November 2024 horoscope readings for every star sign

November 2024 horoscope readings for every star sign

Want to know what's in store for your star sign for November 2024? It's all in the cards...

November feels like a strange month. We often think of it as winter, but it’s actually still autumn. Some people find it a bit sad and gloomy, while others put up their Christmas decorations earlier and earlier to begin their festivities. The veil between worlds is still thin (after Samhain) and perhaps we’re all warding off ‘something’.

Actually, astrologically, the outlook is positive! The month kicks off with an insightful New Moon in Scorpio, urging us to make authentic and passion-led plans for the coming six months. This forward-planning is boosted again on the 19th November when Pluto moves into Aquarius until (wait for it…) 2043! So, what do your next 19 years ideally look like? Dare to dream!

The Full Moon on the 15th November is in Taurus which roots our reflections in security, self esteem, value, and reward. Are we getting what we deserve? If not, how do we make those demands heard?

Jupiter moving into Leo on the 6th and Sagittarius season starting on the 21st both activate a party vibe, permission to celebrate and revel. And why not? Life is short. Enjoy what you can when you can! We should mention the pesky Mercury retrograde is on the 26th (until the 15th December) but only to say not to worry about it, and just carry on living life as ever. These retrogrades aren’t THAT irksome.

November 2024 horoscopes for every star sign


(Temperance, Ace of Coins, Five of Wands)

aries star sign horoscope
Cosmopolitan UK - Hearst Owned

Practical ambitions are coursing through you this November; tangible goals and projects that you want to put in motion and see through before the end of the month so you can enjoy the fruits of your labour. The Ace of Coins shows that these projects will yield lasting rewards and maybe turn into something bigger and bolder than you currently know. Temperance reveals this surge of proactive action is the start of a whole new phase of fixer-upping, repairing, self-improving and generally turning your life around in all kinds of ways. Power to you!

Of course, there might be a couple of setbacks and nay-sayers. The Five of Wands hints that not everyone will want to see you pressing ahead with such gusto and confidence. Some people like to have moaning companions rather than motivated friends… let them be. You get on with it!


(Eight of Cups, Seven of Wands, Nine of Cups)

taurus star sign horoscope
Cosmopolitan UK - Hearst Owned

Grit your teeth this November and be persistent with the ‘positive thinking’ because the month might start with a setback, as shown by the disappointed Eight of Cups. BUT what is lost or scuppered was no good for you anyway, so let it go, wish it farewell and look ahead, because around the corner comes the wishful Nine of Cups. Something a whole lot better than what was lost will zoom into view as soon as you turn away from your setback.

The Seven of Wands shows it will take force of will and determination to do that. You’ll need to challenge yourself to not cling to the old, rue the loss, or dwell on the negative. It won’t do any good and it will only delay the emergence of the shiny new thing that’s so going to make your day, your week, maybe your year! So be hopeful, optimistic and light on your feet when it comes to dancing around in the rain and storms. They won’t last, and the sun will swiftly shine on you brighter than before.


(Queen of Swords, Ace of Cups, Three of Wands)

gemini star sign horoscope
Cosmopolitan UK - Hearst Owned

You’ve exerted an enormous amount of mental energy this year - analysing, reviewing, assessing, creating, inventing and innovating. The Queen of Swords shows that your thinking and independent mental acuteness is sharper than ever. You’re a one-person-wonder!

And something is going to come of all of this in November. The Ace of Cups and Three of Wands join forces to bring a new opportunity into your realm, out of the blue (though this is somewhat of a heads up) and from an unexpected source. This will be random and coincidental and a bit spooky, so don’t feel you have to ‘look’ for it.

I believe it will manifest as either a creative role or project, a new collaboration or partnership which leads to amazing output, or maybe even a new love interest or passion that awakens your desire and puts softer emotions back into your mentality.


(Six of Coins, Strength, Two of Cups)

cancer star sign horoscope
Cosmopolitan UK - Hearst Owned

Beautiful relationship energy is in your realm this November, Cancer. So much love, generosity, fun, and personal growth stimulated by the good company you’re keeping. It’s true that we are the sum of the closest people to us, in some regard. We absorb, aspire to, become, and emulate.

The Six of Coins sees you enjoying better friendships than ever, ones which are mutually supportive and rewarding. Value and celebrate this, toast your pals, let them know you love them. Strength sees you continuing to grow, thrive, challenge yourself, and push beyond your Cancerian comfort zone. It’s outside that zone that the best stuff happens, and you’re realising that.

The Two of Cups hints at true love and romance (always welcome). Maybe a new suitor; a fellow Water sign who you connect with deeply. Maybe a rekindling of the spark between you and your current love.


(Nine of Wands, Ace of Coins, The World)

leo star sign horoscope
Cosmopolitan UK - Hearst Owned

It feels like you’ve been trying to turn a page, start afresh, leave and begin elsewhere for a while - but have struggled to do so. The Nine of Wands reveals this change WILL happen, this month or next, but progress will start to unfold from now, and the path will be much smoother, easier, and faster. Don’t give up. Persist.

The World shows this is a major step. Maybe it has taken so long to really get going because the stars needed to align. You're ending one journey and beginning a new one. You're starting on the pathway that will lead to your fullest potential. Global aspirations may well be in play too, as this card does have literal worldly links.

The Ace of Coins is a material new beginning, representing new career steps, home moves, or financial upgrades (or all three). This change will ‘stick’ and lead to lasting success and prosperity.


(Five of Wands, Temperance, Four of Wands)

virgo sstar sign horoscope
Cosmopolitan UK - Hearst Owned

They say that when we’re most challenged is when we’re most ready for growth and change. The tests are to make us uncomfortable because we’ve outgrown our surrounds or comfort zones and need new horizons. The discomfort is a prod to MOVE.

The Four and Five of Wands combine to make this month ahead feel a bit like that. So don’t react harshly or deeply to the ‘symptoms’ as such. See them as the signals they truly are, and seek to find the root causes of the change they are trying to provoke.

Temperance reveals this will ignite a process of shifting sands and change from now until December. You ARE outgrowing something, someone or someplace, and it might take a bit of time to mentally process that, figure out what it means for you, and find that vital next step. Leaving a comfort zone is always a bit difficult but it’s also always for the best, and you’ll back with relief and gratitude that this change was prompted.


(Queen of Coins, Nine of Coins, Six of Cups)

libra star sign horoscope
Cosmopolitan UK - Hearst Owned

Practical energy all around you this November, Libra, with the can-do, pragmatic, materialistic Nine and Queen of Coins. Home, health, wealth, and work are under the microscope. You are looking for ways to accelerate towards your long term ideals and vision. You are looking to step up, take control, and activate habits and practices in the here and now that will help you towards success and sustained growth and stability in the future. Laying the right foundations, so to speak. Maybe it’s a good idea to enlist professional advice, or even a mentor or coach.

The Six of Cups shows, in a roundabout way, you’re emulating something from childhood. Perhaps remembering a parent or grandparent’s journey and where they were at your age, maybe thinking about family history and health, or realising what you may inherit down the line (or not). Perhaps you're seeking to replicate the kind of home you loved as a child, maybe remembering a teacher’s advice or prediction for you and wanting to prove them right (or wrong). Look back, use what’s useful, and then look ahead.


(The Hierophant, King of Wands, King of Swords)

scorpio star sign horoscope
Cosmopolitan UK - Hearst Owned

Kings and Hierophants (sometimes called the Pope card) for you this month, so there’s a strong masculine, traditional, regal, leadership-type energy around you this November. Wands and Swords are also both masculine suits (representing Fire and Air respectively).

We each make our own version of the world. How we see things, what we value and build, what we reject and suppress, what we connect to and join in with. Take these decisions seriously and consciously design and create your version of the world around you in the image you want it to be. You are the King, so to speak, of your realm. Feel like it, act like it, wield power like it. Make your own reality and project it outwards. You are a powerful star sign, a strong force in the world. Step into this power now.


(Three of Swords, Seven of Swords, Seven of Cups)

sagittarius star sign horoscope
Cosmopolitan UK - Hearst Owned

You are a magnet for all kinds of folk because you’re a charismatic, vital Fire sign with lucky, positive, abundant Jupiter energy and a mutable personality so you can adapt to others easily. All great news, right? Well, yes, until you attract the wrong kinda energy and don’t protect yourself.

The Three and Seven of Swords are both cards of shady energy, unwholesome characters, jealous haters, and people who don’t have your best interests at heart. The answer to this predicament? GET RID.

The Seven of Cups asks you to obey your gut instincts here and simply withdraw, step away, retreat, block, or quit. Get away from the source of the negativity and spiral off into other, happier realms. This is your tarot guide telling you it’s okay to ghost people sometimes! You’re too good to waste on folk with poor intentions.


(Page of Wands, Queen of Wands, Five of Swords)

everything to know about a capricorn and their traits
Cosmopolitan UK - Hearst Owned

You are typically rather adverse to speaking out, expressing your full feelings and intentions, or engaging in spiky dialogue with others that you don’t feel totally in control of. Interaction and honesty is a dangerous combination, right? Right.

Well, the Five of Swords shows that you’re engaged in some tension or outright conflict, and the Page and Queen of Wands are both urging you to engage fully and openly in it. You need to say what’s on your mind and put that into the mix, rather than preserving a (safe but unhelpful) frosty silence. If you’d rather write it in an email, message or letter, then do. But do put your words out there one way or another.

Don’t let this situation fester or fuel onwards without your active participation. It doesn’t mean you have to fight, it just means you have to assert a point of view and stand your ground. This is the way to a fair, balanced outcome all round.


(Six of Wands, Seven of Coins, The Hanged Man)

aquarius star sign horoscope
Cosmopolitan UK - Hearst Owned

Frustration might have been a theme recently, feeling stuck or in a limbo. The Hanged Man enters the story when we’re fighting a situation we can’t change, or when we’re resisting what already exists. The answer is typically surrender. Letting this reality settle and letting ourselves adapt to it; seeing it from other angles and perspectives than our own. Through one of those lenses is the way forwards.

The Six of Wands shows you will truly benefit from being the one to change vs forcing a change onto the world. You are ready to enter into a phase of success and prosperity but it is triggered by a shift in your own outlook and behaviour. The same ways will just keep getting the same results.

Seven of Coins is another nudge to let go of the old, stop holding on to what you think is right, be open-minded. When you start to change… so will this situation.


(Judgment, The Lovers, Five of Coins)

pisces star sign horoscope
Cosmopolitan UK - Hearst Owned

We are all a work in progress. We are all flawed, struggling, trying and growing. And it’s okay. You don’t need to worry about anything other than being your authentic self. Wherever you’re at in this life story, and whatever you’re dealing with - the good, bad, and ugly. It’s all valid, it’s all experience, it’s all part of the unique canvas of YOU.

The Five of Coins shows your hardships and challenges in 2024 have ignited rapid and significant personal growth. The Lovers shows it has been quite a whirlwind, and a turbulent ride at times. Your emotions have been very mixed, very intense, very unpredictable. That phase has passed. As the year closes down, Judgment comes to into play. You feel more yourself than ever, you appreciate and love your strengths, flaws, quirks, and life story. You embrace this journey. And in this high vibration state, the things MEANT for you will come. An amazing month awaits.

For your own unique and personal tarot forecast, visit Kerry's TarotBella page. Join The Tarot Club here.

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