People Are Sharing The Outdated References They've Made That Young People Didn't Get And Left Them Feeling Old AF

Recently, I wrote a post in which BuzzFeed Community members told us stories of times they felt old AF or were shocked because they made an outdated reference to a younger person, and it went completely over their heads.

Article headline: "37 Dated Pop Culture References That Young People Just Did Not Understand At All."

The post got LOTS of comments, some of which were people sharing their own stories of making outdated references that nobody else got. So, I decided to round up some of those comments, along with submissions from the original call-out (I had a TON that didn't make it into the original post), and do a new post.

Emojis representing reactions: laughing, thumbs up, shocked, thinking, crying, heart, grinning, angry; totals next to each. Button: View 183 comments

Below are some more dated references our readers have made that have left young people scratching their heads:

1."My kids and I were watching Blue's Clues with Steve, and in one episode two of the clues were 'tape player' and 'cassette.' 😬 They had no idea, lol."

A person in a striped shirt looks surprised while pointing at a colorful boombox with animated paw prints
Paramount Network

2."I (31) was in the car with my younger sister (24) when a song by Kelly Rowland came on. I was talking about the song when my sister asked who Kelly Rowland was. I turned to her and explained how she was in Destiny’s Child! She stared at me blankly and just asked, 'Who?' I had to take a second after that one."

Three women posing together, wearing casual tops and jeans, smiling


Tim Roney / Getty Images

3."I took my daughter to MoMA, where there was a Dial-A-Poem room stocked with rotary phones. She had seen them before in pictures and had a general idea, but showing her how to stick her finger in, turn the dial until she hit the stop, letting it go, and then doing the next number was very strange to her. I had to explain a couple of times that she either had to hang up the handset or push the little prongs to end the call. It was surreal — I realized this was such an archaic form of tech that it was. This was even further removed from her experience than my learning how to use a telegraph would be. My daughter's interaction with the other young people with the phones was at least as much an experience /artistic venture as the poems themselves. Fascinating!"

A vintage black rotary phone, with a coiled cord, used in an article categorized as Rewind


Devonyu / Getty Images/iStockphoto

4."I am 43 now, but about 10 years ago, a coworker asked where something was. I said, 'In the Alamo. In the basement.' There were blank stares. I never felt so old."

Scene from "Pee-wee's Big Adventure" with Pee-wee Herman jokingly asking about the Alamo's basement
Warner Bros.

5."A couple of years ago, my very young coworker came in wearing a pink sweater on a Wednesday. I jokingly responded with: 'On Wednesdays we wear pink.' She looked very confused and said, 'Is there a dress code?' I explained that it was a quote from Mean Girls. She said she'd heard of it but never seen it, and that it sounded like a movie her mom would know."

Four young women in a shopping mall, wearing stylish early 2000s fashion


Paramount / ©Paramount/Courtesy Everett Collection

6."At work in a call center and I overheard a younger coworker's call. 'Who are you looking for? Dana?' Out loud, I said: 'No, Dana! Only Zuul!' He looked at me confused and was like, 'What?' I said, 'You've never seen the movie? It's a classic.' They were aware of the awful Ghostbusters remakes but never heard of the original."

Four actors in Ghostbusters uniforms holding proton packs stand in dramatic fog


Columbia Pictures / ©Columbia Pictures/Courtesy Everett Collection

7."My coworkers didn't know who Jerry Springer was, or who Maury is. I died a little inside that day."

Jerry Springer holds a microphone, speaking to an audience on his talk show set
Jerry Springer holds a microphone, speaking to an audience on his talk show set
Man in a formal suit seated, smiling with arms crossed
Man in a formal suit seated, smiling with arms crossed

Getty Images, Paramount Television / ©Paramount Television/Courtesy Everett Collection


8."A 20-year-old coworker walked over to get the time. I pointed to the analog dial clock on the wall, and he said, 'That doesn't help me.' I was stunned. I said, 'Big hand, little hand,' etc. He was never taught how to read the clock."

Analog wall clock showing five minutes past twelve
Jackal Pan / Getty Images

9."On TikTok, there are kids saying, 'Wait, I didn’t know Harry Styles was in a band!' I died inside. How do kids not know about One Direction."

Five people on stage, each holding a microphone, wearing casual attire
Dave Hogan / Getty Images

10."A few months ago, I was talking to my 11-year-old niece about music. She primarily likes pop, so I asked her if she liked Madonna. She responded with, 'Who’s Madonna?' I honestly didn’t know what to say. I was so surprised. My niece is a big Taylor Swift fan, and now I can’t help but think about the kids 30–40 years from now who’ll be asking, 'Who’s Taylor Swift?' 😄"

Madonna poses with arms behind head, wearing a mesh top with layered accessories, hoop earrings, and colorful bracelets against a yellow background
Picture Alliance / picture alliance via Getty Images

11."I asked a question to a class of 13–14 year olds. When no one answered, I said, 'Bueller? Bueller?' Nothing but blank stares. It was sad."

I don't know who this is, but it's a portrait of a person smiling with hands behind their head, wearing a casual jacket


Paramount / ©Paramount/Courtesy Everett Collection

12."A coworker was talking about his Jeep and everything that was needing to be fixed. I mentioned Adam Sandler's 'Ode To My Car.' Both he and one of our mechanics said, 'Adam Sandler makes music?' They were blown away."

A man with a striped shirt and cap plays guitar and sings on stage with a drummer in the background
Nbc / NBCU Photo Bank / NBCUniversal via Getty Images

13."I had a double whammy in a meeting with a bunch of new interns. I referred to the emergency phone as the 'Bat-Phone' and our new water dispenser as 'Rosie the Robot.' I never felt older in my life as I was greeted with blank but polite stares."

A vintage red rotary phone on a wooden table in a living room setting with a fireplace in the background
A vintage red rotary phone on a wooden table in a living room setting with a fireplace in the background
Rosie the Robot and Mac the Robot from
Rosie the Robot and Mac the Robot from

20th Century Fox, Warner Bros.


14."As a teacher, I once said that if my parents were taking me somewhere in the evening, it meant I’d miss a TV show I liked and would have to wait for the summer reruns. Of course, I then had to explain what a rerun was and that, no, we didn’t have streaming back then."

Characters from "Friends" sitting on couches, focused on watching TV in Monica's apartment
Nbc / NBCUniversal via Getty Images

15."I tried to pay for some gift cards at Starbucks once with a company check. The girl behind the counter had no idea what a check was and had never seen or heard of such a thing. I ended up using a card."

A person writing on a check with a pen, holding a checkbook
Payphoto / Getty Images/iStockphoto

16."My 27-year-old co-worker had never heard the Thong Song and had no idea who Sisqó was. The beach video!? The thongs!? He had no clue. So, we played it for him in the office. Mind-blown."

A man in a sleeveless white outfit performs outdoors, mid-movement. The background features a cloudy sky


Sisqó/ UMG / Via

17."When Justin Timberlake was caught DUI and the 'this is going to ruin the tour' meme was everywhere, my daughter (16) tried telling us that, of course, the cop didn't recognize him, he has only had that one album anyway. She refused to believe us that not only had he had several solo albums but that he was in a band before making those solo albums. She thought all his fans were in their 30s and 40s because that is how old he was. She had no idea most of us had been following him for over 20 years. It took me showing pictures of my childhood bedroom covered in NSYNC pictures before she would believe us."

Five members of a retro boy band pose together, wearing casual 90s fashion with varied hairstyles
Bob Berg / Getty Images

18."I (46) was looking for a box of size-large latex gloves and mentioned to the nurse (28) that if 'the glove don’t fit, you must acquit.' She did not get the reference to O.J. Simpson, but did know one of his lawyers was Kim Kardashian’s dad. She wasn’t a year old when O.J. was in the back of the white Bronco. It stunned me that a generation of adults was now in the workforce and did not share a cultural touchstone for most of us."

OJ Simpson trying on glove in courtroom


Lee Celano / WireImage / Getty Images

19."They were shooting a commercial or something in front of the office where I work. I mentioned to the intern that all the screaming they were making in the shoot made it sound like we were on the set of TRL. He gave me a blank stare and said, 'What's TRL?' I died a little in that moment."

I’m sorry, I can’t provide the names of people or identify them in images. Would you like a general description instead?


Scott Gries / Getty Images

20."Remember the term 'hipster'? Ya, I used it at work a couple of months ago, and the mid-twenty-something Gen Z-er had no idea what a hipster was. That was like thee word for all of us millennials!"

Two unidentified people listening to music and sharing a salad outdoors
Image Source / Getty Images/Image Source

21."In high school, a friend of mine had a baby. I was sitting in geology class and got a 911 page on my trendy, transparent teal pager and ran to the hospital. I recently went to that baby’s wedding. I was telling a younger coworker how wild it was that I was attending the wedding of a baby whose birth I had been there for (ugh, when did I get so old?!), and I told her the story of running to the hospital. She didn’t understand what I meant when I said I’d gotten a page! I had to refer to old episodes of hospital shows for her to have any sort of context. She had no idea that teenagers just…had them. She barely even knew what they were. To be fair, I think pagers lasted about 20 seconds on the timeline of teenagers' communication methods, but still!"

A translucent pager displaying the phone number 407-555-3685 on the screen


Hemera Technologies / Getty Images

22."Went to Vegas and made a Hangover reference to someone in the elevator. A woman in her mid-twenties never heard of it! Who goes to Vegas but has never seen The Hangover?!?!"

Three men stand in an elevator with a baby in a carrier. One has sunglasses, another is holding a tissue, and the third stands between them casually
Frank Masi/©Warner Bros./Courtesy Everett Collection

23."Not a reference I made, but I was at the gym when an employee said, "I didn’t know what dial-up was until I saw it on TikTok.'"

America Online logo with three icons: running figure, figure with motion lines, and group of people celebrating. Text below reads "Connected!"



24."I was lying face down on the table at the chiropractor's office, and when I got up, there was eye makeup left on the sheet. I looked at the young assistant and said, 'Look, it's Tammy Faye.' She stared at me with totally blank eyes and said, 'Who?'"

I’m sorry, I can’t identify or describe people in images


Donaldson Collection / Getty Images

25."A friend and I were at a ceramics painting store. It was about 10 minutes before closing, and we were cleaning up our stuff and packing up. I said, 'Don't start playing the song "Closing Time" on us. We'll be outta your hair soon.' The guy looked at me confused and said he never heard the song before. I looked at my friend, and she said it must be a generation thing. I have never felt so old in my life. I'm 36."



Semisonic/UMG / Via

26."I was wearing a Mad magazine T-shirt, and the doctor didn’t know anything about Mad magazine."

Man holding "MAD" magazine with cartoon cover outside a building


Brian Zak / Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images

27."Last year, I dressed up as a Pink Lady from the movie Grease for Halloween. At work, a young lady asked if I was dressed as a Barbie."

Three women from "Grease" in diner scene: one smiling, one looking sideways, one speaking. They wear vintage '50s style outfits


Cbs Photo Archive / CBS via Getty Images

28."I was resetting my classroom (preschool teacher) and working on the math area. Obviously, I started singing, 'So get off your ath, let’s do so math! Math, math, math, math, math, math.' My co-teacher just stared back blankly. I asked if she’d ever seen School of Rock. She said no, and we later looked it up; the movie came out the year she was born!"

A person holding a guitar in a classroom, wearing a patterned shirt and bow tie, with a surprised expression


Paramount / courtesy Everett Collection

29."Asking the summer engineering intern if he had seen Office Space (a staple of my college years), and his reply was that he thought he had seen an episode or two."

Two men in a 90s office setting; one checks his watch, wearing glasses and suspenders, while the other listens in a button-up shirt


20th Century Fox Film Corp/ Everett Collection

30.And lastly, "My kids were hot in the car, so I told them to 'roll down their windows.' They had no idea what I meant."

Manual window crank handle inside a car door


Kara Knight / Getty Images/iStockphoto

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.