45 Pictures That Will Unlock Core Memories From Way Down In The Deepest Part Of Your Brain

1.Those big old clunky soda machine buttons:


2.Running out of the car to drop a movie through this:

a customer returns a video game to a Blockbuster store

3.The hotel struggle:

Facebook: 1990skidsonly

4.The most glorious meal:

Twitter: @alyssabeloney

5.That one ball:

purple inflatable ball

6.The wet grass on your feet that never went away:

7.That field trip air:

tweet reading the air on the morning of field trips hit different

8.That one clock:

Facebook: wesley.h.davis

9.The magical power of a good HAW HAW:

tweet reading i'm this old with isopropyl alcohol and a CD

10.Walking into Blockbuster and feeling the endless possibilities:

blockbuster aisle

11.Seeing the world in Ruler-Vision:

ruler held up to eyes to see the world through it

12.Those ol' crinkly insides of a VHS tape case:

VHS tape case

13.Stabbing the life out of an eraser:

A two-panel meme features an eraser on the left. On the right, it has been punctured with a pencil. Text: "My brain: Do it. Me: Why? My brain: Just do it. Me: Ok."

14.Racing those drops:

racing rain drops

15.Getting change from this exact machine:

change machine

16.Spending way too long flipping through posters you never bought:

A display rack in front of a tropical beach mural holds numerous rolled posters. An image of Kurt Cobain performing is prominently featured at the top

17.Having this exact fear:

A digitally altered image of a shark swimming in a swimming pool with the text: "This was probably the most irrational childhood fear that I had."

18.That one foam ball that had a big honkin' bite taken out of it:

foam ball with a bite taken out of it

19.Sliding down down this exact slide:

wooden playground

20.The place to be:

21.Those blocks that just magically appeared in classrooms:

red classroom blocks

22.The start of everyone's lying:

reading log

23.Getting hypnotized by this:

windows media player

24.Convalescing in the nurse's office:

Twitter: @kennabbby

25.The gym mats that provided absolutely zero protection:


26.The world's best toothpaste:

Facebook: 1990skidsonly

27.The two best times to fall asleep as a kid:

a classroom TV and an overhead projector

28.The holy quadrilogy:

a CD, a sharpie, limewire logo, and a dell desktop computer

29.These tongue destroyers:


30.The promised land:

N64s inside a mcdonald's

31.That loud CRACK:

text reading no one old tvs at 3am and Crack

32.Late nights in the back of a car with the Gameboy:

gameboy illuminated by a light

33.Getting nailed in the nose with one of these:

those red kickball balls

34.That unmistakable crayon smell:


35.The feeling of holding that orange tape and knowing you were in for a treat:

orange vhs tape

36.These cups just magically appearing everywhere:

disney cups

37.These plates improving the taste of food tenfold:

disney plates

38.Opening a textbook marveling at those that came before you:

textbook sign in page

39.The alpha and the omega of fruit snacks:

shark bite gummies

40.So many free CDs:

free CDs from a cereal box

41.The original engagement ring:

i love you wooden box

42.The intense minty-ness:

ice breakers liquid ice candy

43.That mystical "ball room" in the back of every elementary school gym:


44.Becoming Field Day champion:

field day ribbons

45.The lost piece devestation:

Twitter: @luxurekook

And this. Just, this:

big comfy couch screengrab

I'm... remembering...
