Divorcees, Tell Us The "Final Straw" Moment That Made You Realize You Wanted A Divorce

As the saying goes, "When you know, you know." And sometimes, you just know when your relationship has come to the end of its string. That said, if you were once married, I want to know: What was the "final straw" moment that made you realize you wanted a divorce?

Screenshot of Giphy page featuring Barack Obama gif with text, "IF I WERE ABLE TO RUN FOR A THIRD TERM, MICHELLE WOULD DIVORCE ME."
ABC / Via giphy.com

Maybe you married fairly quickly and realized after a few months that you and your then-spouse had completely different living habits. For example, you liked to wash and put the dishes away immediately, while they liked to let them pile up and wash them "later." Well, after the third time of arguing over the dishes — among other things — you understood that enough was enough.

Jennifer Aniston in "The Break Up" saying, "I want you to want to do the dishes"
Universal Pictures

Maybe, after being suspicious, you finally caught your partner cheating on the person they constantly told you "not to worry about."

Two individuals sit on a bed, partially covered with sheets. Subtitles: "Ini adalah pertama kalinya."
Warner Bros.

Maybe you were going through an extremely difficult time in life, and your spouse couldn't support you in the way you needed or expected. You realized then that they couldn't be the person you wanted them to be, so you decided to put a stop to the marriage.

Adam Driver in "Marriage Story" arguing in a scene

Or perhaps your then-partner disrespected a family member or close friend of yours, and you decided enough was enough. You thought you could overlook the moments when they lacked kindness, but alas.

Astrid from "Crazy Rich Asians" talking to her husband
Warner Bros.

Whatever the case, if you've been through a divorce, when was the last straw? Was there a definitive moment when you just knew? Let me know in the comments, or you can anonymously submit your story using this form!