Here's what Scorpio season has in store for your sign, according to an astrologer

scorpio season 2024
Scorpio season horoscopes for all zodiac signs Hearst Owned

Of course you are; you were born ready. In fact, this is your time to shine.

Perhaps ‘shine’ isn’t the right word. Retreat to a hidden cabin in a forest glade with squirrels for neighbours. Brew up a pumpkin spice power-potion in a candlelit kitchen. Dance barefoot on dew-soaked grass beneath a Full Moon at midnight. These activities all feel a little more appropriate to ignite the witch within.

Between 22nd October and 21st November, the Sun slinks through the constellation of Scorpio. This is the zodiac sign associated with transformation, mystery, power and magnetism. It is commonly represented by the scorpion – the lurking arachnid that thrives in darkness and carries venom in its stinging tail but will strike only when threatened or backed into a corner.

We’re wise to be wary of the scorpion’s pinch and sting, and if you are close to a Scorpio individual then you’ll already be aware of their tendency to protect themselves and their emotions. Those who align strongly with Scorpio energy only reveal their inner selves when they feel safe. They can have a defensive, somewhat secretive nature. They will keep their cards close to their chest at all costs and may even claim they’re not playing the game. Rest assured though; a Scorpio is always aware of the cards in your hand.

Scorpio energy is greatly linked to death and rebirth. This is a season to embrace the art of transformation, allowing yourself to dive deep into your shadows and emerge stronger, much as the scorpion sheds its exoskeleton as it grows. What’s been keeping you small? Where do you want to crack free? Investigating, uncovering and purging are all a crucial part of the next four weeks.

This is why we’re inclined – and encouraged – to retreat into the darkness during Scorpio Season. You don’t need to become a hermit and cut off all communication with the outer world. However, do allow that gentle pull of introspection to lead you to confront your inner truths.

If you have an urge to shed old patterns, break a sabotaging habit or banish a toxic mindset for good, then this is your season for cultivating that necessary resilience. Embrace your inner Miss Marple and get curious about your motivations, responses and passions. Peel back some layers. Probe into the darker corners. What’s hiding there? In the UK, the clocks change during this season, which is the ideal invitation to embrace longer nights and lean into the mysteries that darkness reveals.

All zodiac signs have at least one planetary ruler, but with the discovery of the 'modern' planets—Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto—in the years following 1780, a few signs gained a second, deeper influence.

Scorpio is traditionally governed by Mars, the planet of drive, passion, and conflict. However, with Pluto’s discovery in 1930, Scorpio took on a dual rulership. While Mars embodies outward strength, assertiveness, and raw energy, Pluto symbolises the hidden forces of transformation, power, and deep psychological shifts. Together, they emphasise Scorpio’s intense and penetrating nature.

Because of this, Scorpio is often assumed to be a fire sign - flammable, combustible and volatile. In reality, Scorpio is a fixed water sign, embodying the deep, unshakable emotional currents that flow beneath the surface. At its lower vibrational level, Scorpio energy can manifest as manipulative, secretive or as a need for control. During Scorpio season, expect issues surrounding power, desire, and emotional entanglements to rise up. However, your cosmic challenge during this time is to channel this intensity into transformation and empowerment rather than dominance.

It's no surprise that Scorpio season coincides with the celebration of Hallowe'en on 31st October, also known as Samhain (pronounced sow-in, in case you were wondering). This ancient Celtic festival marked the end of the harvest and the beginning of winter, often referred to as the ‘dark half of the year’. It is a mystical time when the veil between our physical world and the spirit realm is believed to be thinnest, allowing spirits, ancestors and otherworldly beings to cross the boundary more easily.

This is a time to ask yourself: What am I honouring? Am I acknowledging the wisdom and guidance of my ancestors? Am I embracing the cycles of death and rebirth in my own life?

Samhain – celebrated from 31st October to 1st November - was also considered one of the best times of the year for divination, as the spiritual energies were particularly strong. Methods like scrying, tarot, and rune reading were often practiced, as it was believed that insights into the future could be more easily obtained.

It just so happens that this year, on the 1st of November, a powerful New Moon in Scorpio brings the ideal opportunity for deep reflection, release, and regeneration, as well as cultivating a connection to your mystical side and listening to the gentle whispers of your intuition.

It won’t necessarily be a ‘comfortable’ new Moon – issues of power dynamics, pride, jealousy and authenticity may come to the surface as Scorpio’s rulers Mars and Pluto face off to one another in the cosmos – but it sure as heck is going to be a potent moment to set intentions around emotional rebirth, personal power, and inner transformation. It is a time to release yourself of grievances from the past and, for goodness sake, let go of the grudge you’ve been harbouring. Tough love time: You’re not harming anyone but yourself by keeping that resentment alive.

Two weeks after a New Moon we are always granted a Full Moon and use the glowing light of this phase to notice what is coming to the surface regarding out blocks, obstacles and resistances. The Full Moon on the 15th November occurs when the Sun is in Scorpio and the Moon sits directly opposite in the sign of the bougie, comfort-loving bull. Taurus energy is creative, fertile and abundant, but has a tendency to cling too tightly to the physical and material world, becoming overly concerned with comfort, possessions, and financial stability.

This Full Moon is the perfect time to release yourself from over-attachment to material security, from fears of scarcity, or from the desire to control and accumulate. Over this Full Moon take a moment to ask yourself: Where am I holding on too tightly? What comforts am I relying on as a form of emotional safety?

There are a few more cosmic transits to acknowledge during this period. On November 3rd, Mars leaves Cancer, where it has spent the last eight weeks and may have resulted in heightened emotional sensitivity or a drive to focus on your home life or your nurturing side. Now Mars is ready to hot-foot it into the bold, brazen fire sign of Leo, where Mars dons its regal, ermine-lined coat and glittering crown. Leo energy is warm-hearted, generous, and wants to be noticed for its creative talents, so this is an ideal few weeks to showcase your skills and pursue your passions. However, the low vibrations of Mars in Leo are arrogance and overindulgence, so watch out for impulsiveness and a need for excessive attention.

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Pluto, Scorpio’s modern ruler, is also on the move. On November 19th, two days before the Sun enters Sagittarius, Pluto edges into Aquarius, where it will remain for the next 20 years. This triggers a period of transformation and innovation in collective ideals and societal structures. You may want to use this shift to ponder your personal goals, embrace new perspectives, and explore how you can grow in alignment with the changing world around you. On a more practical note, you can consider how technology and community can reshape your future and what role you want to play in this evolving landscape.

The less intense planets are sashaying into new signs as well, and Venus kicks up her heels, dons her power-suit and struts into Capricorn on 11thNovember. This is a time to focus on building solid relationships – both in your love life and your career - but watch out for rigidity, or a tendency to prioritise work or status over your emotional connections. Balance is needed during this transit!

Finally, if you’re seeking a little more structure in your life or are keen to establish clearer goals, then Saturn stationing direct in Pisces on 15th November is just the boost you need. The planet of boundaries and discipline has been retrograde since June 29th, encouraging us to reassess our dreams and emotional boundaries. Now it will be direct until next summer, and we can use this cosmic momentum to cultivate more stability and focus on the laying the foundation stones for your creative visions.

Scorpio Season has the potential to be truly transformative – if you open yourself to the glimmering magic all around you, whilst also granting yourself permission to go deep.

As the natural world turns inward, this is your witchy cue to reflect on what you need to let go of, what shadows you need to confront, and how you can harness your inner enchantress to alchemise an empowered, unapologetic version of your most magnetic self.

Horoscopes for Scorpio season 2024

These are your horoscopes for the Scorpio Season. Read primarily for your Rising and for your Sun sign if you’d like extra insight.


Scorpio season is always an intense and mystical time for you Aries, as the Sun moves through your 8th House of transformation, intimacy, and shared resources. Don’t hold back from diving into a mystical time of reflection and renewal – you’ll emerge stronger than you thought possible. Allow yourself to explore themes of emotional vulnerability, and if a lingering fear or shadow from the past arises, this is your cue to face it head on and clear the path ahead for brighter future days.

Complexities in joint finances, investments, contracts or toxic entanglements with individuals could arise, so use this season to let go of what no longer serves you and embrace this season as an opportunity for profound growth and healing. You might also be challenged to bare your soul or open to trust and vulnerability, so use the New Moon to set powerful intentions around the transformation of your ability to be intimate with others.

As Mars, your ruling planet, moves into Leo then you’ll be visited by a fiery urge to express yourself, whether through artistic projects or romantic connections. Channel this sizzling energy into something that fuels your soul but beware of impulsivity or ego clashes. Keep your focus on creating joy rather than sparking unnecessary drama!


With the Sun now shining in your 7th House of partnerships and relationships during Scorpio season, the spotlight is on your connections - both personal and professional.

This is a time to examine how you show up in relationships and what you truly need from others. Whether you're deepening an existing bond or reassessing your partnerships, this is a key period for making necessary changes that bring balance and harmony into your life. Allow yourself to be vulnerable and honest with those close to you, as Scorpio season can help strengthen your connections through emotional depth and authenticity.

Your ruler, Venus, moves into Capricorn and your 9th House, sparking a desire for adventure, higher learning, and expanding your horizons. This is a time to dive into new experiences that enrich your soul - whether through travel, study, or exploring new philosophies. Venus in Capricorn also suggests a more practical approach to these pursuits, so think long-term and focus on what will bring lasting value to your life.

The Full Moon in Taurus is especially important for you, as it lights up your 1st House of identity and self. This lunar energy brings clarity to your personal goals, urging you to reflect on how far you’ve come in the last six months. It’s a powerful moment to reassess your self-worth, let go of limiting beliefs, and embrace the confidence to stand tall in who you are. Use this Full Moon to celebrate your achievements and realign with your authentic self.


As the Sun moves through Scorpio and your 6th House of health, work, and daily routines, this is a perfect time to focus on the details of your everyday life. Scorpio season invites you to make meaningful changes, especially when it comes to your habits and wellness.

Use this energy to fine-tune your routines, clear out clutter, or address any lingering issues in your work environment. Remember, Scorpio energy loves to shed and purge, so think about how you can embrace the theme of refinement – whether it’s improving your productivity or committing to a healthier lifestyle.

The New Moon in Scorpio in your 6th House offers a fresh start—set intentions around your work-life balance, health routines, or even the way you show up in your job. Whether it’s committing to a half marathon, buying a Nutri-bullet, updating your CV or perfecting your business plan, this is your time to lay the groundwork for lasting change in these areas, so think carefully about where you want to direct your energy.

Mars moves Leo and your 3rd House, infusing you with a burst of mental energy and igniting your communication skills. This is perfect for engaging in important conversations or getting creative with how you express yourself. Ask for more authority, send that email that promotes your talents, fine-tune your novel or reconnect with your flair for the written word, and look out for ways you can embrace leadership or self-expression in your local community.


With the Sun now shining in your 5th House of creativity, romance, and self-expression during Scorpio season, this is a vibrant time to embrace your passions and let your inner artist shine.

Scorpio energy encourages you to delve deeper into what brings you joy, whether it's pursuing a new creative project, rekindling a romance, or simply indulging in fun experiences. Allow yourself to explore your desires and take risks that enhance your personal happiness; this season is about celebrating your unique talents and expressing your authentic self.

As Venus moves into Capricorn and your 7th House of partnerships on November 11th, the focus shifts to your relationships. This is a time to seek balance and harmony in your connections, emphasising commitment and stability. Venus in Capricorn encourages you to approach your partnerships with a practical mindset, so consider how you can nurture these bonds while also setting healthy boundaries.

Additionally, with Saturn stationing direct in your 9th House of higher learning and adventure, you may feel inspired to broaden your horizons and pursue knowledge that enriches your life. Use this energy to set long-term goals related to your personal growth, whether through travel, education, or exploring new philosophies.

You might use this planetary pivot to book a ticket, commit to a workshop or sign up for a course, or maybe it’s finally time to reveal your skills as a mentor. Embrace this period as an opportunity for expansion and self-discovery.


As the Sun illuminates your 4th House of home, family, and emotional foundations during Scorpio season, this is an ideal time to focus on your inner world and create a sense of stability in your personal life.

Scorpio energy invites you to dig deep into your roots, reassess your living situation, and address any unresolved emotional issues within your family dynamics. The New Moon in Scorpio is especially significant for you, as it offers a fresh start in your domestic sphere. Set intentions around your home life, whether it's initiating a home improvement project, fostering deeper connections with family, or embracing self-care practices that nurture your emotional well-being.

Mark November 3rd in your calendar, as this is when Mars moves into your 1st House and imbues you with a surge of energy and confidence, empowering you to assert yourself and pursue your desires. This is your time to shin, Leo! Embrace leadership roles, take on new challenges, and express your individuality boldly. Mars in Leo ignites your passion and creativity, so channel this energy into pursuits that truly resonate with your heart.

Take note that as Pluto transitions into your 7th House of partnerships, you may experience profound transformations in your relationships over the coming years. This cosmic shift encourages you to explore the deeper dynamics at play in your connections, prompting you to embrace authenticity and address any imbalances. Use this time to cultivate meaningful relationships that align with your true self and let go of those that no longer serve your growth.


With the Sun now shining in your 3rd House of communication, learning, and local connections during Scorpio season, this is a perfect time to enhance your mental engagement and expand your network. Scorpio energy encourages you to dive deep into your interests, whether that’s pursuing a new study, honing your skills, or engaging in meaningful conversations.

Use this season to express your ideas with confidence and seek out opportunities for collaboration, as your words have the power to inspire others. The Taurus Full Moon bridging your 3rd and 9th Houses brings heightened awareness to your beliefs and communication style. This is a powerful moment to reflect on your worldview and consider how your local experiences align with your broader aspirations.

Take time to reassess any limiting beliefs and set intentions for expansion- be it through travel, education, or exploring new philosophies. How are you ready to commit to broadening your horizons? As Venus moves into Capricorn and your 5th House of creativity and romance, the focus shifts to nurturing your passions and enjoying life’s pleasures. This energy encourages you to indulge in creative pursuits, explore new hobbies, or deepen your romantic connections with a practical approach.

Virgo loves to organise, so engage that Earth energy and make grounded plans to honour all of these things! This is emphasised as Saturn stations direct in your 7th House of partnerships. It’s time to build solid foundations in your relationships, and the shift encourages you to establish clear boundaries and commitments so you can enjoy healthier dynamics in both personal and professional connections.


As the Sun illuminates your 2nd House of values, possessions, and self-worth during Scorpio season, this is an excellent time to reflect on what truly matters to you. Scorpio energy encourages you to dig deep into your relationship with money and material resources, prompting you to reassess your priorities and establish a more solid foundation for your finances.

Focus on enhancing your self-esteem and recognising the value you bring to the table, rather than needing external validation. The Full Moon bridging your 2nd and 8th Houses highlights themes of shared resources and intimacy. This is a powerful moment to evaluate your financial partnerships and emotional bonds, encouraging you to let go of any unhealthy attachments or limiting beliefs around abundance.

Set intentions around creating balance between what you own and what you share with others, and use the light of this Full Moon to consider how you can cultivate deeper connections in your intimate relationships. As your ruling planet Venus moves into Capricorn and your 4th House of home and family, the focus shifts to nurturing your emotional foundations. This energy encourages you to create a sense of stability and security in your living environment. Take time to beautify your home, strengthen family ties, and prioritise self-care practices that enhance your emotional well-being.

Finally, with Saturn stationing direct in your 6th House of health and daily routines, it’s time to bring structure and discipline into your everyday life. This shift invites you to establish healthy habits that support your well-being and productivity. Use this renewal of grounding energy to find a balance between your creative expression and the responsibilities you’re now ready to take on!


It’s your season, Scorpio! And you know better than anyone the power of transformation, intensity and regeneration. As the Sun moves through your 1st House of identity and self-expression during Scorpio season, this is your time to embrace your true essence and assert your individuality. This energy empowers you to focus on personal growth, self-discovery, and how you present yourself to the world. Dive deep into what makes you feel authentic, and don't hesitate to showcase your unique qualities.

This season encourages you to take charge of your narrative and step confidently into the spotlight. With your traditional ruler Mars moving into Leo and your 10th House of career and public life, you’ll experience a surge of ambition and determination to pursue your professional goals.

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This is an excellent time to assert yourself in your career, take on leadership roles, and make bold moves toward your aspirations. Channel this dynamic energy into projects that align with your passions, and don’t shy away from seeking recognition for your hard work.

Additionally, as your modern ruler Pluto transitions into Aquarius and your 4th House of home and family, you may encounter profound transformations in your emotional foundations and domestic life. This shift invites you to explore deeper emotional patterns and family dynamics, encouraging you to cultivate a nurturing environment that reflects your true self.

Whether it’s making a vision board for your future home, investigating potential house moves, committing to a DIY project or reconnecting to a family member, embrace this time of introspection and renewal to create a sense of stability and authenticity in your home life.


Scorpio Season is an especially spiritual time for you Sagittarius, as the Sun moves through your 12th House aka the darkness before the dawn and The House of Things That Can’t Be Seen. Not as spooky as it sounds – this is simply the part of your chart associated with introspection, emotions, dreams and spiritual growth. This makes the next four weeks a prime time for reflection and recharging.

Scorpio energy encourages you to dive deep into your subconscious, confront old patterns, and let go of anything that no longer serves you. Use this period to focus on healing, meditation, or simply retreating from the world to gain clarity on your inner world. This is a season of renewal, preparing you for the fresh start that comes when the Sun enters your sign.

As Mars moves into Leo and your 9th House of higher learning, travel, and philosophy, you’ll feel energised to explore new horizons and expand your worldview. Whether through travel, study, or engaging with new ideas, this is a time to pursue experiences that broaden your perspective and fuel your sense of adventure.

Then, with Venus moving into Capricorn and your 2nd House of finances and self-worth, the focus shifts to building stability in your material world. Venus in Capricorn encourages a practical approach to your resources, making this an ideal time to assess your finances, invest in long-term security, or explore new ways to increase your income. How do these two dynamics – of long term security and expanding your horizons via travel or education – support one another?


With the Sun now illuminating your 11th House of friendships, community, and long-term goals during Scorpio season, this is a time to focus on your social connections and the bigger picture of your aspirations. Scorpio energy invites you to engage deeply with your networks, cultivating meaningful collaborations and strengthening your bonds with like-minded individuals. Use this period to reflect on your role within your community and how your relationships can support your long-term vision.

As Venus moves into Capricorn and your 1st House of self on November 11th, the spotlight turns to you. This transit boosts your charm, confidence, and self-worth, making it a great time to focus on self-care and personal appearance. Venus in your sign encourages you to embrace your individuality and approach your personal goals with grace and practicality. It’s also an excellent moment to attract positive attention, whether in relationships or professional pursuits. Make a date, switch up your look, sprinkle your charm far and wide, and welcome a new chapter in love and values.

With Mars moving into Leo and your 8th House of transformation, shared resources, and intimacy, you’ll feel a surge of intensity in your emotional and financial relationships. Mars in this position drives you to confront deep, transformative issues - whether around shared finances, emotional intimacy, or personal power.

Use the combination of these powerful planetary energy to address any lingering challenges in these areas and to embrace change that leads to growth and deeper connections.


As the Sun shines in your 10th House of career, reputation, and public life during Scorpio season, your focus shifts to your professional ambitions and how you’re perceived by the world. This is a powerful time to pursue your goals, take charge in your career, and make strides toward your long-term success.

Scorpio's transformative energy encourages you to be strategic and tap into your inner resilience to make lasting progress. Use this time to solidify your professional plans and showcase your leadership abilities.

Let’s not forget that Pluto moves into Aquarius, where the planet of intense transformation will sit for the next twenty years. This marks the beginning of a profound evolution in how you see yourself and how you present yourself to the world. Over the coming years, you’ll undergo deep personal changes, shedding old layers and embracing a more authentic version of yourself. This powerful transit invites you to redefine your identity and align more closely with your true self, sparking growth and empowerment from the inside out.

With Mars moving into Leo and your 7th House of partnerships, expect a burst of energy in your one-on-one relationships. Mars in Leo brings passion and assertiveness into your partnerships, making it a great time to pursue new collaborations or invigorate existing ones. It’s time to turn up the temperature with your lover, fearlessly ask someone on a date, or look for chances to engage in dynamic teamwork.

Remember that in some cases, confrontations can occur if tensions arise. Use this period to address relationship challenges directly and embrace opportunities for mutual growth and empowerment.


With the Sun now lighting up your 9th House of travel, higher learning, and personal growth during Scorpio season, you're encouraged to expand your horizons and embrace new perspectives. This is a time for exploration, Pisces. Whether through travel, education, or diving into new philosophies, notice what you are intuitively drawn towards.

Scorpio’s deep, transformative energy invites you to reflect on your beliefs and seek experiences that challenge and inspire you. Use this season to broaden your worldview and focus on what fuels your personal growth. As Venus moves into Capricorn and your 11th House of friendships and long-term goals, your social life becomes more grounded and purposeful.

This transit encourages you to connect with like-minded people and collaborate on projects that align with your future aspirations. Venus in Capricorn is an ideal time to build meaningful connections that support your ambitions. Looking for love or keen to create inspired partnerships in the workplace? Think about how you can leverage your networks and friendship groups to help you.

Finally, with Saturn stationing direct in Pisces and your 1st House of identity, you’ll feel a renewed sense of focus and responsibility when it comes to your personal development. Use this cosmic shift to step into your authority and consider where you want to pave the first brick for a solid future foundation. You don’t thrive on boundaries or discipline Pisces, but Saturn’s energy gives you a celestial boost take a structured, practical approach to shaping your identity and charting the path forward.

Zodiac compatibility explained

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