Former Skeptics Who Now Believe In The Paranormal, What Was The Moment That Changed Your Mind?

Many people — myself included — wholeheartedly believe in the paranormal/supernatural. On the flip side, though, many individuals (aka skeptics) firmly refuse to believe that anything outside of the natural realm can occur. They prefer to believe that everything happens for a reason that can be easily explained if one looks closely enough.

A dimly lit tunnel with a distant, shadowy figure standing outside. The scene is atmospheric, suggesting mystery or suspense
David Wall via Getty Images

However, even skeptics will sometimes witness an event or experience a moment that completely changes their outlook on what is possible in the world around them. From terrifying encounters to unexplainable occurrences, many situations can convert a skeptic to a believer...

People's hands on a Ouija board, with candles and drinks around, creating a mysterious atmosphere
Maskot / Getty Images/Maskot

Maybe you lived or worked in a haunted location and saw, heard, or even felt things that couldn't be logically explained?

A ghostly figure in a flowing gown stands on a dim staircase, looking pensive. The scene evokes a mysterious, eerie atmosphere
Renphoto / Getty Images

Maybe a deceased relative or friend visited you in a dream and warned you of events that later happened?

A ghostly figure touches a sleeping person in a dimly lit bedroom with a lace-curtained window
Ralf Nau / Getty Images

Maybe you were about to be injured in a serious accident — such as falling down a set of stairs or being involved in a car wreck — only to mysteriously "wake up" in a completely safe location?

Person climbing a ladder by a large window, partially outside. Red curtains frame the view of a green garden
Joos Mind via Getty Images

Maybe your paranormal experience felt more like a scene from a horror movie? Perhaps an angry being or presence violently awakened you in the middle of the night? Or maybe a spirit wreaked havoc in a particularly malevolent way?

A realistic, eerie hand with claw-like fingers emerging from behind a stone pillar in a dimly lit setting
William Attard Mccarthy - Mccart / Getty Images

Maybe you experienced a life-altering moment, such as an out-of-body or near-death experience, and perhaps while unconscious, you "visited" an otherworldly place or witnessed events that couldn't be logically explained?

A woman lies on the ground in a white dress, with a ghostly version of herself rising above her
Sdominick / Getty Images

No matter how you became convinced that the paranormal was real, we want to hear your story! Which is why I'm asking former skeptics: What was the one paranormal event you experienced that turned you into a believer? Tell us your story in the comments below (or, if you prefer to stay anonymous, you can use this Google Form). Your response could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!