Clean Eating

  • LifestyleYahoo Life UK

    Science says drinking wine and beer and eating chocolate could help you live longer

    And who are we to argue with science?

  • HealthYahoo Life UK

    Prue Leith warns clean eating trend could be contributing towards eating disorders

    "I think it makes people frightened of food."

  • NewsYahoo Life UK

    New 'Free From' bar serves cocktails that are good for you. Sort of.

    In an ideal world, we’d like to maintain a healthy lifestyle whilst also eating and drinking as we want but finding a balance can be difficult – especially if you’re lacking in self discipline and partial to a glass of wine. Is it even possible to go out to a bar and have a healthy option? Unfortunately, it’s not as easy as just avoiding alcohol, there are also plenty of hidden ingredients that we didn’t even know existed in our food.

  • HealthAOL

    Six ways to eat clean

    Clean eating may help you lose weight, but it's not a diet as such. Instead, it's a commitment to eating natural, healthy foods. Whether you want to improve your nutrition or drop a few pounds, here are six ways to eat clean. See

    3-min read
  • NewsYahoo Life UK

    Ruby Tandoh calls wellness bloggers 'dangerous', hits out at fellow foodie Ella Mills

    Whether you love or hate the ‘wellness’ blogging trend, there’s no escaping it, especially ‘clean eating’ diets. Clean eating, for example, often entails eating vegan, gluten free and cutting out anything processed.

  • NewsJasmine Jones

    The A To Z Of Superfoods: All The Food Fuel You Need In Your Life

    The word ‘superfood’ gets banded around a lot. It’s generally used as a catch-all term for a variety of nutrient-rich foods that are particularly beneficial for health and well-being. Type ‘superfood’ into Google and you’ll be hit with a deluge of information boasting the antioxidant benefits of blueberries, the magic of goji berries and the pros of chowing down on chia seeds. That’s fine if you’ve got loads of time to research but wouldn’t it be lovely if all these amazing foods were listed in

  • NewsJasmine Jones

    11 Foods For A Healthy Liver

    Your liver is the largest solid organ in your body and does an incredible job working hard to keep you in tip top health.  It’s responsible for cleaning blood, storing vitamins and minerals, breaking down, balancing and creating nutrients for the body to use and helping your immune system fight infection. Poor treatment of the liver can increase the risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease, headaches, digestive problems and allergies.  There are certain things you can do to keep your liver nice a

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