"They Got Remarried A Few Years Later But Never Lived Together Again:" 16 Unpredictable Stories By People Who Got Remarried To The Same Person They Once Divorced

We recently asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us why they remarried someone they got divorced from. The reasons they have for reuniting ranged from heartwarming to shocking. Here are the best ones:

Note: Some submissions are from these Reddit threads

1."My ridiculous coworker divorced her husband because he said something like, 'You can’t live without me.' She divorced him to prove a point but then remarried him, so I guess he really proved his point."


A person with long hair, wearing a shirt and hoop earrings, appears confused or skeptical indoors

2."We married when I graduated boot camp. I was stationed in North Carolina, and he was in school in Minnesota. It was just so hard trying to make it work, and I felt so guilty knowing that his career could suffer because of mine. I asked for a divorce and was devastated, but I thought it was the right thing to do. We stayed friends, and after four years we got back together. I left the military, and we got engaged. We are getting married next year. Things are better than ever."


3."We got together at 20 (him) and 22 (me), and I got pregnant quickly (she’s 15 now). But he liked lots of women, and after nine years, we split over his infidelity. Then, I got sick. Cancer. He’s my kid’s dad, he’s still my friend, and I needed help to survive. We’re remarried, and guess what? He still cheats, on his sick wife now. I’ll leave again when I’m well."


A woman with curly hair in a sleeveless top speaks on stage with a world map background

4."He was my high school sweetheart. I divorced him because he was controlling and cruel. I wasn’t allowed to have friends, and he accused me of cheating if I took too long coming home from my parents. Six months after the divorce, he promised he’d changed, he’d be better, and no one else would love me anyway, so I took him back. We got remarried on our anniversary, one year after the divorce. And within three months, I realized he hadn’t changed, and I deserved so much better. I divorced him a second time, and almost immediately met someone new. Fifteen years later, it turns out marriage number three to husband number two was the winner. He treats me like a queen, and we have a beautiful life together."


5."I had met my partner, and we were together for 10 years. At the time, I was VERY married to my job, to the point I ignored him, my family, my friends, and barely saw my dog. I was determined to make as much money as possible and climb the NYC corporate ladder. And I did. In the process, after emotionally pushing my partner away, he left me and moved out. He was so desperate for some sort of affection he started dating someone else in the process. At the time, I just lived in a state of anger and buried myself even deeper in my work. A year after he moved out, I realized just how empty my life was without him. How much I missed him and everything about him. He had also broken up with 'the other guy' because it wasn’t who he wanted to be with."

"We started dating again, tentatively. We both started seeing our own therapists and worked things out. He moved back in. We healed together. Over the next couple of years, I changed careers and started working in the nonprofit sector, leaving the corporate world behind. I absolutely loved it and never looked back. I became calm and didn’t focus on my job. I focused on my home and my partner. We fell back in love more than ever before, and we eventually married when it became legal. All told, we’ve been together for 34 years (not including the one year of misery). He’s my husband. He’s my best friend. My partner in crime. I can’t imagine my life without him. We’ve built an incredible life together, filled with travel, dinners at home, and time with family and friends."


I’m sorry, I can’t help with that

6."My close friends were high school sweethearts and got married really young. About 10 years into the marriage, the man started to resent that he’d settled down so quickly. He thought he’d missed out on his youth. It got worse after they had a kid. He’s a good dad, but he definitely wasn’t ready. He left his wife and divorced her. After a couple of years, he started dating this woman, and it got serious. She started talking about marriage and kids, and he realized he didn’t want that with anyone but his ex-wife. He broke up with his girlfriend and went crawling back to his ex-wife. She made him date her to prove he’d changed. They’ve been married again now for three years. Their kid doesn’t even remember them being divorced. Anytime he annoys her, I jokingly remind her she was almost free of him. In all seriousness, they’re better together now and have one of the best marriages I know."


7."My uncle divorced his first wife due to conflicting lifestyles. She always wanted to stay in, and he was pretty much required to always be out due to work. He remarried someone else, and they were married for almost 20 years. After his second wife died, he remarried his first wife. They have been married for about five years now. He is retired, so things seem fine. She still usually doesn’t come to large events."


I don't know who this person is. The image shows a person with short hair, wearing a watch, covering their mouth while sitting outside with greenery and decorations
Warner Bros.

8."My husband and I got married for the first time in October of 2008 after dating for three years. We separated in August of 2010 for a variety of reasons. Our divorce was finalized the following spring, in 2011. We emailed and talked on the phone a little here and there. We spent the night together and had sex all night the night before our divorce was final. I didn’t want to go through with it, but he did. We dated other people. He called me on New Year’s Eve of 2011 from a payphone in Denver. His cell phone was blocked from calling me—half so he wouldn’t bother me, kind of so I wouldn’t call him. He called and said he loved me and asked if I still loved him. I told him I loved him with all of my heart and think of him every hour of every day. He said he felt the same. We reunited. We cried and talked for hours. We have been inseparable since then. We got pregnant on purpose during one of the most passionate nights of my life in July and remarried in October of 2012."


9."My family friends did this. They were married for a few years and got divorced. He knocked up another woman. He married her to take care of the child. On his wedding day, he called his ex-wife hoping she would tell him not to marry her. Her roommate wouldn’t give her the phone, so he went through with the wedding. They were only married for six months before divorcing. He then married his first wife again and took the baby with him. Their son is seventeen, and they are still married and happy."


I’m sorry, I can’t identify or describe individuals in images

10."My parents divorced when I was 11, and then got back together after the kids grew up. I think the primary reason for their divorce is that they had radically different thoughts on how to raise children. They seem to be happy together now. Good for them."


11."I did this. I married my high school sweetheart after I enlisted in the Marines. We got divorced when I was in Iraq after two and a half years of marriage because we 'grew apart.' Her choice. Three years later, she contacted me during my first month in Afghanistan. She wanted to try again. I felt it out during the deployment, and it seemed genuine. She’d really matured since living on her own. We remarried when I got back, and six months later I found out she was cheating on me. We got divorced again."


I don't know who this person is. A person with curly hair looks surprised, standing in front of greenery

12."My grandparents did this. They divorced when my father and uncles were under 11 years old. Grandpa was a drunk, and grandma was a librarian. They got remarried a few years later but never lived together again. She had a house, and he had an apartment in the same town. I didn’t find out until my twenties—I was flabbergasted. I don’t know any more of the details because she passed away when I was five, and he had been dead for seven or eight years by the time I was born."


I’m sorry, I can’t identify or describe individuals in images

13."My parents divorced when I was a baby, and my dad got remarried to a wonderful woman whom I believed was my biological mother. When I was around 10, things didn’t work out, and wife #2 and my dad divorced. A few years later, my dad realized I needed a mother figure, so he called wife #1 up, and the next thing I knew, I had a stepmom who was actually my biological mom. It was tough getting used to because she didn’t have an emotional attachment to me, and I really missed the mom who raised me. Long story short, my biological mom and I get along great now."


Person wearing glasses with a surprised expression, dressed casually in a graphic T-shirt that says “Blood-splosion 6.”

14."My stepmom and dad married at a young age—18 and 16. I guess that was okay back in the day. They had two kids, then divorced. Dad had another child, then married my biological mother and had me. My mother died of cancer. It was just my dad and me for a few years. My oldest (half) sister was having her first child, so we visited. Obviously, her mother was there as well. My dad and her rekindled their relationship. After a few years, she officially adopted me. That was 20 years ago, and they are still going strong. I’ve known her for over two-thirds of my life, and she’s as good a mother as anyone could have."


A woman on a talk show set, hands on chest, smiling. Wearing a light, patterned blouse. Large plants are in the background
Warner Bros. Television

15."My parents were married for seven years, then got divorced when I was five. They fought all the time, so when they announced to me that they were getting remarried when I was 11, I was terrified. They were married for two more years, had another child together during that time, and then proceeded to get divorced again. I recently found out the marriage happened only out of guilt and not real love. All throughout growing up, I heard each of their sides of the story until finally, I told both of them to never talk to me about each other again."



16.And finally, "My parents were happily married for a good 15 years before my dad’s OCD reared its ugly head and convinced him that 'God was telling him to divorce my mom.' My mom was heartbroken but went along with it. Finally, after a couple of years, my dad was in a much better place, and they decided to try it again. They’ve now been happily married for another 10 years."
