in the public consciousness as often as the Texas A&M quarterback, and being in the spotlight has never hurt anyone’s Heisman chances. Marcus Mariota, for example, is a great player for Oregon. It’s been almost five months since we’ve really heard anything new about him. Since then …

Manziel has hung out with LeBron. And Durant.

Manziel did some trick shots with Dude Perfect.

Manziel threw out the first pitch before a Rangers game. And a Padres game.

Manziel took pictures with pretty much any Texas A&M coed who happened to be out one night.

Manziel did an interview with ESPN and drove off in a sweet Mercedes Benz.

Manziel threw footballs blindfolded.

Manziel planned a trip with AJ McCarron.

Manziel gave up Twitter, but not really.

Manziel had a Longhorns tattoo, but not really.

You get it. The Most Interesting Quarterback in the World has been everywhere.

Does it all matter? There’s a reason schools spend money on Heisman campaigns. Texas A&M doesn’t need to spend a cent because Manziel is generating more publicity than every other top player combined, just by having fun this offseason and having an Instagram account.

And consider that if Manziel had never shown his face this offseason, much less hung out with NBA superstars or thrown any first pitches, he would have been the most watched player from the season opener on simply because of the history he is chasing.

It has been nearly 40 years since Archie Griffin became the only two-time Heisman winner. People are intrigued by history, and the sport has two potentially history-altering storylines going into the 2013 season: Manziel’s pursuit of a second straight Heisman, and Alabama going for a third straight national title (which is why that Sept. 14 game between the Aggies and Crimson Tide is so interesting). The off-field fun and headlines weren't necessary, but it's probably a bonus for his chances.

Some schools will soon be sending out promotional materials, or producing YouTube videos or putting up billboards to promote their Heisman candidates. Manziel has been running the best Heisman campaign ever this offseason, even if nobody – including Manziel himself – realized that’s what was happening.

Previously on "Doc Five"
5. Voters won't block him
4. His offense and coaching
3. His teammates
1. He’s really good

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