"You Can Always Spot The Americans. They’re Wearing..." — 19 People Shared The Things That Make Americans Stick Out Abroad

I don't know about you, but when I travel abroad, I become quite self-conscious about my "American-ness." I remember my Canadian friend telling me that people she met abroad were instantly relieved to learn she was from Canada, not the United States, upon meeting her.

Five smiling people hold a Canadian flag indoors
Kate_sept2004 / Getty Images

Not wanting to be associated with the bad lore (ca-caw 🦅 ca-caw 🦅), I found myself on an anxiety-provoked "American stereotypes Reddit" Google search and fell upon this thread on the r/NoStupidQuestions subreddit, which asked, "What do Americans do that makes us stand out?"

Google search autocomplete drop-down for "american stereotypes" shows suggestions: "- Google Search", "funny", "reddit"
Me adding "Reddit" to every Google search

Now, before I get into all the claims made about Americans, I wanted to preface by saying this: on the internet, it's not uncommon for false bits of information to spread as fact, so I tried to find the origins of some of the suggestions where I could (like the "American lean," or how, apparently, some Americans can't squat on their heels???).

A person kneels and touches their toes while being interviewed by someone holding a BuzzFeed microphone in an office
BuzzFeed / Via buzzfeed.com

Still, as often as people are influenced by Internet hearsay to generalize cultural groups, it is a little interesting what stands out as most "uniquely American." I was also shocked to hear that it's not all bad (like being super friendly made a Swedish kid happy!!! +1 Americans!).

Lily Collins smiles while wearing a red beret and a checkered coat, interacting with another person outdoors in a city setting
Netflix / Via youtube.com

So, for the American-identity-conscious minded like myself, here are all the things that might make you stand out as an American abroad, according to the informed but sometimes-spreading-hearsay people of Reddit:

1."I'm American and tried impersonating a Brit once over text. Someone instantly called me out on using the word 'got.' Apparently, 'get' and 'got' are more frequent in American than British English, at least in this case between me and this other guy."

"I think in my specific case, I said something like, 'Lately, I've gotten some complaints about... ' and a Brit responded by telling me that the word 'gotten' in this case is super American. I imagine someone would say, 'Lately, I've received some complaints...' or something like that."


2."The American lean is a big one. We see a wall and immediately assume we need to lean on it to hold it up. It's a tough job, but someone has to do it."

A person with a backpack walks on a sidewalk by a bus stop. A yellow arrow points to them with the text "American spy???"

3."The clothing is a definite tell. Much more athleisure for all scenarios."

An unidentified man walks on the sidewalk wearing a green graphic t-shirt, white shorts with "PW" letters, and pink-accented sneakers
Gotham / GC Images

4."I'm a Belgian in the US right now. You guys are TOO friendly; what the FUCK. Some cashier at Ross was showing me pictures of her nephew skating in Lake Havasu 12 seconds after I said hi."

A man wearing a black jacket stands at a coffee shop counter, talking to a woman behind the counter. The counter has pastries and drinks displayed

5.Similarly, "Being very forward. In the US, I can go to an event and make a new connection, and in the end, they will hug me goodbye. A complete stranger! However, I am American, so it never really struck me. When I lived in South Korea, though, they would look at me as if I had two heads when I hugged them. Same with handshakes. It was a reaction that I never really thought about until then. Oops. We are an overly friendly bunch."


6."Preternaturally white teeth."

A woman with neatly groomed eyebrows, shimmering eyeshadow, and a radiant smile is wearing a towel wrapped around her head
Viktoria Ovcharenko / Getty Images

7."I remember reading that Americans squat on their toes, not their heels."

A person is crouching on the floor while someone holds a BuzzFeed microphone toward them. Text reads "BuzzFeed testing this lore out in 2015" with an arrow pointing to the crouching person

8."Americans inevitably have a drink in their hands when out (water, coffee, fancy Stanley cup…). One of my colleagues pointed this out to me when we were in Belgium for a work meeting."

Hand holding a Stanley insulated tumbler with a handle and straw against an evening sky

9."Loud, love small talk, exaggerate everything, and speak in absolutes. Such as, 'This is the best meal I've ever had.'"


Similarly, "You use words like 'awesome,' 'amazing,' "tremendous,' etc., all the time. Nobody else does that. You can refer to the chart."


10."[Understanding] personal space. American here. I've been around some French people while vacationing at a national park. I'm not sure why they need to be right next to me. I was close enough to the French tourist often, so close I could’ve whispered sweet nothings into their ears."

Persons whispering; one on the left listening closely, the other on the right speaking secretively. Names unknown
Fotostorm / Getty Images

11."I lived in England for a while for grad school, and one of my English friends told me and another American early on that she knew we were American right away because when we were meeting people at the first grad school function, we'd go up to people and immediately introduce ourselves by name. Maybe one sentence of small talk first, if the conversation started from someone making a side comment to us, but then right to 'I'm Amy, I'm studying anthropology' and possibly even shaking hands. She said English people had to do small talk before exchanging names, though I'm not sure how true that is."


From a Brit: "The name thing is true, lol. Since I’m English I’ve only ever seen people immediately introduce themselves in movies. I always thought it was for the audience’s sake and nobody actually does that. Usually, it’s the last thing we say before our goodbyes (say, if you just got talking to a stranger and you’re never gonna see them again). Which is kinda funny now that I think about it, because there’s no point telling someone your name at that point."


12."I’m in Denmark now, and a waiter told us that Americans always order drinks first and then food while Danes order food first and then drinks. I had never heard that before or thought about it and thought it was a kind of sweet, simple thing to notice."


I could not find any proof of this, and people were skeptical in the comments — if you're Danish, let us know the truth.

13."Positivity bias is a big one. When doing business in the US, I was coached to stop speaking plainly and start exaggerating because in US corporate culture, people tend to assume that everyone's putting a positive spin on everything. So, if you're modest, they perceive you as unimpressive or weak."

Donald Trump stands speaking at a podium during a Republican Presidential Debate, with a matching suit and tie, covered by CNN

14."My grandfather telling every European he met that we saved them in WWII."

An elderly World War II veteran salutes, wearing a black cap with "World War II Veteran" written on it. An American flag is in the background

15."I went to Mexico City on a work trip to visit some colleagues, and my Mexican colleague made an offhand comment: 'You can always spot the Americans… they’re wearing shorts.' 😂"

A man in casual beach clothing gives a double thumbs-up while standing on a sandy beach on a sunny day. Blue sky with clouds and ocean in the background
Raul Rodriguez / Getty Images/iStockphoto

16."Based on my experience, when we ask you, 'Where are you from?' Americans will typically mention the state they are from instead of the United States. I've only gotten this type of response from Americans, haha."


17."I’m in Darwin, Australia. American men can always be spotted by the collared check shirts, beige shorts, trainers with socks, and very similar haircuts. They also travel in packs of 3 or 4. I own a shop and I’ve been known to say, 'What part of the states are you guys from?' before they even open their mouths. We get a lot of US Army boys here, and you’re in uniform even when you’re out of it."

Four unidentified men walk casually down a sunny street. Two wear vests and shorts, one wears a hoodie and pants, and another wears sunglasses and pants
Coldsnowstorm / Getty Images

18."How we use a knife and fork. Many Americans will cut something with the knife, set it down, move the fork to the hand the knife was in, then eat the food; repeat. That's not as common in most other countries. Most people keep the utensils in their hands the entire time without switching which hand they are in."

A person with a wedding ring is using a knife and fork on a table covered with a paper towel. The person's head is not visible in the image

And lastly:

19."We generally walk 'tall,' look people in the eye, and smile a lot. That’s how I was called out as an American in Poland right after the Soviet Union dissolved. Although I spoke Polish fluently, people knew I was American before I spoke because of how I carried myself."

Two people walk through a bright, modern space with large windows. One holds a notebook and the other has a coffee cup
Fg Trade / Getty Images

Of course, most of these beliefs are just opinions, and it's not exactly fair to generalize an entire country home to people of many different racial and ethnic origins. However, whether you agree or disagree, it is interesting to see what made Americans "stand out" abroad and what claims non-Americans make about Americans.

SO — I flip it back to you. What do you think makes Americans stand out in a crowd abroad? If you're American, how did someone know you were American before telling them? Or, if you're not American, how do you think you can identify an American? Let me know in the comments or at this anonymous form.