Older Adults Are Sharing The "Trendy" Menu Items They Used To Order On Repeat That Have All But Vanished From Restaurants Today


Food trends always come and go, and it's hard not to get nostalgic over the dishes we grew up with that have since fallen in popularity. Recently, we wrote about the menu items that were once "all the rage" but have basically vanished from restaurants. Well, according to over 500 comments from older adults in the BuzzFeed Community, there are even more forgotten dishes they grew up eating. Here are a few of them.

1."I remember crab cakes being a big deal in the '90s and '00s."

Two crab cakes on arugula with sauce, garnished with lemon wedges and capers, on a plate

2."Root beer floats (root beer with a scoop of vanilla ice cream) and egg creams (vanilla or chocolate syrup with seltzer). You could also have a 'black and white,' half vanilla, half chocolate."


3."Waldorf salad — a sweet and savory situation that seems straight from Appalachia but is actually from a fancy NYC hotel. It's apples, celery, grapes, and walnuts dressed with mayonnaise and served on a bed of lettuce. Whew."

Diced apple salad with nuts and raisins on a bed of lettuce

—Lucille, Virginia

u/superflippy / Via reddit.com

4."I love Denver sandwiches but only know of one mom-and-pop place locally that has them."


5."I haven't seen Chicken Kiev on a menu in years. It was my favorite dish served on a bed of seasoned wild rice."

Chicken Kiev served with mashed potatoes and steamed broccoli on a white plate

6."Chicken Marbella."


"Chicken Marbella is absolutely delicious. It needs to make a comeback."


7."Back in the '80s, the Chinese restaurants in my hometown (Austin) used to have pu pu platters on the menu, which I would BEG my parents to order. It was a lazy Susan with a little hibachi flame in the middle that you could use to cook your raw beef on a stick. The other bowls on the lazy Susan had chicken wings, wontons, candied walnuts, and fried prawns — it always felt so fancy! Where did they go?"

Assorted Chinese dishes on plates, including ribs, fried rice, noodles, egg rolls, and battered shrimp, arranged around a circular serving tray

—Anonymous, 48, Texas

u/[deleted] / Via reddit.com

8."A parsley garnish in every restaurant for every type of food. Even soup would come on a plate with parsley. My grandma used to eat it because she said it was good for her teeth. It's been mostly replaced by kale."


"Not the good parsley either; it was always the curly type."


9."Steak tartare. I know it’s risky, but as someone with anemia, it’s incredibly satisfying. Carpaccio, too. I will even sneak pieces of raw steak when I’m cooking. My mom used to sneak pieces of raw hamburger, but I draw the line there."

Tuna tartare topped with parsley, served on a white plate with three slices of baguette

10."Caesar salad made at your table. I guess the scare of the raw egg was just too much of a risk. Too bad."


11."Does anyone else remember the pasta primavera trend? It was fettuccine in a cream sauce, with Green Giant vegetables tossed on top. My parents were WILD for it since they mainly kept kosher. It was 'finally something we can eat' in lieu of meat sauces. It was freaking everywhere in the '80s!"

Bowl of creamy pasta with asparagus, peas, pine nuts, and leafy greens on a wooden table

12."I'm not sure if it was everywhere, but in Australia in the '90s/'00s, potato wedges with a side of sour cream and sweet chili sauce were in almost every cafe and restaurant. I have fond memories as a teen sharing a bowl with friends."


13."Blooming onions. I never had one, but it was such a fad."

Plate of fried blooming onion with a cup of dipping sauce in the center

14."Tableside guacamole. No one seems to do it anymore."


15."I rarely see Chicken Cordon Bleu anymore."

Breaded chicken cutlet stuffed with ham and cheese, served with green beans, on a decorative plate

16."I remember as a child that pesto, sun-dried tomatoes, and roasted red peppers were literally in everything. Honestly, I'm rather happy they’ve disappeared as they make me sick, but I often wonder about it."


17."Chicken marsala."

Chicken breast pieces are cooked in a skillet with mushrooms and a creamy sauce, garnished with herbs

18."I remember a buffet place in the early to mid-'80s that had ambrosia and whipped chocolate mousse in the dessert section. Both items disappeared from mid-price restaurants for many years and are still hard to find."


19."I miss escargot! There's only one way to properly prepare them — drowning in garlic butter."

Escargot dish on a metal platter, garnished with herbs and served on red napkins

20."Shrimp cocktail!"


"Yeah, a shrimp cocktail with the sauce in a martini glass and the shrimp arranged around the rim used to be very fancy! Now, you can just get a huge shrimp cocktail platter in the seafood section at the grocery store."


21."My grandpa loved chicken fried steak, but I have only seen that on a few contemporary menus. In the '70s–'80s, when I grew up, it was everywhere!"

Plate with chicken-fried steak and gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans, and two slices of toast

22."Wild rice — the epitome of class to my '90s kid mind. I knew I was at a fancy restaurant if wild rice was on the menu. Now, I have trouble finding it in the grocery store!"

—Anonymous, 35, North Carolina

Is there a dish you recall being wildly popular that disappeared from restaurants? Let us know in the comments, or fill out this anonymous form.

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.