Online Gaming

  • EntertainmentYahoo Life UK

    First child diagnosed with Internet addiction by the NHS

    The 15-year-old has missed a year of school because of his addiction to online gaming

  • EntertainmentAOL

    What's new in online gaming

    There is no doubt that games consoles just keep on getting better and better but the ability to play gamers from across the globe adds a whole new dimension to your trusty and familiar XBox or Playstation. Top related searches: cheap pc games

    2-min read
  • TechnologyAOL

    Rehab madness: Treatment for tech addicts launched

    These days it seems everyone is addicted to something and, with gadgets now firmly entwined within almost every aspect of our lives, it was never going to be long before our love of technology got the better of us. And if doctors are to be

    2-min read
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