Dating a Pisces man? Here's everything you need to know

Astrology can help us understand more about ourselves and the people we love/date/hopelessly crush on — no matter their gender. For more deets on Pisces compatibility, check out our guide to dating a Pisces woman and our gender-neutral guide to dating a Pisces.

There are just a few basics that need to be explored when you first start dating someone. Where is he from? What does he do for a living? Oh, and most definitely, when’s his birthday? This isn’t just for remembering when to send that “happy b-day :)” text! Knowing a potential partner's zodiac sign can really help in understanding his behaviour. Astrology helps us break down personality traits, pet peeves, and, yes, even dating patterns. It can be fun and informative to look up his sign and see how yours works with his.

If you’re dating, Insta stalking (hi, guilty), or just fantasising over a Pisces man, we’re here to help you navigate this emotional water sign. These mystical mermen are dreamy and romantic and, uh, they have a lot of feelings.

Luckily, astrology allows us to decipher personality traits, pet peeves, and so much more. And trust me when I say, there is sooo much more to a Pisces man than you initially realised. So if your guy was born between 12th February and 20th March, you’re in for a treat, but as it goes with any sign, there are some things you may want to keep an eye out for.

The Pisces basics

Birthday: 12th February to 20th March

Modality: Mutable

Element: Water

Ruling planets: Jupiter and Neptune

Represented by: The fish

Tarot card: The Moon

Best crystals: Smoky quartz, amethyst, iolite, malachite

Keywords: Dreamy, playful, emotional, artistic, fickle, romantic, creative, sensitive, idealistic, intuitive, mystical

Love anthem: 'In My Feelings,' by Drake

Watch this romance movie together: Before Sunset (2004), directed by Richard Linklater

Famous Pisces men: Bad Bunny, Justin Bieber, Trever Noah, Oscar Isaac, Stephen Curry, Fred Rogers, Jon Hamm, Josh Groban, Chris Martin, Seal, Daniel Craig, Shaquille O’Neal, Bryan Cranston, James Van Der Beek, Common, Rob Lowe, James Van Der Beek, Benji and Joel Madden, Tyler the Creator, Adam Levine

A Pisces man’s best personality traits

Pisces is maybe the most creative sign of the zodiac. He has a naturally artistic mind, and whether he’s a full-time poet or he just makes the most fascinating doodles, your Pisces dude has a strong imagination. He’s also got a sensitive side...okay, every side is sensitive. In a good way (usually! more on that in a minute!) He’s empathic, in touch with his feelings, and always down to talk. Also, have I mentioned he’s amazing in bed?

A Pisces man’s worst personality traits

So...that sensitive side. It can be great! But it can also mean that he gets his feelings hurt over a little comment that you didn’t even mean to come off as backhanded. Let’s face it, he can be a little moody. His stellar imagination means that he also permanently has his head in the clouds...which can be great, but also means that he’s not so good about the ordinary day-to-day stuff like...being on time for your date.

The best matches for a Pisces man

Pisces is an idealistic and romantic sign, so it’s only natural that Libra is a perfect match! Libra is ruled by Venus, planet of beauty, love, and pleasure, and Libras are optimistic and open-minded, just like Pisces.

Fire sign Sagittarius is another great match for Pisces! Both need to have a sense of freedom, so giving each other space isn’t a problem. They’re both ruled by Jupiter, which means they’re also both positive-minded big thinkers and they never run out of things to talk about with each other.

Of course, fellow water signs Cancer and Scorpio just mesh well with Pisces’ emotions…as long as they don’t hurt each other’s feelings! Water signs also pair well with earth signs (like a bb plant growing!) so Capricorn and Taurus will make Pisces feel ~grounded~. Notably, earth sign Virgo and Pisces have an opposites-attract style chemistry (bc they’re literally opposites on the zodiac). And of course, who’s a better match for a Pisces than another Pisces?

The worst matches for a Pisces man

Quick-witted Gemini can seem a bit flighty or even harsh for sweet Pisces, so these two sometimes don’t work out. Pisces is probably the most emotional sign, while Aquarius is perhaps the least — Aquarius can show a softer side when they really get to know and trust someone, but without an emotional connection at the start, Pisces might not stick around long enough to get to know that softer side.

That said, having incompatible Sun signs doesn’t mean your relationship is doomed — it just means you might have to put in a little work to really ~get~ each other. And compatibility is about so much more than your Sun sign anyway, so if your Moon signs or another part of your birth charts mesh well, you might be an astrologically blessed match anyway.

But even if your birth chart is full of Aquarius placements, if you make an effort to understand your Pisces partner — and vice versa — you can have a great relationship. And TBH, ~astrological tension~ can often lead to ~sexual tension~, so there’s something to be said for “incompatibility”!

Sex with a Pisces man

Um, Pisces are incredible in bed — some even say that out of all the zodiac signs, they’re the best at sex. They’re so intuitive that they know what their partner wants in bed before boo even asks for it! And their creativity and nonjudgmental nature means they’re down to try just about any fantasy or kink you can think of.

As a romantic water sign, they love cuddles and kisses. And also shower sex. And sex on the beach. They’re represented by the fish, after all! They’re *the* sign of fantasy, so yeah, they’ve got a few hot ones of their own they’re ready to tell you alllll about too. And they’re a natural at role-playing!

A date with a Pisces man

How do you feel about going scuba-diving on a first date? No? If you’re not involving the water, go for something that will capture your Pisces’ imagination, like watching a movie or going to an art museum together. Afterward, go out for a cocktail or ice cream so you can discuss all your thoughts and feelings!

A Pisces man at home

Pisces love to be comfy and cozy, so expect a big couch, the softest blankets, and plenty of fluffy pillows. They’re in touch with their imagination and their spiritual side, so you’ll probably see some dreamy artwork on their walls, crystals scattered around their home, and evidence of their creativity — think notebooks full of handwritten poems, watercolours, black and white photographs, etc.

A Pisces man at the office

Pisces aren’t exactly fighting to be the centre of attention like certain zodiac signs (cough, cough, Leo), but their creative ideas make them the star of every brainstorming sesh. Their sensitive, empathetic natures also make them excellent with people — they’re natural diplomats. This means that they can work with basically anyone and smooth over tension in any group.

A Pisces man with friends

Like fellow water signs Scorpio and Cancer, Pisces takes a “quality over quantity” approach to friendship. He likely has a few super-close BFFs but doesn’t see a need for a wide circle of acquaintances. He’s perfectly happy doing things on his own, anyway!

A gift for a Pisces man

Pisces is one of the most sentimental signs of the zodiac, so give him something with a special meaning — a handwritten poem, a framed photo of the two of you, a cake you baked yourself, you get the idea! Or get him an ~experience~: plan a romantic weekend away, take him out to his favourite cocktail bar, or pack a delicious picnic for a sweet afternoon date. If you do want to spend some £££, get him something that stimulates his own creativity, like a fancy ballpoint pen or headphones with the best sound quality.

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