Guys Are Getting Honest And Revealing Things Women Do That Give Them The Ick, And Even I Think Some Of These Are Valid

A while back, I came across this Reddit thread that caught my eye about men's turn-offs when it comes to dating. I'm one who always loves hearing people's take on this topic, so I honestly lost myself going down a rabbit hole reading the many responses to this thread. Here is what some people had to say:

a man looking shocked

1."One for when you're in a relationship — when you're with friends and they become distinctly less pleasant to you than when you're alone — like, making fun of you and making jokes at your expense which they usually would not make. I have had it in more than one relationship. What is that about?"


2."Over-the-top solipsism. That whole 'I don't perceive it that way, therefore the way you perceive it cannot be valid' mindset."


justin timberlake making an annoyed face at the camera

3."Loudly empathizing with every cause and group on the planet but treating people in their personal lives like trash."


4."Mentioning their ex constantly."


a man frowning

5."I think not taking accountability is the biggest one. If you messed up, were rude, incorrect, or whatever, and then you never apologize or admit fault is so unattractive. Just own it and apologize like a grown-up."


6."Denigrating and emasculating men who show emotions. It's honestly one of the most fucked up things anyone can do to another person."


7."One time, an ex screamed at her 2-year-old nephew. Instantly unattractive."


a man looking confused

8."When they think a toxic trait of theirs is cute or quirky. There's a big difference between being blunt in a respectful way and being rude."


9."I appreciate that you have been in previous relationships where someone lied and/or cheated on you, but don't spend your entire single life trying to catch me in some lie so you can have your self-fulfilling prophecy that all men are liars."


10."Lie about how they feel."


"My ex did this. Every time I’d ask her how she was, I’d get 'I’m ok' even when she clearly wasn’t. I’d have to drag anything except 'I’m ok' out of her. It was exhausting."


11."Giving the silent treatment. I've hated it for the longest time — when you do something wrong and you try to apologize and they say nothing is even worse. It's just hurtful."


12."When they always talk about themselves and never ask you anything at all so the entire thing just revolves around her. Not even like 'How was your day?' or 'Are you ok?' — nope, it's just always about them and the attention."


13."Letting their phone be a distraction from being present."

a person saying, "it's the worst."
Rooster Teeth

14."When they lie or do something hurtful, then play victim so you end up comforting them for what they did even though you want to cry."


15."Not having equal expectations in a relationship. Not contributing equally to a relationship."


16."Faking feelings, interest, enjoyment, etc. to get something out of a guy. Anything that is disingenuously done in a calculated, manipulated way is very gross."


17."This girl said 'sowwie' to me trying to be cute, and I instantly lost interest in her."

a young guy in school rolling his eyes

18."When someone treats social media as a diary. Big unhinged vibes."


19."Trying to control what I do. If I wanna hang out with friends, it doesn't mean I don't love you or don't want to be with you — it just means I want to see my friends. If I spend time on my hobby, it doesn't mean I don't love you or want to be with you; it means I want to spend time on my hobby. When they get angry or upset for no reason at all."


If you have any turn-offs you want to share, add it in the comments below!

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.