
Serial Rock Thrower Kills Driver

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Serial Rock Thrower Kills Driver
Serial Rock Thrower Kills Driver

Every once in a while we see a story about someone throwing a rock or other object through a windshield, killing a driver. It’s happened again, this time in the Antelope Valley in Southern California. But what’s different about this case is it sounds like whoever did it has an ongoing habit of throwing large rocks at cars on the highway.

Running from police, suspect sends himself through his windshield.

The fatal incident happened this week on Highway 138 near Little Rock. It was just after midnight when the rock smashed through the victim’s windshield, fatally injuring her. We know from junkyard experiences how hard it is to puncture all the way through a windshield’s safety glass, so this wasn’t just some kids throwing a few stones.


Either the rock had to be huge or there was some serious velocity behind it, maybe both. But this definitely wasn’t an accident, even if the person who did it wasn’t trying to kill someone. Either way, they did and they need to turn themselves over to authorities.

According to an ABC7 report, detectives quickly determined that a few days before the fatal incident, there were at least two similar ones on the same stretch of Highway 138. Both of those drivers were injured, one severely. Most likely this was done by the same person or group of people.

When the reporter spoke to two other people, they referenced other similar cases in the area. One said a guy he knew was seriously injured by a rock thrown through his windshield a few years ago. That makes us wonder if someone has been making a sport out of throwing rocks at cars on the highway for a while, only recently catching the attention of law enforcement.

We don’t really care how old the suspect(s) is in this case of why they’re throwing rocks at cars. There needs to be severe consequences, especially if this same person has been doing this for years.

Image via ABC7/YouTube

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