A top doctor shares how to train during the menopause and perimenopause

menopause exercise
Top doctors on how to train during the menopauseandreswd - Getty Images

Search ‘menopause exercise’ and you’ll be faced with 56.3 million results, running the gamut from the ‘best exercise for menopause belly’, to the ‘best exercise for menopause’ and ‘exercise to avoid during the menopause’.

There’s a lot, and much of the info is pretty outdated, but it’s a step in the right direction; people are talking more openly than ever about ‘the big change’, meaning you’re more likely to understand what to expect, and have better odds of navigating each phase with ease. Now, we’re here to clear up any confusion once and for all, whether you’re yet to hit the starting line (perimenopause can start 10 years before the menopause), or you’re already experiencing symptoms.

For the purpose of this article, we’ve broken down advice on exercising for the menopause during your 30s, 40s and 50s. Remember that health looks and feels different for everyone, but there are some changes that take place for pretty much everyone, around the same ages. Knowing what they are – and moving in line with them – can act as an insurance policy for your future body, so whether you’re yet to experience menopausal symptoms or not, being aware of them as early as possible helps.

What is the menopause?

Simply put, it’s when the ovaries can no longer produce the hormone oestrogen. Over a period of years or decades (the perimenopause), they gradually become less active and efficient until, eventually, they fail completely. After this point, no more eggs are produced and there are no more periods. This is what is used to describe women going through this change, who are over the age of 45.

Premature menopause or premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) relates to women below that age threshold. These kinds of menopause carry many of the same menopause characteristics, but one thing to note is that the ovaries may not have failed completely – 5-10% of women with POI still conceive.

Menopause symptoms

The menopause can, like everything, manifest in many different ways, but the NHS cites the following as the most common symptoms women typically suffer from:

  • Irregular periods

  • Vaginal dryness

  • Low libido

  • Hot flushes

  • Night sweats

  • Lack of energy

  • Feelings of anxiety

  • Skin and hair changes such as drying or thinning

  • Breast tenderness

  • Urinary infections

  • Depression

  • Infertility

Does exercise reduce menopause symptoms?

We asked Dr Amal Hassan, a sport and exercise medicine doctor, and PTs Samantha McGowan and Caroline Bragg, and it’s a resounding yes from all three. Exercise certainly can ease specific menopause symptoms, including the loss of muscle mass and bone density, a lack of energy, feelings of anxiety, depression and trouble sleeping. We go into the best exercise for the menopause to ease each of these symptoms, and how they work, within the categories below.

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Can exercise help menopause?

If you’re going through it right now, you’ll know that the menopause can be a wild hormonal ride. Exercise can help you cope mentally, too. Dr Amal attests that it can offer invaluable head space, while it also releases endorphins (the ‘happy hormones’) that will ease stress and boost confidence. Again, we go into these in more detail according to specific types of exercises and how to approach them during your 30s, 40s and 50s below.

How to exercise for menopause during your 30s

‘The perimenopause can happen 10 years in advance of one’s eventual menopausal date, when your periods completely stop,’ Dr Amal explains. ‘So some women will start to notice hormonal symptoms that have a demonstrable effect on training, such as insomnia, which means you’ll have a lot less energy to work out, or mood changes which could impact your motivation. You may also begin to lose bone density, since you’ll produce less oestrogen, which is responsible for building bone mineral by promoting the activity of osteoblasts – the cells needed to produce bone.’

Lastly, Dr Amal adds, ‘You lose 1% of muscle mass every year after the age of 30, so exercise might feel harder than it did in your 20s if you try to go too hard. Try slightly shorter workouts, fewer reps, or lighter free weights.'

Best exercise for menopause during your 30s

Resistance training

In news that will surprise no-one, strength training is a massive win at practically every point of your life. ‘Oestrogen levels begin to drop, which reduces bone density,’ Bragg explains. ‘Strength training helps keep bones strong as the stress that comes from tugging and pushing on bones nudges bone-forming cells (osteoblasts) into action.’

Aim to also ‘work towards managing some high-intensity aerobic efforts’ to keep your heart and lungs functioning at optimum capacity, as the risk of cardiovascular disease increases with age as blood vessels stiffen, and exercise which pushes blood around the body keeps vessels nice and flexible. Try weaving in two strength training sessions with one high-intensity 30-min cardio session, like a spin class or a run, per week.

NEAT exercise

NEAT: otherwise known as non-exercise activity thermogenesis, which is essentially the energy used for everything that’s not formal exercise – the stuff you do without realising it, like walking around the shops, hauling the washing up the stairs or using a standing desk. A study published in The Mayo Clinic Proceedings found that two hours of sitting could cancel out the benefits of a 20-minute workout, so the goal with NEAT is to the reduce sedentary time that may come as you start to feel 'hormonal' and potentially less motivated – less about going hard in the gym, more about simply getting moving. Set yourself a realistic daily step count to keep track.

Exercise to avoid for the menopause in your 30s


The loss of muscle mass and bone density that marks this decade is your cue to stop going hell-for-leather with HIIT workouts, or at least not so often. ‘If you regularly put your bodies through intense workouts in your 20s (and are still keen to get your HIIT fix), once a week is enough. A reduction in oestrogen also means that recovery will come slower, since muscle regeneration relies on stem cells called satellite cells, which need oestrogen to function optimally,’ says McGowan.

How to exercise for menopause during your 40s

By now, the reduction in muscle mass will likely become more prevalent. ‘It can be associated with a decrease in basal metabolic rate (the number of calories burned at rest),’ Dr Amal says. BUPA states that the perimenopause typically begins from the age of 45, which Dr Amal explains can exacerbate a change in body composition due to falling levels in oestrogen.

‘If you’re not engaging in regular aerobic and strength training by your 40s, it’s possible that there may be a shift towards insulin insensitivity,’ she says.

Oestrogen optimises insulin levels (the hormone needed to move glucose out of your bloodstream and keep blood sugar levels regulated) by binding to the cells in the pancreas (where insulin is produced) that modulate how much insulin is synthesised and secreted. If you don’t have enough oestrogen, you’ll have excess insulin in your body, so when insulin tries to usher in blood sugar to your cells for energy, these cells will ‘resist’ the insulin because there’s too much. These hormones going haywire could be to blame for ‘hot flushes, fatigue, weight gain and difficulty concentrating’.

If any of these symptoms resonate with you right now, it’s key that you speak up. Whether it’s out of pride or politeness, Brits will often go without asking for help when it’s needed; indeed, a 2020 study found that only 61% of women confide in a GP when going through the menopause, and it’s likely that even less do so during the perimenopause.

‘Not all women will find perimenopausal symptoms challenging, and many can remedy symptoms with physical activity and other lifestyle modifications, but it isn’t uncommon for it to affect energy levels, mood, sleep, appetite, joints, muscles, tendons (and more), to the point that remaining active is a big challenge. If any of these symptoms are affecting your day-to-day life, always have a conversation with your doctor, no matter how long it’s been going on,’ says Dr Amal.

Best exercise for menopause in your 40s

Quick, short bursts of activity

Giving your metabolism a big ol’ boost is the name of the game, here. ‘Regular activity is vital for reducing the risk of insulin insensitivity, which could lead to diabetes and weight gain, since exercise moves blood sugar into the muscles for storage and promotes an immediate increase in insulin sensitivity, rather than leaving excess insulin floating in your body.’ Dr Amal explains.

‘Short walks after meals and reducing alcohol intake to within the guidelines, or lower if possible, are both powerful ways to improve your metabolism.’ The thinking is that rather than aiming for longer 20-minute sessions, know that four five-minute bursts could also work wonders.

Unilateral strength training

As you take on your 40s, the significance of strength training snowballs, and the unilateral element should be front and centre. It’s about fortifying your joints and preserving balance at once. ‘Unilateral exercises, such as single-leg Romanian deadlifts and single-arm dumbbell rows, are great for improving balance, and ironing out any muscular imbalances,’ says McGowan. ‘By doing them, you test your balance and work one side of your body at a time, which isolates and strengthens any weak muscles.’ A game-changer for injury prevention, to boot.

What’s more, strength training will also safeguard your metabolism, since 'muscle is more metabolically active than fat'.


‘Your body is going through a huge hormonal shift – oestrogen and progesterone levels decrease as ovaries stop producing them, and the control hormones (FSH, follicle-stimulating hormone and LH, luteinising hormone) released by the pituitary gland in the brain shoot up,' Bragg explains.

'This all contributes to the most common menopausal symptoms, including fatigue, weight gain and hot flushes. Doing intense workouts will only send hormonal imbalance further off-kilter as they increase cortisol, the stress hormone.’ Try incorporating at least one yoga session per week – a study in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research found that it can soothe hormonal symptoms in perimenopausal women by stimulating the glands responsible for regulating hormones.

Exercise to avoid during menopause in your 40s

Anything too intense

‘I often see clients putting pressure on themselves when they notice that their bodies are changing due to hormones,’ says McGowan. ‘Consistency is key but going all out isn’t necessary. I always recommend two-three moderate to intense workouts per week, but the most important thing is to reduce sedentary behaviour – stand as often as you can, and always walk to your destination if it’s an option.’

How to exercise for the menopause during your 50s

Confidence comes with age. Fact. WH’s Project Body Love survey found that your sixth decade will likely come with a spike in self-esteem, with participants citing a sense of freedom and general ongoing happiness, and we’re here for it. Mentally, that means you’re probably less stressed than decades gone by, but there are a few physiological fluctuations to keep front of mind.

‘You’ve experienced two decades of both age-related muscle loss and bone mineral density loss,’ says Dr Amal. In the UK, the average woman will hit the menopause at 51, too, which could accelerate the loss of bone mineral density.

Dr Amal also highlights the propensity for pelvic floor dysfunction: ‘You may become more prone to urge urinary incontinence or pelvic floor prolapse because of the muscle mass we lose with both age and the menopause. Links have also been found between the decrease in oestrogen during the menopause and the strength of connective tissue in our pelvic floor muscles.’ In fact, a study in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology noted a 3% reduction in urethral muscle thickness per year in older people.

Best exercise for menopause during your 50s


‘Look to do weight-bearing activity – weight-lifting, walking, using a cross-trainer – two to three times per week for 30 minutes, to maintain bone mineral density,’ Dr Amal says.

Muscle hypertrophy (i.e. growth), power (how strong and explosive they are) and muscular endurance (the length of time they can work for) will improve metabolism (the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn at rest), enhance functional capacity (you’ll be able to do any daily lifting with ease), and reduce the risk of falls as we lose balance. This might mean lifting heavier than you would initially consider or moving more explosively.’

As ever, she affirms that this should be matched with ‘quality nutrition, and a solid sleep routine’. Make sure you’re meeting the recommended daily protein intake (0.75g of protein per kilo of body weight) to help your muscles repair and aim for at least 8 hours kip a night.

Best strength training exercises during the menopause

Check out menopause fitness coach Kate Rowe-Ham's top five exercise recommendations:


Every expert endorses this one, so listen up. ‘Our ROM (range of motion) in exercise and day-to-day activities can begin to suffer as we age if we don’t practice mobilisation, because the amount of lubricating, synovial fluid inside your joints decreases and cartilage becomes thinner so your joints become stiffer,’ McGowan explains. ‘Always include a proper warm-up and cool down of 10-15 minutes each, before and after exercise. Yoga, Pilates and Tai chi are also fun ways to stay mobile.’

Check out our complete guide to mobility, including what the difference is between mobility and flexibility, and how to improve your range of motion.

McGowan’s go-to mobility workout

  • Cat-cow stretch 10x3

  • Shoulder sweeps 10x3

  • Crab walks 10x3

  • Crab reach 10x3

  • 90-90 hip rolls 10x3

  • Bodyweight squat 10x3

  • Lunge with rotation 10x3

Tips for exercising during the menopause

Women's Health Collective trainer and former Olympian Michelle Griffith-Robinson also has a lot to say, having had first-hand experience with training during the menopause:

'There are myriad symptoms that are connected to the menopause and perimenopause. Whilst we know that the drop of oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone affects us all in this phase of life, it is important to know what we can do to help ourselves from a fitness point of view. Here are my top tips':

  1. Wear breathable clothing to avoid overheating and hot flushes.

  2. Implement strength training at least twice a week into your programme as it can reduce body fat and speed up a sluggish metabolism.

  3. Strength training can also lower the risk of fractures and osteoporosis.

  4. Aerobic activity (a.k.a. cardio) can help you to maintain a healthy weight and shed excess pounds.

  5. Training releases endorphins and can help to lift mood.

  6. Try a new activity like Pilates, yoga or a martial art which, again, can help with core, balance and stability.

  7. Keep a training journal.

  8. When you're tired, listen to your body and reduce training to just a walk, instead.'

Read now: How to practise self-compassion and become more confident

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