"He Told Me To Chill": This Woman Suspected That Her Boyfriend Was About To Cheat With His Co-Worker, So She Did What Probably Any Woman Would Do

Cheating is one of the most hurtful things someone can experience in a relationship. Whether someone is blindsided by being told by their partner (or the person they're cheating with) or they found out after doing a bit of snooping, it's all very hurtful.

A man in bed looking at his phone while a woman sleeps next to him under the covers
Peter Cade / Getty Images / Via reddit.com

In the r/relationship_advice subreddit, this OP (original poster) shared how she had an inkling that her boyfriend might cheat on her with his coworker. The OP took it upon herself to message the coworker she was suspicious of and ask her questions. Here's the full story:

A woman discusses her concerns about her boyfriend's communication with someone on Instagram, feeling uneasy about privacy and trust in their relationship

The OP continued by writing, "Fast forward to today, two weeks after the incident, we went to a party, and he got so drunk that I had to walk him from the car to our bed. As I was about to get in bed myself, his phone popped up with a notification saying, 'You up?' It was from the girl named Addy."

Summary of text: A person finds out their partner is secretly meeting someone else, despite being in a relationship. The partner seems religious

The OP went on to write, "I messaged her. I told her I was my boyfriend's girlfriend and sent photos of my boyfriend and me with timestamps on them. I told her I knew when they went out and asked her not to message my boyfriend until I figured everything out. She never responded but removed my boyfriend from her followers a few minutes later. I'm scared about what could happen if he finds out what I did, and we may break up. I don't even know if he's cheating. He downplayed it last time by saying, 'You can have a guy work friends, but I can't?' I don't really know what to believe. Please help. I now regret messaging Addy. I am typing all of this at 4 a.m. I don't know what will happen when he finds out."

Summary of the text: A person discusses sending texts to their ex's current partner, Addy, who responds about hanging out with their ex but not dating

Eek, that was a doozy! So the question at hand is if this OP is the asshole for messaging the coworker? Reddit had a lot to say, and I agree with all of them.

This person said what everyone is thinking.

Reddit comment advising to end a relationship, stating the boyfriend is the issue, not the other woman

Yes to this advice!!

Comment advising someone to leave a partner suspected of cheating and seek better treatment

This person brought up a very valid point.

Reddit post discussing a person named Addy deleting someone from Instagram and implications of cheating and deception

Lastly, this commenter told the OP the hard truth about the situation.

Reddit comment by Senior_Raspberry7999 discussing infidelity and advising to leave the cheater for someone respectful

What are your thoughts on this situation? Since we know the girlfriend isn't the a**hole, do you think the boyfriend or Addy is? Share all your thoughts with me in the comments below!