Adults Are Sharing Classes They Wish Were Taught In School, And Some Of Them Are Genuinely Brilliant

Recently, we asked the BuzzFeed Community what practical classes they wish were actually taught in school. Unsurprisingly, people had a lot to say. Here are some of the best responses:

Some responses have been edited for length and clarity.

1."Basic Human Decency 101. Teach people to put the toilet seat down after use, hold doors open for others, put the grocery cart away when you're done, smoke far away from non-smokers, don’t stand right behind someone at the ATM, don’t litter, use your turn signal, etc. Just basic human courtesy!"

A person smiling, dressed in a light suit and striped tie, tips a straw hat outdoors
Gso Images / Getty Images

2."Self-defence (like wrestling) for each grade."


3."Financial literacy in the real world! How to pay a mortgage, manage debt, take out a loan, etc."


4."Insurance. I know I have car insurance, but I don’t really know what that covers or means."

Person at desk working on finances with documents, laptop, and calculator showing 7866. Writing a to-do list that includes "pay bills" and "budget."
Images By Tang Ming Tung / Getty Images

5."Explaining how student loans work and how to make sure you’re not getting in over your head. Instead of calling college grads with debt lazy and whiny, we could have been taught how to actually handle finances properly and wouldn’t be in this position."


6."Actual geography. Most people think it’s just memorizing countries, but mapping and geospatial thinking is so useful."

A teacher shows a tablet to engaged students in a classroom setting. Educational posters are displayed on the walls
Klaus Vedfelt / Getty Images

7."Mental health. So many students have anxiety, depression, etc. and don’t know what’s going on with themselves. Even if someone doesn’t have a mental illness, their friends probably do, and it’s good to know how to help a friend."


8."American Sign Language. Even if people don’t retain most of what they learn, they'll at least know common signs to communicate with deaf people."

Teacher and young student learning sign language together in a classroom with educational posters on the wall
Juan Silva / Getty Images

9."Media literacy, like how to discern between factual and conspiracy content, fact-checking, and interpreting and researching political ads (who’s paying for this ad?!), and more."


10."Online safety and awareness. So many young people are on social media now and don’t understand how many profiles are created for the use of scams and sexual predators. They don’t know how to spot them and consider declining the friend request because they're happy someone wants to be their 'friend.' It scares me."

A person with blonde locs leans over a seated child using a laptop covered in stickers, both focusing on the screen
Momo Productions / Getty Images

11."Diversity and identity-based courses. I think this would give people a lot more empathy."


12."How to navigate our effed up healthcare system."


13."How to write a business plan. The math involved in cost vs. profits. How to present yourself to a bank to maximize your loan potential. We’d have more entrepreneurs and more successful local businesses this way."

Young child wearing glasses holds papers and a pen, appearing focused and thoughtful against a simple backdrop
Traimak_ivan / Getty Images

14."A course on interpersonal relationships and how to conduct yourself with various personality types. How to recognize an unproductive conversation or argument, conflict resolution, and basic social psychology."


15."Education in the trades: HVAC, plumbing, electrical, cooking, baking, etc."

Child wearing safety glasses, earmuffs, a gray T-shirt, jeans, green sneakers, and a tool belt with a wrench, poses against a white background
Andreypopov / Getty Images/iStockphoto

16."Basic car maintenance should be taught in high school drivers ed: how to change a tire, how to change the oil, how to change the air filter, etc."


17."In-depth sex education. Not just the physical act of sex, but everything else surrounding sex (sex positivity, jealousy, rejection, and what a healthy relationship looks like)."


18."I think schools should ask each kid what they want to learn about and teach the topic, regardless of what it is (unless it's hacking, inappropriate content, etc.)."

Classroom setting with children seated at desks, one child raising a hand, teacher blurred in the background
Maskot / Getty Images/Maskot

What classes do you think should be taught in school? Share them in the comments below!