
Check Out The Dirty Underbelly Of Chicago Street Racing

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Check Out The Dirty Underbelly Of Chicago Street Racing
Check Out The Dirty Underbelly Of Chicago Street Racing

We bring to you today two videos of illegal street racing in the Chicago area. This isn’t to glamourize street racing in any way, even though it’s obvious the person who posted these to YouTube had that very intention. Instead, we want to expose what street racing is all about.

Learn the simple method police in New Mexico used to catch a speeding Dodge Hellcat.

You might be wondering why YouTube allows these videos to be uploaded and remain on the site. We can tell you there are thousands more like these from all parts of the country. They attempt to glamorize street racing, portraying participants are some sort of heroes for sneaking around cities in the dead of night, finding places to race each other on public roads.


The activities are obviously illegal and these guys know it. But in these videos, like in so many other street racing videos, the guy who uploaded them says it all took place in Mexico. Any idiot knows this was in the US. After all, the signs and road markings are in English.

Whoever edited this video put black boxes over highway exit signs, making it difficult to pinpoint exactly where they are. But we know this is the US and we’ll just take the title at face value that this is somewhere in Chicagoland.

The big takeaway here should be that these street racers have lots of money and they don’t care about the law. We don’t know where their cash comes from, but we do know they don’t seem to think anything of blasting past you while going 140+ mph, putting your life in danger. After all, they’re having fun and that seems to be all that matters.

With how much money these guys have put into their vehicles, they could afford to race at a private track. In other words, they’re not street racing out of necessity but because they enjoy it. Likely, it has something to do with the thrill of getting away with breaking the law and stay one step ahead of police. The danger of it all is the allure.

The first step toward effectively fighting illegal street racing is understanding it, and that’s what we’re trying to help people do: understand what’s foreign to them.

Image via Frankie1775/YouTube

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