
Cars Keep Crash Landing In This Backyard

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Cars Keep Crash Landing In This Backyard
Cars Keep Crash Landing In This Backyard

Cars keep landing in a woman’s backyard, and she’s concerned one of them is going to end up hitting her daughter one day. The city reportedly admits there’s a problem with the road by her house and has taken steps to mitigate it, but drivers still are going too fast.

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We’ve seen stories like this play out in different parts of the country, but this one takes place in San Bernardino, California. Behind the woman’s house is a curvy road that’s up a steep hill from her backyard, as clearly shown in an ABC7 report.


As people come down the hill too fast, they can’t negotiate the turn, then end up sliding off and into the woman’s backyard. It’s happened four times since she moved in a few years ago and she understandably is over it.

But the city has tried to get drivers to slow down. It installed one of those electronic speed limit signs which warns drivers to slow down for the steep hill ahead. Not surprisingly, people have pretty much ignored that.

It also installed a rumble strip on the painted median. But if you’re already going too fast, that’s not going to really help.

Now the city is weighing installing concrete barriers on the shoulder to keep cars from running off the road. That’s probably the only real way to stop it since people won’t pay attention and won’t slow down. After all, if police were to sit at that hill and just hand out tickets all day long people would complain they’re being mean and probably try suing. Remember, this is in California.

If you’re looking to move into a new house, keep things like this in mind. Being at the end of a T-intersection, being below a busy road, or even being situated at a curve on a road people like to blast down can lead to problems.

Image via ABC7

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