Dad wants to know if he’s wrong for telling Grandma she can’t be called ‘Glammy’

Grandma AITA reddit
Dragana Gordic/Shutterstock/Reddit

Aging gracefully is something we can all only hope to do—but the more likely scenario is that we’ll try, and end up hitting a few stumbling blocks along the way. Such seems to be the case for one soon-to-be grandma at the center of a question posed on Reddit. Because she’s afraid of getting older, she doesn’t want to be called “Grandma” (or any other similar grandma name). Now, her son, the dad-to-be, is asking for advice about some of the grandma names she’s proposed for herself.

“My mother is the type of woman who hates the idea of getting old,” he wrote. “She tries to hide it in anyway she possibly can. She started coming up with names to be called and in the beginning it was funny. But I’ve learned that she’s completely serious on one of these stupid names and she gets mad at me for telling her that I won’t allow it. The most recent name she has come up with is Glammy because she saw a post that says ‘when you’re a grandma but you’re young and hip you get called Glammy.’ Tbh that’s the only one that I was like hmmm maybe cause I know my child will just say gammy or Grammy. But some of the names she wants are FiFi, Lolli (like lollipop), Bibi, Lola, Ari…”

The new dad continued, “To me, these names are just stupid… I’m perfectly fine with names that are somewhat normal but for some reason I can’t get the image of my child telling someone that their ‘FiFi is picking her up’ and she just gets laughed at cause it’s a stupid name. We’ve all tried to give my mom name suggestions but are shot down every time and told that we are taking this experience away from her. What do y’all think?”

Well, we all have our pet peeves. The other parents on Reddit were quick to tell this first-time dad that no one is really in the wrong here, but he might be overthinking the Glammy grandma name a little bit.

“In my experience whatever name she picks or insists on would eventually become Grandma [Name] anyway. She wants to be called Fifi? Congrats, she’s now Grandma Fifi,” one commenter wrote.

Another added, “Realize your child will decide what they are called. Likely something easy to say like nana and one day it will just stick and that’s what she will be.”

That’s actually advice that came up quite a bit: The kid will have more to say about this than Glammy.

“You think you get to decide that? You don’t. My son calls my mother Poppy. He calls his uncle ‘Achoo.’ Kids will do what they will,” another commenter said.

And one poor commenter shared their own horror story: “This really isn’t as big of a deal as you’re making it, I think. Assuming the child has more than one grandparent, they’re all going to want to be called by different names anyway. I think it’s fine for your mom to choose how she wants to be addressed. On a sidenote… Do you think you have it bad? My stepmother wanted to be addressed as ‘grandpa Joe’s young wife, Susie’ L O L.”

Good to know things can always be worse than Glammy, but, uh, let’s not give her any ideas.