Women, Tell Us The "Icks" About Men You Ignored That Ended Up Getting Way, Way Worse

In the early days of dating, red flags can be hard to see. And sometimes when you do see them, you ignore them for a little while longer until you eventually see how big of a red flag it really is.

A talk show host holds red flags while talking to a guest on a set
NBC / Via giphy.com

However, that red flag always comes back to haunt you. So, women, we want to know the "icks" you ignored in men that eventually ended up getting way, way worse.

Person waving hand, mouthing "Buh Bye" with a playful expression
Beacon Pictures / Via gifer.com

Maybe the dismissive comments about your interests seemed minor until they became a pattern.

Woman looking bored while man enthusiastically plays video games on the couch
Mike Kemp / Getty Images/Tetra images RF

Maybe he barely responded to your texts, yet he somehow managed to have time to post on social media all day.

Woman sitting on a couch, looking at her smartphone with a thoughtful expression, near large windows
Delmaine Donson / Getty Images

Or maybe what you first perceived as "protective" was really just a guise for "controlling."

A woman in a striped dress looks distressed while a man in a button-up shirt gestures, standing by a window with geometric patterns
Srdjanpav / Getty Images

Whatever the ick is that turned into a red flag you could no longer ignore, we want to hear your story. Women, share your "icks" in the comments below or this form, and your response might be featured in a future BuzzFeed Community post.