Teeth Whitening

  • LifestyleYahoo Life UK

    Kendall Jenner’s teeth whitening pen is on sale for only £10, we put it to the test

    We put the Kendall Jenner Whitening Pen to the test.

    3-min read
  • NewsAlice Sholl

    This Woman’s Reaction To Teeth Whitening Is Pretty Terrifying

    When 18-year-old Abbie Kilbride got her braces removed, she figured she’d make the most of her newly-revealed teeth by getting them whitened. But after a session with a woman recommended to her by friends, it all started to go horribly  horribly wrong. 

  • NewsMarie-Claire Dorking

    10 Foods And Drinks That Are Secretly Making Your Teeth Yellow

    “Regular consumption will make your teeth yellow as the stain causing chemicals within these can cling onto the teeth,” explains Sandeep Senghera, Head of Dentistry, WhatClinic.com. “Tomato sauces because of their acidity, tend to stick to teeth,” advises Dr Raha Sepehrara, principal dentist at Dental Suite clinics.

  • LifestyleAOL

    Natural teeth whitening tips and tricks

    Many of us would admit to wanting a Hollywood smile, but sadly we are not all blessed with a gleaming white teeth. What's more, not everybody can afford a cosmetic surgeon's solution to the problems of stained or coloured gnashers.

    3-min read
  • HealthAOL

    Common teeth issues - and how to fix them

    We Brits are not renowned for our sparkling white teeth, and it's fair to say that many of us are far from having beautiful straight pearly whites. However, thanks to continuing improvements in the field of cosmetic dentistry, there are an

    4-min read
  • StyleAOL

    Well-groomed men take to pre-wedding pampering

    The average woman spends months ensuring that her appearance is fabulous for her wedding, but it seems blushing brides aren't the only ones splashing the cash on pre-wedding pampering. Top related searches: Beauty salons Male beauty

    2-min read
  • LifestyleAOL

    A guide to teeth whitening

    We Brits may not renowned for our gleaming gnashers but the desire for a Hollywood smile has caught on in recent years, and there are now many teeth whitening options available. Top related searches: teeth whitening london laser teeth

    2-min read
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