Exclusive: Ola Jordan reveals Ella's tears over missing dad James during Strictly tour

Ola Jordan with her daughter, Ella
Ola Jordan with her daughter, Ella (Ola Jordan)

It's been a stressful time in the Jordan household. James Jordan has been busy with the Strictly Legends of the Dancefloor tour, meaning long stretches of time away from his family, and little Ella has really been missing her dad.

Ola Jordan chats to HELLO! in her latest column about getting to grips with their brand new routine now that daughter Ella has started big schooland James is out on the road.

The former Strictly Come Dancing pro also shares how she's embracing getting back to exercising at home now Ella is at school, and how she's keen for her four-year-old daughter to take part in all the exciting clubs and activities going on…

Ola and Ella Jordan
Ella recently started big school

Ella adjusting to her school routine

Ella is getting on fine at school. In the morning, she turns around to me and says: "Mummy, I love you" and blows kisses through the gate. Even the other mums are laughing and saying, "She's so cute!"

One of my friends works at school during lunchtime and she said to her, "Is Ella happy or sad?" and she replied, "Calm". Well, she's never calm at home so I don't know where that came from! But at least she's not sad.

Don't miss

She's made some new friends and her best friend Thea is still there, but she's in a different class. We always meet up before school and walk together and then she goes through the gates with Thea so it's easier for Ella to process.

Thea is six months older, she's already five, so she holds Ella's hand and says: "Come on, Ella!" because she's a bit more excited to go in, but when Ella goes in without Thea she struggles more.

I've also made some mum friends, it's nice. I cried on the first day but I'm alright now!

Ella Jordan in her school uniform
Ella Jordan in her school uniform (Ola Jordan)

At home fitness

I've been doing more workouts at home. During school holidays, you sort of get a bit lost and you don't have time, but now I'm on my own since Ella is at school and James is away, it's nice to have my own routine too.

I don't have a 9 to 5 job so it's easy for me to do compared to other people. I drop Ella off, then do my workout, then I'm free to do whatever I need to do for the rest of the day.

It's nice when Ella comes back home because she's so tired and hungry as soon as she finishes school. I eat my dinner with her and then we just go to bed, so I've been getting loads of sleep and have been in bed by 9 pm, and that's really early for me – we've got this great routine going on.

Ella is sleeping in my bed at the moment and since James is touring, there's loads of space and it is really lovely. But of course, we do miss him!

Ella dancing along to Strictly

We're watching Strictly together, she seems to enjoy it. Although I can't really watch it properly, to be honest, because she dances in front of the TV saying, "Mummy, video me!"

She's still doing her dance classes and her gymnastics on a Tuesday. I'm also going to sign her up for Panto at school so she can learn dance and singing. Plus, she's got swimming lessons at the weekend. Call me a pushy mum!

Quality time

I've been doing lots of other mum stuff recently, I've been taking her on her scooter and her bike. I've also been cleaning the car which is unlike me, that was James's job!

We've been doing things together, we went to an event in London, a digital store event and then went to a museum afterwards which Ella loved, it was called the Twist Museum in Oxford Street. She even asked to go again!

Ella Jordan in London recently
Ella Jordan in London recently (Instagram)

James on tour

James is really enjoying the tour but he's finding it so tiring. It's a lot of travelling and they are in a different venue every night.

Even if they have a matinee, they leave early around eight o'clock in the morning to get there to do the first and second shows.

But it's nice to see him enjoying it and he gets to be with the boys on tour.

I went to see the show in London, which was amazing. It was so good and so much fun, I actually laughed through the whole thing. I didn't expect it to be that funny! If you're a big Strictly fan, you'll get it.

James is touring with Strictly Legends of the Dancefloor

I think the idea for a female version is there, but the problem is that most of the women have babies and children. I think in reality, I would prefer to be at home having cuddles than being on tour.

I'd be stressing! James would be amazing, but I just don't want to be away from her. I had her later in life and I went through a lot of trouble to have her, I wouldn't want to leave her for two months to go on tour.

When we're cuddling in bed I think, "I don't want to give this up", it's a really special time.

Ella Jordan watching her dad rehearse for his tour
Ella Jordan watching her dad rehearse for his tour (Instagram)

James would prefer not to be away for work too, but someone's got to do it right?

Ella is missing her dad while he's away though. Generally, she's fine, but a couple of nights ago she was lying in bed and said, "Mummy I really miss my daddy."

I said to her, "We're going to go see his big show on Sunday and he's going to be on stage!" She then asked, "Mummy can I give Daddy big cuddles on Sunday?" So she is definitely missing him.

She's seen the rehearsals but she's not seen the whole show, and it's going to be a different experience for her because she'll see the audience cheering for him. I think she's going to love it but will find it strange.

Ella and James Jordan at Paulton's Park
Ella is missing her daddy while he's out on tour (James Jordan)

When we went to the rehearsals, we had a reunion with the others from Strictly and had after show drinks which was fun.

What came across to me on the stage was that they were all having fun together. And it's not like they're all competitive with each other, they were just five mates on stage together enjoying themselves. The show is amazing and I'm so proud of him.