If you pull the Judgment tarot card, here's exactly what it means

What’s next, what’s next, WHAT’S NEXT? In our fast-paced, goal-oriented society, it’s incredibly easy to get caught up in forward momentum. You're crushing achievements, ticking the boxes of your endless to-do lists, and setting your sights on the future. But to be honest, that’s not really sustainable! You miss out on the present moment as well as actually taking time to reflect on the beautiful, painful, ultimately helpful lessons you have learned.

When Judgment appears in a tarot reading, it represents a pivotal moment. This is a call from the universe to pause for reflection. Think about what’s been going on and what you have done (good, bad, and otherwise) before you truly embody the lessons and transform. There are always opportunities to grow, change, and begin again. Self-evaluation is a crucial step before making any life-altering decisions.

This Major Arcana card reminds you that karma is real. What you reap, you definitely sow. All you can do is try your best, but also honour that we all make mistakes. What's most important is what you do about it. Is this a moment to apologise? Or would that make it worse? Sometimes you need to make amends in your own way without inflicting more harm on the other party. Or maybe you need to forgive yourself for something you did and move on. Life is full of experiences that help you grow, change, and broaden your perspective. You can ALWAYS change; you're never truly stuck. A willingness to change and the ability to be radically honest with yourself is a major part of personal growth. You are embarking upon a transformation! This is your fresh start — you are now reborn!

judgement tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Judgment keywords

Rebirth, spiritual awakening, higher calling, transition, forgiveness, renewal, reflection, redemption, karma, accountability, self-doubt, lack of self-awareness, blame, stagnation, stubborn, poor choices

Judgment Upright meaning

Judging is kind of a freaky concept. The word alone brings up a lot of uncomfortable feelings. I mean, no one wants to reveal their deepest secrets to the judgmental friend in the group chat. What will they say? No one wants to feel the burning shame that comes with judgment! And literally no one wants to be crowned the "Judgy Friend," either!

But the reality is that no one is perfect; we all judge sometimes. Judging offers an opportunity to look at our triggers, our biases, and our own perspectives. When you find yourself judging someone or something, question why you're coming to the conclusions and projections you are. And here’s a little secret that comes with an abundance of self-reflection: We often judge in others what we judge in ourselves.

So instead of judging everyone else, why don’t you hold up a mirror? Face it all: Your successes, failures, prideful moments, and utter regrets. All of that is yours, and a part of you. Own it fully and completely. Release your guilt and shame. Don't be overly critical. Once you face it all and show yourself forgiveness, love, and acceptance — even the parts or yourself that you aren’t proud of — you are free! It doesn’t matter what anyone else says or thinks of you or your actions because you’ve owned them, you’ve honoured the lessons that you've learned, and you’ve let it go. Now, that is personal growth! Now, you're ready for whatever is next.

Judgment reversed meaning

Something is calling to you! The signs are appearing everywhere, loud and clear. Deep down, you know that this is your moment to step into something far greater. So what are you waiting for? Why are you ignoring it? Are you afraid of what’s next? Do you really think that you’re not up for the challenge — and the rewards?

Don’t hinder your own progress by letting your insecurities get the best of you! Self-doubt is crippling: It’s the true thief of joy, and it’s keeping you from progressing in life. This is your moment to let go of your self-limiting beliefs in favour of celebrating your worthiness. Learn from your mistakes instead of letting them run your life and define you. (Or even worse, repeating them over and over again!) Whether it’s a dead-end job, a relationship you have outgrown, or something else entirely, know that you deserve more than this. Don’t accept crumbs when you deserve the whole cake!

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