What does angel number 2020 mean? For your love life, career and more

Do you feel like the number 2020 is just following you around right now? Maybe you buy a round of drinks for your friends and the bill comes to £20.20. Or you get a cute person's phone number at said drinks, and it ends in the digits 2020. Or maybe you take a glance at your Instagram following, and the number suddenly says 2020. What is going on?!

Well, 2020 is an angel number, and it could be trying to tell you something. Here's everything you need to know about what it could mean for you.

What is an angel number?

Angel numbers belong to the ancient esoteric system of Numerology, which works on the basis that all letters and numbers have a unique vibration frequency which fuels them with certain traits or power. Therefore, different combinations of numbers and letters (your birth date and name, for instance) are like codes, infused with meaning and potential.

Angel numbers are repetitive number sequences which appear to you in everyday life and are sent by angels trying to get your attention. The numbers are a coded message, and, like a signal, it will keep on repeating until you notice it and take action!

There are usually just 3 or 4 numbers in total i.e. 11:11 is the most common. You might notice them on digital clocks, locker codes, your phone, receipts, car number plates, your bank data, timers, even in your dreams. Your task is to notice the number, crack the code, and act upon its message… and then the numbers will disappear again.

what does angel number 2020 mean
Artwork by Jaime - Getty Images

What does angel number 2020 mean?

A double combination of number 2 (co-operation, faith, relationships) and 0 (potential growth, a new journey or ambition), 2020 asks you to get grounded and balanced before embarking on a new goal or quest. Feel rooted and secure in your foundations and the fundamentals of life before building on top them. Strong foundations are the key to a healthy, robust realm.

Focus on balance, moderation, harmony and security. Feel yourself rooted and planted in the certainties and nourishing, strengthening energies in your realm. And then consider - how you grow from there? What’s next? How can you build on this existing platform?

Everything happens for a reason, everything has a value. Trust that you’re where you need to be and have faith in that position and journey. Believe in yourself. Value your experience. There’s so much more to come but it will come when you are in balance and harmony with yourself, your realm, and your relevant opportunities.

What does angel number 2020 mean for my career?

Trust your intuition and instincts and focus on your goals with persistence and diligence. This will be a phase of evolution and steady progress, with signals and signs from divine entities to help guide you along so tune into unseen forces and omens. Notice the nudges you receive. Things may not happen overnight or in a big, dramatic way, but, step-by-step, you're edging closer to realising your potential.

Collaboration, partnership, creative co-operation and coaching may all be highly valuable right now. Hook up with people who can teach you something useful. Work alongside those who complement your energies or skills. Seek a mentor. Ask for feedback and actively use to grow. Embedding yourself in a positive, dynamic, stimulating network will do wonders for your career progress and personal development.

Embrace a positive mindset and try to ‘set’ your mood to optimistic because this is what will attract positive opportunities your way.

What does angel number 2020 mean for my love life?

This is a very positive relationship omen and has cosmic associations with twin flames, so it’s likely you’re already with yours or on the right path to meet them. Trust that fate is guiding you in the right direction and, again, listen to your intuition and instincts. Omens and signs are there to be read.

If you are in a relationship, seeing this number suggests that you should address any unbalanced or conflicting power dynamics in your partnership. Do things feel harmonious? If there is discord, how can you discuss and tackle it? Communication is key. Seek to understand things fully before taking steps.

If you’re single, this number asks you to stay super optimistic and to almost ‘force’ yourself (if you’re not feeling that way) to radiate positive intentions and happy vibes. The Universe IS guiding you in the right direction, don’t scupper it, and keep tuning in to the little signs and nudges you will be receiving. New romance lies ahead, very soon. Visiting new places, doing different activities, expanding your circle, seeking fresh landscapes will all help accelerate this connection.

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