Women Are Sharing The Habits That Give Them The Immediate Ick For A Guy

Recently, Reddit user u/Neat-Ordinary7706 posed this question: "Girls, what’s one habit that makes a guy instantly unattractive?"

Woman from TLC show making a disgusted face while sitting on a bench

Here are some of the top-voted responses:

1."Lying over mundane things instead of being direct, for the sake of not being confrontational."

u/kaythestray and u/DeepestWinterBlue

2."Condescension, especially when he doesn't know what the fuck he is talking about."


Zooey Deschanel as Jess Day in "New Girl" yells "SHUT UP!" with her eyes closed

3."Can’t do anything for himself. I’m talking basics like laundry, washing dishes, and basic cleaning."


4."'Jokingly putting others down and then saying, 'It was just a joke!' like it’s a get-out-of-jail-free card. Ew."


Tina Fey rolling her eyes while in character on the TV show 30 Rock. She appears unimpressed and exasperated

5."Poor control over their anger."


6."Cruel to animals."


7."Littering and lack of respect for the planet."


Jane Levy with a puzzled expression, in a scene from a TV show or movie. Background shows an indoor setting with brick walls

8."Putting down other women to try and compliment you. E.g., 'I'm so glad you don't wear fake eyelashes and makeup like some women,' and, 'I'm so pleased you're not one of those girls that dresses like this.' Ew, dude."


9."Constantly joking about having sex with me. I’ve legit met guys who on the first date kept making comments about how we’d inevitably end up in bed. SUPER unattractive."


Christina Hendricks on The Late Late Show with Lilly Singh says, "That's just creepy." She is wearing a dress with floral embroidery

10."Lack of respect for others, especially in how they talk and treat people. It's an instant turn-off."


11."Alpha bullshit."


"If you feel the need to say you are an alpha, you are most likely a beta."—u/Intelligent-Citron17

Julia Louis-Dreyfus as Elaine Benes from Seinfeld in a comedic moment at a counter, sticking out her tongue. The image has Seinfeld and Hulu logos

12."Being super negative all. The. Time. Nothing is right, everyone else is the problem, and they simply CANNOT just sit down and enjoy where they are and the people they're with. I understand where this comes from, but you've gotta learn to find your inner peace with where you're at. Things won't be perfect, maybe the store didn't have your favorite beer today or someone cut you off, but you've gotta learn to breathe and let that go."


13."Interrupting me with a totally unrelated question or statement and blatantly not listening or showing interest in what I’m saying."


Lauren Conrad in a reflective pose, wearing a sleeveless, patterned top, with loose, wavy hair. Facial expression appears thoughtful

14."Getting annoyed or agitated and not telling me why. Or randomly getting angry and never being able to take control over their actions."


15."When a guy is rude to waitstaff or anyone in service jobs, it’s a major red flag."


Emma Stone sits in a room with bookshelves in the background, mouthing the words "Bye - Bye."

16."Not returning their shopping cart."


17."If he treats his family badly. It's one thing if they deserve it, but treating a loving family member like shit for no reason is a huge red flag."


Vicky wearing winter gear, including a parka and ski goggles, with the caption "YOU ARE A PIECE OF TRASH!" at the bottom of the image

18."One of the most unattractive things to me is weaponized incompetence."


19."Not washing his ass."


"I'm a man in college and I have encountered a few non-ass washers. It's so bad that it billows around them. It's one of the worst smells I've ever smelled. It's horrible. I always wonder how the people in their life don't say something to them."


Paris Hilton wearing sunglasses and a hairpin, seated indoors, with the caption "I'll throw up."

Would you add any traits or habits to this list? Let us know in the comments!

Note: Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.